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Old 24.01.2009., 15:16   #1
Improve your English (in English, please!)

Ova tema je za sve one koji žele poboljšati svoje znanje engleskog jezika. Ja sam to zamislio ovako:

1. Svi postovi bi se trebali pisati na engleskom (to je prvi i ujedno glavni dio ideje, mislim da ćemo tako svi puno više napredovati, jer ćemo biti primorani razmišljati na engleskom)
2. Ljudi koji ne budu razumjeli postove mogu jednostavno napisati "molim prijevod za taj i taj dio u tom i tom postu" (na engleskom)
3. Bilo bi dobro da pitanja budu što uže vezana za engleski, recimo "Kako se na engleskom kaže ovo ili ono" ili "Je li ispravno ovako napisati na engleskom" itd, itd. (naravno to sve treba pisati na engleskom)
4. Osoba koja želi ispraviti ("učitelj") neku drugu osobu ("učenik"), odnosno nečiji krivo napisani dio teksta, može napisati "Ispravak: ,zatim citira krivo napisani tekst, pa onda napiše onako kako je ispravno",
Poslije toga tek odgovora na pitanje ili komentira.

Znam da postoje već postovi kojima je namjera učenje engleskog (recimo meni jako zanimljiv "Problemčić lingvistički (eng-hrv)" ali kako sam naslov kaže odnosi se uglavnom na eng-hrv prijevod), te mislim da nema topika (barem ga nisam našao) gdje ljudi pišu isključivo na engleskom.

Mislim da je ideja dobra i da bi nam svima mogla biti od koristi, meni sigurno jer se baš i ne mogu pohvaliti sa svojim znanjem engleskog (učim ga samostalno, dosta toga razumijem ali imam problema s konstruiranjem rečenica, odnosno s prevođenjem s hrvatskog na engleski)

Dakle, od ovog trenutka pa nadalje

I will write only in english and I invite everyone to do the same. Please, correct me, too, if I have mistakes.
And my question is: How can I tell in English "Kako to da ne dolaziš više?"
Thanks a lot to everyone who will help me and others to improve our English!

Zadnje uređivanje colbert : 23.04.2010. at 23:12. Reason: podebljavanje bitnog
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 16:27   #2
good idea!
I am glad u are trying to improve your knowledge. The most important thing is to stay in touch with language and lately I havent been doing that.

The answer to your question is: How come you are not coming any more.

Best regards.
deda moroz is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 17:14   #3
Whoa, the only language I like from the bottom of my soul.

It's nice to see that one's trying really hard to learn English. Good for you.

Deda moroz already answered your question, so... Just keep it that way.
vermicide is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 17:20   #4
Thank you deda moroz. Can you tell me is it correct to translate "and lately I havent been doing that" as "ali u posljednje vrijeme ne radim to" ?
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 17:31   #5
forst kaže: Pogledaj post
Thank you deda moroz. Can you tell me is it correct to translate "and lately I havent been doing that" as "ali u posljednje vrijeme ne radim to" ?
'U posljednje vrijeme to nisam radio', I'd say.

Btw, you should say- 'Can you tell me if it is correct', instead of what you said, because you're using indirect questions.

f.e. 'Is it correct to translate it?'
'I'd like to know if/whether it is correct....'

If you still haven't learned that lesson, find it your dictionary and you'll understand.
vermicide is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 17:43   #6
vermicide kaže: Pogledaj post
'U posljednje vrijeme to nisam radio', I'd say.

Btw, you should say- 'Can you tell me if it is correct', instead of what you said, because you're using indirect questions.

f.e. 'Is it correct to translate it?'
'I'd like to know if/whether it is correct....'

If you still haven't learned that lesson, find it your dictionary and you'll understand.
I agree
shake12 is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 18:09   #7
Vermicide, it is wonderful! I like when someone correct me completely.
You said before two posts 'Just keep it that way'. Is it mean: "Samo nastavi tako"?

