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Serije U nastavcima, a nisu sapunice

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Old 17.05.2012., 00:38   #21
Swagger kaže: Pogledaj post
S obzirom da glumi bebicu kao da je od drveta, možda bi mu promjena lika dobro došla. S druge strane, Tlyer dolazi na svoje kao Klaus.
michael je super glumio klausa do onog dijela kad smo saznali da je to klaus (bar po mom mišljenju)

evo malo gifova za početak...

i za kraj....
“They would dare one another to climb higher and higher, jumping off the cliff into the clear salty sea, the sun glinting off blue waves as they swam.”
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Old 17.05.2012., 00:43   #22
silas2012 kaže: Pogledaj post
ne može Jerr bit sajko,on mi je nekako prebebast za bilošto ozbiljnije...možda je problem u meni ...
stvarno Jer nije sajko tip, ali bilo bi zanimljivo kad bi Jer postao sajka i kad bi mu duh od sajko Alarica govorio sta da radi

arianne* kaže: Pogledaj post
Shampo, super uvodni post!
Swagger kaže: Pogledaj post
Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war. Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans could do.
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Old 17.05.2012., 00:44   #23

..Shadowgirl, svaka ti čast!
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 01:26   #24
jaooo kud ste spomenuli...
Trevino kao Klaus,to će biti EPIC FAIL
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Old 17.05.2012., 01:41   #25
woohooo evo nas vol.5

Iiiit's Friday, Friday

I evo par videa
Tears of an Angel
Bond of Family
A sad g'night
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Old 17.05.2012., 07:14   #26
Shampoo, sorry sto sam propustila otvaranje inace predobar uvodni post, sve pohvale!!!
♥♥♥♥ The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Nikita, Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Merlin, Awkward, Hart of Dixie, The Lying Game, Covert Affairs, Revenge, Gossip Girl, The Mentalist, Dating Rules From My Future Self, Once Upon A Time, Arrow, Hunted, Beauty and the Beast, Castle ♥♥♥♥
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:15   #27
Đizs, Khalээsi!
Zadnja slika je , zatrudni se samo od pogleda njegovog! , a predzadnja....huh, ne smijem ni reć što mi je svašta palo na pamet ...Zašto su svi protiv tog da Trevino glumi Klausa!? Pa nije on kriv što mu je mutava Plećka promjenila lik....ja neću s*at po njemu dok ne vidim! Iako je on za mene samo Tyler, i niko drugo!
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:24   #28
predobri gifići pogotovo onaj santa

niste puno natipkali još jednom _ shampo za otvaranje teme baš si lijepo složio

ma joj vi i trudna elena nema ništa od toga kad se ona zadnji put uopće
Vampire Diaries & Beauty and the Beast

Zadnje uređivanje Stella7777 : 17.05.2012. at 09:31.
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:30   #29
Pa valjda onda kad se i prvi put, u desetoj epizodi prve sezone..., a možda će ostati trudna od pogleda u Damonove sexy oke! ..šlm se!
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:33   #30
pa da mislim da je to to bilo a nije onda se isto kad je katica sa tylerovim stricem ona je sa stefom.. znas da je bio paralelni uvod
Vampire Diaries & Beauty and the Beast
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:40   #31
E da, i Katica sa Masonom! Đizs, di su Kati oči!? , ajde Salvatoreovi(čitaj Damon), ali Mason...aj možda da mu je stavila na glavu nešto da mu se ne vidi faca...ali! Al Elena i Štef, pa samo su jednom, i to u desetoj epki, kad je našla Katičinu sliku na stolu, dick move, Stefan! ...ono maženje na krevetu u njenoj sobi ne računam, i da, zašto Jeremy nije prekidao nju i Štefa, a nju Damona je! Sram ga i stid bilo, nek bude sajko kad je takav!
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 09:53   #32
ahahaha kako si ti luda

pa meni nije kinney ružan ali mi se zgadio kad sam skužila da je s gagom

jerry je napravi užas stvar kad ih je prekinuo i baš se on morao probudit i izać van jer nema ni damona ni sestrice mu
Vampire Diaries & Beauty and the Beast
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Old 17.05.2012., 10:06   #33
Pa Gaga je za sve i kriva! ..fuj, on je ljubio to, to, to....stvorenje!? dosta o tome! Ne želim misliti o Gagi i Kinneyu! ..

