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Reality TV Orwell is a happy man.

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Old 06.02.2009., 08:27   #41
legolasx kaže: Pogledaj post
Tatiana Thank you, Jesus
Tatiana je zaista bila

A Bikini Girl?
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Old 06.02.2009., 08:28   #42
alen76 kaže: Pogledaj post
Uf... kompjuter mi bio u kvaru i sad imam 5 epizoda za skinut. Super...
A zato tebe nema
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Old 06.02.2009., 14:19   #43
Ryan Seacrest interviews Katrina Darrell (Bikini Girl)

Ryan Seacrest accuses Katrina Darrell (Bikini Girl) of creating drama on purpose to get more screen time, in an interview this morning on his KISS FM radio show.

He also gets her to admit that she only auditioned for Idol for the exposure, and didn’t care about winning.

When Ryan calls her “polarizing,” Katrina responds, “a lot of girls are haters.”

As far as letting her group mates, Rose Flack, Jasmine Murray and Lauren Barnes down during their group number, she insists that she didn’t, and calls them all “two faced.”

She doesn’t have any kind words for Kara DioGuardi either, who she says would praise her in the judges room, then call her a bitch behind her back.

When Katrina says she wants to move on to “bigger things” like going on tour, making a record and becoming a Victoria Secret runway model, Ryan asks her, sarcastically, if she would be modeling clothes on stage during her tour.

He says, “You’re lacking ambition, is what you’re saying.”

When a listener makes the observation that a really good singer would not have needed to wear a bikini to the audition. Ryan responds, “Duh!”

Ko zeli da preslusa intervju, moze to uciniti ovde.....
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Old 06.02.2009., 14:53   #44
A i Tatiana je na svom myspace blogu odgovorila na kritike koje su joj bile upucene....

In Response to Critics...

so in response to all the judgment as in...I am a drama queen, crazy, fake. Honestly, I don't think anyone can imagine the kind of hurt people were trying to inflict on me during the taping of hollywood week and how long it went on and how intesne and relentless it was. Seriously that was ten minutes of DAYS HOURS OF PEOPLE HUMILIATING ME AND STABBING ME. Alot of people were ganging up on me...calling me hurtful sick names, speaking ill of me, and overall attempting to ruin my career that I have been working on for 24 years since I have been born. Reminder, most of these people have never performed, nor cared about performing or entertainment before vs this is my life and again I don't think anyone can Imagine the kind of hurt I have faced in this industry as a woman.I have been trying to break into this industry as an independent artist for over a decade vs people who thought... "Maybe Ill try out for American Idol and sing and whatever who knows!!" Its not..."who knows??" for me... It's what I live for. I was not raised spoiled, In fact my parents were very hard on me and taught me to fetch for myself. I have been on my own since I was 16 working on this career and facing every sort of demon you could imagine. Encountering countless tragedies, natural disasters, deaths and violent crimes in my personal life and injustices and prejudices as a woman and as a Latina in this industry. I have survived many life threatening situations and have been through my fair share of deep hard knocks that no one could understand. It has been a painful and devastating process getting to where I am, and the thought that all that I have worked for could be blown and I could get cut and be the laughing stock of national television because of some people I just met, insulting me, blaming me for their own lack of talent and drive, sitting around moping and complaining and pointing fingers and wasting time, drove me to my melting point after HOURS/DAYS of trying to pull everything together with a smile on my face. I went to talk to the producer to tell him how I felt and why I was upset and I ended up in VERY REAL tears. These people called me "Satan" yelled at me and blamed me for things that never happened ALL ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. It was humiliating. I am sorry I tried to change groups but felt unwelcome and I tried to bring my group together knowing how much they hated me for NO REASON. I was trying to be a leader and contribute but I was put down and humiliated for doing what no one else would do. In the end WE ALL GOT THROUGH AS YOU COULD SEE.
I have taken alot of risks in opening myself up with part of my story here on myspace, but I will really make it my priority to open up to people on the show so that they can see the real me and know that If anything is coming out "fake" or only because I use the smiles to hide the true pain of all that I have endured and survived in my ever challenging past.
I am ready for a new chapter in my life. I am ready for things to be calm, peaceful and plentiful.

I am ready to work and connect with America through this show and I am so exited to be able to show the world what I have to offer as a vocalist and an artist.

It was an emotional journey, Hollywood Week, and I hope that this can clear up any doubts anyone might have of me and my personality. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and honored to be given this once in a lifetime chance.

Thank You

Tatiana Nicole Del Toro
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Old 07.02.2009., 00:18   #45
Evo pogledao sam Hollywood week i super mi je. Bas ima odlicnih likova a neke bi jednostavno zatuko Jedva cekam sljedeci tjedan, izgleda da ce odlicno bit!
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Old 10.02.2009., 16:16   #46
Juce u emisiji IDOL WATCH (na TV GUIDE NETWORK), Paula je rekla koje troje su za sada njeni favoriti...

