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Mali literarni kutić Vaše pjesme, priče, romani...

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Old 03.11.2013., 14:35   #21
Evo da i ja iskoristim ovu temu. Čitam ovih dana o pisanju i trebao bih naučiti opušteno pisati, više uživati u procesu, dopustiti riječima da teku. Ja ih odmah formuliram i time ubijam kreativnost - to mi je navici. No dobro, probajmo

O čemu da pišem ? Zanimljiv je život. Nekada sam imao tonu pitanja, a sad samo upoznajem detalje. Život, smrt, ljubav, veze, novac - sve mi se čini jednostavno. Ipak, fali mi donekle onaj element radosti. Malo sam uronio u rutinu. Umjesto da se protivim tome, ja namjerno još dublje gurnem sebe u rutinu. Ili ću se slomiti ili pronaći izlaz, ali srednji put ne prihvaćam. Imam čudne metode da se motiviram

Sreća - strast - osmijeh - svi težimo tome. Čini nam se tako daleko, tako teško za postići, ali mislim da je obrnuto. Čim više tražimo, čim se više trudimo, čim je više lovimo, to smo nesretniji. Prihvatiti sve kako jest, našaliti se u nevolji, raditi ali ne shvaćati posao preozbiljno, zadržati dječju zaigranost i opuštenost. To nam zaista približava osjećaj sreće.
Od sreće do uspjeha - savjeti i inspiracija za bolji život
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Old 09.11.2013., 23:03   #22
Imam potrebu ne pisati ništa, ali nepotreba je katkad jača od ove prve. Lagano umirem...

...ali samo u mislima svojim i sjećanju Vašem. Jer tek zrno sam šećera u tvornici istoga, zapakirano u manjoj vrećici s tek nekolicinom kolega. Nadam se samo da me neće prosuti negdje makar na kap vode jer bih se mogao otopiti i nestati.

Sada ću prespavati, a onda iščekivati trenutak kada ću se okupati u smjesi od jaja i brašna za kolač. Nitko me vjerojatno neće primijetiti, ali ja hoću svoj trenutak rasterećenja. Samo me nemojte u vodu jer tamo plivati ne znam, a roniti još manje.

Sutra ću biti pametniji. Ako ožednim, sam ću se poslužiti vodom. Ona će se otopiti u meni.
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Old 22.11.2013., 19:59   #23
why does one need love?

if one does not have love

decision has fallen

i will not contemplate about love i do not have

i will contemplate and be grateful, and as well happy ,with the love end things that , are present at this moment in my life.
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Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 01.12.2013., 22:02   #24
tvoje su oči krvavi smradasti jad.

tvoje ruke zdrkotina
nos grba
kosa slama
prišt na prištu.

pečem ti ćevapaste prste na svom uzavrelom dupetu.

trešnje su mi procvale u mislima
i gaće se smočile na tvoj odvratan rukopis.

vruć si,
ili hvata me žgaravica.

hvataj me na riječ, peci me na oko, ljubavi, vatrice.
ubi se
možemo svaki dan tako.
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Old 01.02.2014., 23:31   #25
Opet sam htio nešto napisati, ali skužim, mrak je.
Opsesivno sam nesretan. Tek toliko da ne sjedim u mraku, napipavajući nalazim pisalo i logikom dolaska misli, počinjem švrljati po bijelom zidu.

Glava mi je teška, u grlu muka, a vrijeme ide. Kamo, ne znam. Pasivno agresivan iznutra, mrtav izvana. Snaga pritiska odjednom popušta i pisalo klizne niz ruku. Oštro se složi na parketni pod, a za njom i mokra suza od neugodne slane tame.

J.... vam m...., odzvonjava u glavi, glavi teškoj poput srebra suđenim prvacima. Ovo za mene više nema smisla, uspijevam provući, a potom zatvaram ove umorne oči da barem utišam tu kaznu na koju sam se nehotice osudio.....
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Old 23.12.2014., 20:49   #26
Nobody can say what you meant to say but still choose your words wisely as they own no rope to pull them back
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Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 20:50   #27
Mind is the destroyer
Soul is the survivor
Which one you listen to...
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Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 20:50   #28
Although, i don’t have scars on my body , i hide them inside ,in my soul,
I don’t remember my soul being without scars.
svaki je ljudski život važan bez obzira koliko nevidljiv bio.
Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 20:53   #29
I think that people who are insecure about themselves, have the most beautiful souls .
svaki je ljudski život važan bez obzira koliko nevidljiv bio.
Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 20:55   #30
BEING a mystery is like a gift it is always interesting it always surprise you.
If you want others to see who you really are bare your soul not your body.

