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Kompjutorske igre Kultura igranja i ponoćnog ratovanja konzolom i tastaturom. Podforum: Konzole

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Old 01.09.2014., 00:52   #10601
Zlotvor kaže: Pogledaj post
lipo ste se vi uzlaprdali o skroz desetim modovima a meni nije još niko pomogao instalirat ono đubre ..

a šta e bit sa KV-1s ??

nerf ili ???
Evo imaš ovdje sve modove.

Samo slijedi upute i trebalo bi bit ok.
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”
shinobi is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 12:09   #10602
Zar nije taj Sela dobio ban zbog modova. Navodno da su ga ulovili na Twitch-u jer je koristio mod koji na mapi pokazuje kad je neka prepreka srušena, uništena... i to za one koji nisu ni spotani.
4160titan is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 13:30   #10603
Kad je netko u wotu dobio ban zbog modova - nitko. Fc-ovi "top" klanova međ sobom razmjenjuju warpack.
Bolje gledati ono što ne možeš bubati, nego bubati ono što ne možeš gledati.
Ace Ventura is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 14:15   #10604
Daklem, kako ima neupućenih (poput mene) u warpack što je to:

The modpack contains:

- smart modified autoaim, that can track a target behind obstacles and highlight its contour. Also, it doesn't aim at the center of the vehicle, but at (preprogrammed) vulnerable spots. Oh, and it also calculates the speed of the target and aims in front of it to compensate (pre-aim)
- automatic fire extinguisher/repair, a script that triggers the repair/extinguish automatically as soon as it happens
- removes any aim circle jerking (contrary to he official version, there is no jerk even when you get rammed)
- counterarty hack that puts a red dot on the spot enemy arty just fired from
- sixth sense mod that replaces the perk (if you don't have it), it shows you not only you are targetted but also who's targetting you
- artymode for tanks and TDs, snipermode for arty (with the artymode you can fire HE shells accross the map with a regular tank)
- tracerhack (visible and color tracers)
- a mod showing on minimap where trees fell or buildings got destroyed ("ideal for field commanders")
- a mod that removes ALL vegetation and "binoculars" in sniper mode
- laser pointer mod
- a free camera mod
- enemy reload timer
- white wrecks
- fire burst mode
- extended zoom in sniper mode

i može biti vaš za ...

WarPack Full, 1 account, 1 month. (Includes ALL mods) 300 RUR
12 USD
WarPack Full, 1 account, 7 days. (Includes ALL mods) 100 RUR

kratko i jasno, nabijem ih nakurac. Nemodificirani.

edit: sa njihovog foruma:

Is auto aim for arty not working? I have uninstalled and did a fresh install. This mod seems broken. No guide to tell you how to use the mods, auto aim not working for arty, arty tracers dont work sometimes, chat not working while running warpark. Anyone else having any similar problems? Pisses me off I am paying for a mod that doesnt work. Maybe if people spoke and understood english instead of russian shit might work better.

Hello, I installed the bot. after I started the settings screen is only in russian and no tanks on bottom to activate them.
What I am doing wrong?
..Tako je dirljiva ta briga neutralnih objektivnih i zabrinutih treba pregovarati za Ukrajinu, rastopim se od te empatije.
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Old 01.09.2014., 14:33   #10605
Hvala puno ace Ventura

Či mi se skine wot opet i instaliram ću probat stavit ovo što si mi dao...
pa javimkako je prošlo, vjerojatno večeras ili sutra...
Zlotvor is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 19:10   #10606
da se nadovežem na svoj prethodni post - osim kv-1s možda treba još spomenuti i najavljeno nerfanje Hellcat-a:

- stock suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 60 percent
- elite suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 57 percent
- stock tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 10/17/10 percent
- maximum reverse speed nerfed from 20 km/h to 12 km/h
- aim spread of the 76mm M1A2 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 12 percent
- aim spread of the 90mm M3 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 25 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s

Garovix is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 20:19   #10607
Kupovi ovaj tjedan: četvrtak 20:30h, hrvatski 6on6, svi tenkovi Tier VIII, subota 17:00h, balkanski 7on7.
smq is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 20:42   #10608
Garovix kaže: Pogledaj post
da se nadovežem na svoj prethodni post - osim kv-1s možda treba još spomenuti i najavljeno nerfanje Hellcat-a:

