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Old 07.03.2016., 16:33   #21
Možda ovo bude film Luc Bessona koji konačno želim pogledati. U protivnom, sa sigurnošću i bez previše egoizma tvrdim da lik snima govna nakon što je ušao u 2000-te.

Ili sam ja u nekom stadiju di ne razumijem sve te Arthure, Adèle Blanc-Secove te Nikita remejkove potkovane kozmičkom jeftinom filozofijom.
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Old 07.03.2016., 22:04   #22
Ima nas puno u tom stadiju.

Ja jedini njegov film koji mogu gledat vise puta s uzitkom je The 5th Element.
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Old 07.03.2016., 22:11   #23
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
Ima nas puno u tom stadiju.

Ja jedini njegov film koji mogu gledat vise puta s uzitkom je The 5th Element.
O, ja si uredno znam periodički pustiti Leona... pa Big Blue... Nikitu također... svakako, i Peti Element. Vidiš, njegov Subway dugo nisam gledao, morao bi ponoviti. Ali, poanta, sve je to posložio prije 2000-tih...

Dalje, ovaj Valerian... sve mi se čini da će probati potpuno isti pristup kao i u Petom Elementu gdje, za mene osobno, sredina filma apsolutno ne drži vodu. Rekao bih da je stvar u out-of-place humoru.

Čisto fun fact: The Fifth element DVD izdanje ima najgori mogući meni ikad složen.
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Old 08.03.2016., 01:01   #24
Leon mi nije bas nesto. Zadnje njegovo kaj sam gledo je bilo Lucy sa Scarlett J., i bio je ok.

Kod Valeriana mi se najvise i dopada ta slicnost sa 5th Element. Nadam se da ce bit dobar.
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Old 08.03.2016., 09:43   #25
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
Ima nas puno u tom stadiju.

Ja jedini njegov film koji mogu gledat vise puta s uzitkom je The 5th Element.
kod mene taj status ipak ima Leon profesionalac, ja taj film volim više nego što Šeks voli konjak
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Old 08.03.2016., 19:01   #26
Jesam ja jedini kojega (mladi) Luc Besson pojavom i "talentom" odmah podsjeti na jednog od finalista čuvenog prvenstva Howarda Sterna?

Dedicated follower of fashion.
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Old 08.03.2016., 23:45   #27
kit-samoubojica kaže: Pogledaj post
kod mene taj status ipak ima Leon profesionalac, ja taj film volim više nego što Šeks voli konjak
Ipak sam odraso uz SF i adventure filmove pa ono
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Old 09.03.2016., 02:22   #28
Valerian izgleda da će vući malo na Peti Element i to mi se jako sviđa, još me dodatno raduju čari današnje kinematografije što se tiče sve realnijeg i boljeg CGI i sve bi to trebalo doneti odličan blockbuster.
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Old 25.03.2016., 12:04   #29
Izasla slika Care i Danea u kostimima. Sutra izlazi jos slika - First ‘Valerian’ Photo Teams Cara Delevingne & Dane DeHaan
The story centers on Valerian (Dane DeHaan) and Laureline (Cara Delevingne), who are exploring Syrte, capital planet of a system of 1,000 worlds. Their mission is to discover whether the Syrtians could present a danger to Earth. What they find is a decaying empire led by decadent aristocrats, a population ripe for revolution, and a mysterious caste of masked wise men who discreetly pull the strings from hidden fortresses. Swept up by the winds of history, the agents of Earth will have to choose a side.

Bojim se da ce Rihanna stetiti filmu. Nju ne mogu nikako smislit kao glumicu.
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Old 25.03.2016., 19:21   #30
Izasle nove slike

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Old 22.07.2016., 16:40   #31
Stiglo malo novijih detalja oko filma o kojima se pricalo jucer na ComicConu 2016, gdje je prikazan i footage.

Footage opisan u 6 scena - Luc Besson Just Showed 7 Minutes of Valerian at Hall H
Luc Besson’s massive sci-fi epic Valerian and the Title of a Thousand Words City of a Thousand Planets might still be a year away, with months of visual effects work yet to be completed, but that didn’t stop the director from screening some footage for the very first time at the movie’s Hall H panel today. The seven-minute presentation comprised five scenes, and gave panelgoers their first look at Besson’s adaptation of the trippy ’70s French comic book—which turns out to contain a heavy dose of The Fifth Element-style humor to help leaven its hefty Fifth Element-doubling budget.