Suggestion: if we don't know whether some part of our sentence is correct, we can underline it.

What does abbrevation f.e. mean?
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 18:22   #8
forst kaže: Pogledaj post
Suggestion: if we don't know whether some part of our sentence is correct, we can underline it.
Sorry, I have just noticed that vermicide used bold sintax for this purpose. It is probably better solution.
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 18:38   #9
forst kaže: Pogledaj post
Vermicide, it is wonderful! I like when someone correct me completely.
You said before two posts 'Just keep it that way'. Is it mean: "Samo nastavi tako"?

Suggestion: if we don't know whether some part of our sentence is correct, we can underline it.

What does abbrevation f.e. mean?
No problem. And yes, you could translate it as 'Samo nastavi tako'.
'f.e.' -> for example. It's not an usual abbrevation, but I used it that way.

Oh, and you've made couple of mistakes in this post, so I'll correct those. If it bothers you, tell me and I won't do it anymore.

Somebody corrects me
Is it mean -> does it mean (I'm sure you already know that, but still), because 'Is it mean?' means 'Is it evil?'

before two posts- that is not an expression I'd use here, but I'm not sure how else to say it. 'two posts above', maybe.
vermicide is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 18:56   #10
its nice to see this thread got hot!
english is very beautiful, and most of all very simple language!
just try to play it by ear! it works for me
Vraćam se odmah!

deda moroz is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 19:03   #11
deda moroz kaže: Pogledaj post
just try to play it by ear! it works for me
maybe -Just try to listen to it as much as possible.
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 19:13   #12
that also!
as I said before: the most important is to be in touch with language as much as you can!
Vraćam se odmah!

deda moroz is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 19:15   #13
vermicide kaže: Pogledaj post
Oh, and you've made couple of mistakes in this post, so I'll correct those. If it bothers you, tell me and I won't do it anymore.
It doesn't bother me, so please, don't stop correcting my mistakes. Correct every my mistake, if you have enough energy for that. I want to say 'ispravi svaku moju pogrešku, ako ti se da, odnosno, ako imaš dovoljno volje za tako nešto.

vermicide kaže: Pogledaj post
before two posts- that is not an expression I'd use here, but I'm not sure how else to say it. 'two posts above', maybe.
I think 'two posts above' is correct.

Zadnje uređivanje forst : 24.01.2009. at 19:57.
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 19:27   #14
deda moroz kaže: Pogledaj post
good idea!
deda moroz kaže: Pogledaj post
its nice to see this thread got hot!
I'm glad that you support this tread, because I really think that writing in english is very good manner to improve it.

Zadnje uređivanje forst : 24.01.2009. at 19:38.
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:12   #15
forst kaže: Pogledaj post
I'm glad that you support this tread, because I really think that writing in english is very good manner to improve it.
Im glad you support this thread, because I relly think writing in english is very good way to improve it.

-i think way would be more suitable in this sentence
Vraćam se odmah!

deda moroz is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:29   #16
I must leave you for about 2 hours, i'm going to watch handball game of our national team. Croatia-Hungary.
forst is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:33   #17
Awwww, this topic is awesome! Although I'm often using English, I'm very happy frost opened it.
LittleStar is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:34   #18
Great idea.
But let's find some controversial topic to discuss here. And, is someone going to correct incorrect details that might appear while writing in English?
Vess is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:35   #19
yes it is
@vess I am in
in my opinion it should be political or social subject
Vraćam se odmah!

deda moroz is offline  
Old 24.01.2009., 20:36   #20
deda moroz kaže: Pogledaj post
Im glad you support this thread, because I relly think writing in english is very good way to improve it.

-i think way would be more suitable in this sentence
You can write: I'm glad that you support this tread... and you can write I'm glad you support this tread... Both versions are correct, but the first one is maybe better for people who don't know English grammar very well. When you write 'that', it is easier to understand what you are refering to.
LittleStar is offline  
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