Some things are necessary to do ,not out of shame but rather out of respect .
By not exposing your body you give your body grace.respect ,dignity, purity & mystery By giving that to yourself you also give that to the others
By your actions you maintain the purity of others .You give the message that you as well as them are precious in Gods eyes.
why do you want to expose your body to everybody?
I dont want that .
But if you do dont blame others if they want to stop there , without wanting to see the real you .
People see what they want to see, and what you give them .
You are not your body it is just a shell.
Our real worlds abide inside of us,the soul is what we really are.
svaki je ljudski život važan bez obzira koliko nevidljiv bio.
Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 21:00   #31
Something i wrote on tumblr to encurage people and give them hope !

Encouraged by so many blogs about suicide ,i just wanted to say a few words . First of all, i don’t judge people who are contemplating suicide. They are not less human cause of that , i had situations in my life that were difficult ,and very hard i started to contemplate about taking my own life.
I know how is to have a heavy heart , so heavy that one can hardly breathe But you have to be aware that there are people in your life who love you ,even if you don’t feel their love ,sometimes the strangers care more than your family , there is so much to live for , who knows what good things are waiting on you , ,in life is nothing black and white ,there is also gray,so please don’t do something you will regret for sure , even before you do that you regret , you regret forward .
Only because you feel like nothing today , who knows how you will feel tomorrow ,things can get better if you try , you can help yourself by seeking professional help , write yourself a letter and then rip it up , you will feel better , exercise, dance ,listen to music scream , sing , help someone , volunteer somewhere ,do the house works .. .do anything that helps you get trough the difficult times , talk to your friends at least online friends , only cause they never saw you that does not mean they do not care for you . Whatever you do just please don’t give up .
svaki je ljudski život važan bez obzira koliko nevidljiv bio.
Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 23.12.2014., 21:01   #32
....This reminded me about a thing that happened to me in high school .
I was sitting with my friend ,and the guy i liked passed by and out of a sudden there was she : Nice blue eyed girl ,blond , but with ugly soul , something like , angel outside - devil inside .
And they got close to each other and they KISSED .
In front of my eyes ,it really hurt ,it was like someone stabbed me in my heart.
The good thing is i survived.
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Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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Old 28.04.2015., 19:48   #33
Nešto što sam napisala protiv nasilja ,ustvari 20 .4. je bila godišnjica "Columbine shooting " pa eto to je bilo u spomen žrtvama tog nemilog događaja koji se zbio 1999 g.

One Croatian poet said : “There is no suicidal people they were killed by others “.That is sadly true .They have been killed by others mentally ,and they decided to kill others physically .
Who is to blame?

Is there a sense to blame anyone ,we all know that blaming and judging can not solve anything it can not bring any kind of satisfaction .The pain stays glued to the heart .We must learn the truth ,the truth is every individual is precious in Gods eyes . We are all equally important to this world there is no losers , that is just a fictional label invented by people to try and discredit other people whom they do not like.Being a loser is a lie.Nobody is born a loser, according to that , nobody can nor should be called a loser, and the same rule applies to all blasphemous words. Nobody is above you nor under you we are all the same ,made by exactly the same material and from the same Creator and so we are brothers and sisters we must behave like that .
When will we understand the simple fact –everything you do to others you do to yourself .If we destroy nature we destroy ourselves as we are a part of the same ,that worth’s towards us humans as well. we must rise our children and teach them the true values of life , which are : love ,compassion , kindness, care, goodness , acceptance, approval, tolerance ,( but not one-sided and partial tolerance as, that is not a real tolerance ) and we must not forget another important question: “Where will you spend your eternity ?” Every person has the responsibility to live according to their conscience as conscience is nothing else then Gods voice in the human soul , spirit .Parents ,teachers, professors ,priests, pastors have a large role to implant that good seeds to grow a healthy conscience in a child.
If we would make an afford to do so , this world would have been a better place to live in for all.

When is the time to make a change ?

There is no right moment or time .
Every day is right!
Today is the right time ! Tomorrow it might be too late.

And lets not forget, other people are our responsibility, you may not feel nor believe that, but it is true.
We live in the community we are bound to take care of each other ,not close our eyes at problems , pain, suffering , bulling is not a stranger to us nor to other people so help if you can .Only nothing is little .
If we close our eyes towards evil it will leave consequences it already has .we must learn the lessons from the past to avoid future mistakes . life must not be a price to pay .
Wisdom lies in the knowledge when to speak up when to be silent .
Even silence can be violence .
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Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, the ocean when it becomes violent.
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