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Old 13.12.2017., 16:50   #1
Icarus (2017)

Filmmaker Bryan Fogel set out to make a documentary about steroid usage in athletics. Fogel, also an amateur cyclist, decides to use performance-enhancing drugs while training for Haute Route to see if he could pass an anti-doping test. Fogel's help originated with the founder of the UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory Don Catlin. With the implications of his reputation at stake, Catlin decided his involvement with the experiment would not be a good idea. In his place Grigory Rodchenkov, the head of Russia's anti-doping program, helped to administer the doping system. With the help of Rodchenkov, Fogel began the system with hormone injections and urine samples that would later be used for testing.

Fogel and Rodchenkov's relationship grew close over a short period of time. What Fogel uncovered during his experiment is that Rodchenkov had his own system in Russia to help Russian athletes using performance-enhancing drugs without being detected. News reports suddenly surfaced that Rodchenkov was a key figure in Russia's state-sponsored doping program during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Fearing for his life, Rodchenkov fled to the United States with the help of Fogel. On camera Rodchenkov testified to the scheme of swapping of Russian athletes' urine samples so they would go undetected. Rodchenkov's testimony became public in an extensive interview with the New York Times where he provided spreadsheets, discs, e-mails, and more incriminating evidence of Russian involvement. Concerned for his well-being, the United States Department of Justice placed Rodchenkov in protective custody.



Odličan dokumentarac, svakako preporuka.
Preporučujem pročitati i ovaj tekst preko kojega sam i saznao za "Icarus".
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Old 29.01.2018., 21:47   #2
Nisam ljubitelj dokumentaraca, ali tematika me je zaintrigirala pa sam pogledao.
Zanimljivo, ali i vrlo amerikanizirano (iako se od pristranosti pokušava ograditi kada autor lista reakcije Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora i sličnih teškaša, implicirajući da su i oni isti kao i Rusi).
Mastermind iza svega toga vrlo zanimljiv čovjek, pravi mad scientist.
Tko zna je li taj čovjek s brkovima još uvijek živ, ili je postao umoran i dobio srčani.
"If the United States saw what the United States was doing to the United States, the United States would invade the United States to liberate the United States from the tyranny of the United States.”Bockecho
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Old 17.11.2019., 18:17   #3
Baš ful sjebano, kako uopće vjerovati bilo kome? Neka se onda svi dopaju, bilo bi najpoštenije.
"I hate listening to people’s dreams. It’s like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I’m not in any of them and nobody’s having sex, I just don’t care." D.R.
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