- stock suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 60 percent
- elite suspension aim spread from moving and aim spread from turning the hull increased (nerfed) by 57 percent
- stock tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks terrain passability (good/medium/bad terrain) nerfed by 10/17/10 percent
- maximum reverse speed nerfed from 20 km/h to 12 km/h
- aim spread of the 76mm M1A2 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 12 percent
- aim spread of the 90mm M3 when moving the turret increased (nerfed) by 25 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s

krasno su izbjegli nerfat camo zbog čega je op
League of LOL is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 20:54   #10609
Camo nebi bil tolko OP da se botine ne voze s 55% posadama.
d._m. is offline  
Old 01.09.2014., 21:33   #10610
Evo još jedna WOT clone igra u razvoju.
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”
shinobi is offline  
Old 02.09.2014., 16:07   #10611
Je neko ovdje dovoljno lud da se upustil u grindanje misije za KV220 i Type 62?

Čine se puno teže od misije za IS-6, a dobiš lošije tenkove.
Da je Type 64 možda bi čak i radil.
d._m. is offline  
Old 02.09.2014., 16:53   #10612
Meni se to ne da. Za T-54 optika ili ventilacija na 3. slotu?
4160titan is offline  
Old 02.09.2014., 17:20   #10613
Igram i jednu i drugu misiju -ovisi o stilu igre (agresivnija vent, defanzivnija optika.)
Bolje gledati ono što ne možeš bubati, nego bubati ono što ne možeš gledati.
Ace Ventura is offline  
Old 02.09.2014., 21:03   #10614
jel trebas svoj tim za esl?
Rosom is offline  
Old 02.09.2014., 21:14   #10615
d._m. kaže: Pogledaj post
Je neko ovdje dovoljno lud da se upustil u grindanje misije za KV220 i Type 62?

Čine se puno teže od misije za IS-6, a dobiš lošije tenkove.
Da je Type 64 možda bi čak i radil.
probat cu napravit za typa. ionak imam mediume za grindat.
za kv220 nema sanse.
smrt je igrat lightove sa ovoliko puno nubara koji ih igraju.
mada da, slazem se, ove misije izgledaju teze nego one za is6 i SP.
ak sam dobro upamtio od 35 dana smijes fulat 13 dana.
*Pobjednik IMF Kladionice 2013* *Pobjednik IMF Kupa 2006* *Pobjednik Euro Kupa 2008*
Black Revenger is offline  
Old 03.09.2014., 00:24   #10616
d._m. kaže: Pogledaj post
Je neko ovdje dovoljno lud da se upustil u grindanje misije za KV220 i Type 62?

Čine se puno teže od misije za IS-6, a dobiš lošije tenkove.
Da je Type 64 možda bi čak i radil.
samo na Type, isto kao i kod Revengera na grindu su T-54, Pershing i Comet, dok mi se KV220 cini isti ra*ku kao i Churchill III.

a ovaj Pershing ga zna zatrollat sa svojim topom, kao da je BL-10 gore a ne 90mm
sapun is offline  
Old 03.09.2014., 09:01   #10617
4160titan kaže: Pogledaj post
Za T-54 optika ili ventilacija na 3. slotu?
Optika, pred kraj igre onaj koji prvi spotta protivnika će imati ogromnu prednost.
~ Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold. ~
Spectre is offline  
Old 03.09.2014., 09:55   #10618
4160titan kaže: Pogledaj post
Meni se to ne da. Za T-54 optika ili ventilacija na 3. slotu?
a kaj imas na prva 2 mjesta?
*Pobjednik IMF Kladionice 2013* *Pobjednik IMF Kupa 2006* *Pobjednik Euro Kupa 2008*
Black Revenger is offline  
Old 03.09.2014., 10:42   #10619
Valjda ima Rammer i VStab, šta bi drugo?
~ Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold. ~
Spectre is offline  
Old 03.09.2014., 11:24   #10620
Da, VStab i Rammer. Uskoro ću imati 3. set skillova otključan pa mogu staviti skillove za bolji view range. Jedino što to nije baš efektivno kao optika.
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