Scene 1 (Well, Scene 141, to be exact, but let’s not confuse things)
Titular space agent Valerian (Dane Dehaan) runs through a passageway, communicating with a disembodied voice we assume is his partner Laureline (Cara Delevingne). We don’t know where he’s going, but we know he’s in a hurry—until Laureline directs him to a dead end. “This leads me straight into a wall,” he says. “You said you wanted the shortest way.” And, uh, scene. (Don’t worry, there’ll be mroe)
Takeaway: Star Wars‘ stylistic debt to the original Valerian and Laureline comics is obvious here—but more importantly, we get an immediate sense of the deadpan banter between the two agents.

Scene 2
Our first look at Delevingne’s Laureline, who’s being marched down a hallway by Two Big Dudes. (One, in a super-Bessonian move, looks to be wearing a face full of pancake makeup without explanation). “Listen,” Laureline says. “I don’t want to tell you guys how to do your jobs—but don’t you think you should cuff me? First because it’s practical, but also because I’m very tempted to escape.” And then? Then, she proceeds to kicks the everloving crap out of them. “Good job, boys,” she mutters as she takes their blaster and walks away. After she turns the corner, a gaggle of tiny, hairy, dodo-beaked aliens—one of 8,000 species that Besson and his crew designed for their production bible, and one of at least 200 you’ll see in Valerian—comes out to confront her.
Takeaway: Laureline’s all out of bubble gum.

Scene 3
Inside a ship flying toward a planet, Laureline pilots, with Valerian sitting next to her. The latter is a backseat driver, and the former is clearly a terror behind the stick. They argue about her driving as they barrel closer and closer to the planet; Laureline takes her hands off the controls, and finally they burst through the planet’s cloud cover, streaking over the desert landscape below—finally landing in front of a group of six guards. Laureline and Valerian walk out of the ship, dressed in civilian clothes that wouldn’t be out of place in CBGB’s bathroom. “Where’s the band?” Valerian asks, as Laureline does a bizarre hand-jive/voguing thing. They’re in some sort of disguise, and the guards are rightly confused.
Takeaway: Fear not, comedy fans: there’s enough irreverence here for everyone.

Scene 4
Valerian walks through a red light district on an unnamed planet—the atmosphere is half Total Recall half-Blade Runner. He stops in front of a place called GLAM CLUB, and the also-unnamed blue-eyebrowed proprietor (Ethan Hawke) rushes out to solicit his business: “You like techno? Nano? Bio?” “I’m more into retro,” Valerian says. Hawke agrees, and ushers him into a room with a small stage. A woman walks onstage and sits in a chair with her back to Valerian. She turns around, and…it’s Rihanna!
Takeaway: We don’t know who the singer plays yet, but we imagine that the role was hard work, work, work, work, work.

Scene 5
The action capper of the presentation. Valerian and Laureline are on that desert planet, walking toward some sort of protective wall, when a sand creature begins chasing after them. Those guards we saw in the earlier scene usher the two onto a bus, and open fire out the back trying to keep the creature at bay. Instead, it hops onto the bus, punches through the roof, and starts swatting guards around like bowling pins. Meanwhile, the agents’ spaceship swoops out of nowhere to hover in front of the bus, and Valerian and Laureine effect a daring escape.
Takeaway Heavy shades of The Force Awakens here, but we’re not complaining.

Finale Montage
But wait, there’s more! A succession of quick cuts flies by, showing aliens of all sizes and types, and even one that looks a lot like Clive Owen. (OK, fine, it’s Clive Owen.) Then, we find ourselves back at the end of the first scene, with Valerian staring at the dead end. “Come on Valerian,” Laureline’s voice says, “It’s Comic Con.” (Shout out to Hall H pandering!) Valerian’s helmet extends out of his suit, and he bursts through the dead end into….a series of extra-dimensional scenes, each stranger than the last. There are industrial chambers, conduits that look like they’re filled with molecular models, and one jungle environment that Valerian hop-skips across like a third-person platformer videogame. (While the footage lasts for maybe 10 seconds, Besson told us that the dimension-hopping sequence will ultimately last for 45.)
Takeaway: Can that extra-dimensional gun fast-forward us to next summer so we can see the finished product already?
Spominje se da je ovaj film mozda kalibra kao i Star Wars. Znaci nesto sta bi trebalo postici ogroman uspjeh.