Ma Jerr je idiot, al bitno da njemu niko nije uleto u sobu kad je bio sa svojim duhovnim curama...ali zato nije bio sa Boonie, ha-ha! Tako mu i treba! Ja bi da on u četvrtoj sezoni upozna curu, da bude dobra i lijepa i kad dođu u sobu, i kad krenu nešto radit da mu neko uleti u sobu, i tako svaki put! Da se nauči da ne prekida druge u nečem tako bitnom!
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 10:28   #34
silas2012 kaže: Pogledaj post
jaooo kud ste spomenuli...
Trevino kao Klaus,to će biti EPIC FAIL
i meni se cini, ali mozda odradi dobar posao

Stella7777 kaže: Pogledaj post
ma joj vi i trudna elena nema ništa od toga kad se ona zadnji put uopće
sad joj je susno razdoblje
Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war. Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans could do.
ShampoO is offline  
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Old 17.05.2012., 10:33   #35
aaa, kad ste prije uspjeli na vol.5. iss, koliko me čitanja sad čeka. damonova faca.
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Old 17.05.2012., 10:48   #36
e fakat ga znate sra.... kad ste došli do 5 vol
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Old 17.05.2012., 11:28   #37
ShampoO7 kaže: Pogledaj post
i meni se cini, ali mozda odradi dobar posao

sad joj je susno razdoblje :rof l:
Ja mislim da lošiji od Originala ne može bit! Pa Klaus u Alaricovom tijelu , je bio zakon, a Klaus u sebi , pa žešći shit!
Silas, kad vidiš ovo nemoj odma krenit sa paljbom, istina je!

, ovo o razdobljima neću komentirat...

Butra Butrich kaže: Pogledaj post
aaa, kad ste prije uspjeli na vol.5. iss, koliko me čitanja sad čeka. :ka va::lo l:

:cer ek: damonova faca. :ro fl:
Sinoć, ma nemaš puno na staroj temi, samo zadnjih 20 str ..šlm se!

iako ja više volim Angela ...

I looked back on season 3 of the vampire diaries and everything made sense.

Julie was serious when she said “This is where we’ve been leading Elena all season.”

They’ve laid subtle little lines and hints everywhere, to keep us from falling apart. Yes, she chose Stefan. But no, they will not last.

Here’s why I believe Delena is meant to be— And why the writers think so too.

Episode 5: “I promise you, I willNEVERleave you again.”

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Episode 9: “We’ll survive this. We always survive. Trust me.”

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Episode 10: “I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.”

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Episode 11: “It’s right, its just not right now.”

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Episode 16: “Damon just sorta snuck up on me, he got under my skin and no matter what I do I just, I can’t shake him.

“Once you fall in love with someone, I don’t know if you can ever shake them.”

__________________________________________________ _____________

Episode 19: “Its not just that she makes him a better person, and she does, but he changes her too. Damon challenges her, surprises her. He makes her question her life, beliefs. Stefan is different. His love is pure, and he’ll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her, or the worst.”

__________________________________________________ ______________

Episode 22: “When I’m with him.. It just consumesme.”

“I can’t think about always, I can only think about right now.”

“Maybe if you and I had met first.”

“You want a love that Consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and even a little danger.”

“I want you to get everything your looking for.”

__________________________________________________ ______________

I don’t know about you, but this screams DEndgame to me.

"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 11:38   #38

De pojest će ju! , znam da je Katica, ali svejedno
"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " DS
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Old 17.05.2012., 11:40   #39
Shampo sve čestitke, odlično si to napravio
Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going.
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Old 17.05.2012., 11:43   #40

Doña Barbara kaže: Pogledaj post
Ja mislim da lošiji od Originala ne može bit! Pa Klaus u Alaricovom tijelu , je bio zakon, a Klaus u sebi , pa žešći shit!
ne znam vidjet cemo, bar se nadam da ce dobro to odradit
Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war. Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans could do.
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