Luc Besson's Scifi Epic Valerian Looks Like The Fifth Element to the Fifth Power
Besson fell in love with the original comic books, Valérian and Laureline, as a child. Later in life, he met the original artist, Jean-Claude Mézières and the two collaborated on The Fifth Element. Mezieres begged Besson to adapt Valerian, but the director didn’t think it was possible. With a cast made up of 10 percent humans and 90 percent aliens, and set on a super futuristic world called Alpha, technology wasn’t ready for Valerian in 1999.

Besson felt technology was ready around 2008... but then he saw James Cameron’s Avatar, and realized he wasn’t ready anymore. In awe of the kind of world-building he wanted to accomplish himself, he threw out the script he’d written and started again. The result is the film he finished shooting five weeks ago, but still has 10 months of post-production on.

Because most of the over 2,700 visual effects shots in Valerian aren’t done yet (to compare, Fifth Element only had 200), the scenes shown were mostly just practical sets and dialogue. But they were funny, light, and very Luc Besson—lots of quippy jokes in a hyper-realized environment. One scene showed Laureline beating up two guards and leaving them tied in knots. Another had the pair flying their ship, which is shaped like an asterix, down to a sandy planet on a mission where they have to dress like local tourists. A third scene was set to “Staying Alive” by Wyclef Jean as Valerian is lured into a club run by a character played by Ethan Hawke, containing an exotic dancer played by Rihanna.
I dvije novije slike:
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Old 22.07.2016., 23:53   #32
Kamo sreće kad bi to bilo u kalibru Zvjezdanih ratova, jer Diznijeva kompanija ih je usrala do balčaka, pa da bar bude nekakav nadomjestak.
I nerođena djeca su pederi!
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Old 22.07.2016., 23:59   #33
Ja imam dojam da ce bit svega pomalo, bar sudeci po opisima scena. Total Recall, Blade Runner, 5th Element, Star Wars, i ko zna kaj jos.

Nadam se da ce taj 7-minutni footage uskoro se pojavit na netu.
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Old 23.07.2016., 08:05   #34
Kostimi izvrsni

Nadam se da neće bit za djecu, ovi glumci izgledaju bebasto

Ona je dobra, mislim, može proć, ali on ...

Izgleda da sam negdje fanboy i ja

Samo da bude kemije između njih, pola posla obavljeno
Zbogom žohari
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Old 23.07.2016., 16:52   #35
Čitao sam Valerijana u Stripoteci, bio je simpa strip, valjda će film biti dorastao. Evo za one koji ne znaju ili žele znati više
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Old 07.10.2016., 16:22   #36
Nove slike
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Old 07.10.2016., 20:35   #37
Dobar poster.

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Old 10.10.2016., 22:49   #38
Sljedeci mjesec nas ocekuje prvi trailer - Valerian Trailer Is Coming in November, Director Talks Fifth Element Comparisons
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Old 17.10.2016., 13:22   #39
i ja se sjećam valeriana iz stripoteke. besson je poznat po obožavanju bd albuma i autora, posebno moebiusa i jodorowskog, čak je bilo i tužbi prilikom izlaska petog elementa, puno je besson onomad kopirao te stripove. tako da, uzimajući sve to u obzir, čudno mi je kako se tek sada odvažio na snimanje valeriana.

btw. ono što bih ja stvarno volio vidjeti na filmu je incal, bilo je govorkanja da će ga refn snimati što ni pod razno ne bih želio vidjeti jer bi on od toga napravio svoje klasično pretenciozno izdrkavanje.
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Old 21.10.2016., 01:25   #40
Ukratko, u ono vrijeme Besson je smatrao kako filmska tehnologija nije jos bila dovoljno razvijena za snimanje Valeriana. Bar ne po njegovoj viziji;
Besson first met Mézières when the director was filming his first space opera, The Fifth Element.

"I called him to see if he wanted to participate," Besson said. "He’s the one who said, ‘Why don’t you do Valerian rather than this fucking Fifth Element?’ But at the time you just couldn’t make it. Five or seven of the characters are human, but all the rest are aliens. The technology just wasn’t ready."

It wasn’t until James Cameron’s Avatar came out that Besson knew he’d be able to turn Valerian and Laureline into the sort of movie he envisioned, he said.

Kaj se 5. Elementa tice, meni je bio i ostao jedan od najboljih SF-ova.
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