Rickyja jos nismo videli a bio je na audiciji u Lousivilleu
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Old 10.02.2009., 16:57   #47
Svake godine Entertainmnet Weekly ima specijalne emisije na webu (u trajanju nesto manje od deset minuta) posvecene proteklom AI tjednu. Evo kako su prokomentarisali Hell Week u Hollywoodu...
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Old 11.02.2009., 15:59   #48
Hollywood Week part IV

Bilo je vise nego dobrih izvodjenja....

Tatiana koja ludaca!!!!!

Izabrali su top 50 i sutra se bira top 36 o kojima odlucuju gledatelji.

Sutra ce tek da bude drame
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Old 11.02.2009., 20:17   #49
Odlican HW IV!!! Lil Rounds mi je jedna od najboljih, ako ne i najbolja! Ona prva dva za koje je Paula rekla da su joj favoriti su mi isto jako dobri (taj Danny ima tako odlicnu boju glasa a Adam je dosta zanimljiv, i cini mi se da covjek ima veliki raspon). Onog treceg i dalje nismo vidjeli. Super mi je bio i onaj koji je cini mi se drugi nastupao, bio je na klavijaturi. Onaj Španjolac je isto dobar I ona jedna crkinja koja ja prije pjevala Mercy, ne sjecam se sta je danas pjevala. Zao mi je sto nije prosla ona koja je prije bila beskucnik, ne razumijem zasto nije prosla! A pustili su onu glupu Tatianu. Ta zenska je tako iritantna da je to nesto nevjerojatno!
Jedva cekam sutra!
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Old 11.02.2009., 20:29   #50
Odlicna epizoda danas. Ove godine ZAISTA IMA talenata tamo. Odusevljavaju me.
Al ja mislim da ce sjutrasnja emisija da bude zesci smor. I prosle godine mi je to biranju za top 24 bilo dosadno....sumnjam da su nesto znacajnije promijenili ove godine.
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Old 12.02.2009., 13:18   #51
I posle 90 minuta suza, smeha i drame (Tatiana naravno ) dobismo konačno i TOP 36.

Biće ovo sjajna sezona!!!!!

Za početak imaćemo tri grupe po 12 natjecatelja.

U prvoj grupi su:

* Casey Carlson
* Danny Gokey
* Michael Sarver
* Ricky Braddy
* Ann Marie Boskovitch
* Stevie Wright
* Anoop Desai
* Tatiana Del Torro
* Jackie Tohn
* Brent Keith Smith
* Alexis Grace
* Stephen Fowler
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Old 12.02.2009., 19:30   #52
Odlicno je sve! Ima puno talenata. Lil Rounds
Meni najbolji: Lil Rounds, Donny Gokey, Adam Lambert, Matt Giraud, Jasmine Murray, Casey Carlson i Ann Marie Boskovich (btw. dal je ona negdje s Balkana Anamarija Bosković možda?)
Tatiana me tako zivcira i uf... Smijesna je s tim ispadima, al me zivcira!!
Nick Mitchell, tj. Norman Gentle je presmijesan! Drago mi je sto je ostao! jeste vidjeli sta je napravio kad su mu rekli da je prosao? Sta je rekao Simonu?
I jedno pitanje, sta gledamo sljedeci tjedan tocno?
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Old 12.02.2009., 19:43   #53
alen76 kaže: Pogledaj post
Odlicno je sve! Ima puno talenata. Lil Rounds
Meni najbolji: Lil Rounds, Donny Gokey, Adam Lambert, Matt Giraud, Jasmine Murray, Casey Carlson i Ann Marie Boskovich (btw. dal je ona negdje s Balkana Anamarija Bosković možda?)
Tatiana me tako zivcira i uf... Smijesna je s tim ispadima, al me zivcira!!
Nick Mitchell, tj. Norman Gentle je presmijesan! Drago mi je sto je ostao! jeste vidjeli sta je napravio kad su mu rekli da je prosao? Sta je rekao Simonu?
I jedno pitanje, sta gledamo sljedeci tjedan tocno?

Prvo svaki tjedan imamo grupu od po 12 natjecatelja (znaci tri tjedna - tri grupe)

Utorkom se predstavljaju publici svojim pesmama a u sredu se objavljuje kojih TROJE prolazi u TOP 12 (znaci devet ih ide kuci) i to na sledeci nacin:

1. muskarac koji je dobio najvise glasova publike
2. cura koja je dobila najvise glasova publike
3. osoba (bilo muska ili zenska) koja je dobila treca po redu najvise glasova publike

I tako tri tjedna, sto znaci da dobijamo DEVET finalista koji idu u TOP 12.

Cetvrti tjedan je wild card week gde od onih 27 koji su ispali svaki od sudaca bira svoja tri favorita (4x3 =12) i tada publika ponovo bira tri koja idu dalje i tako dobijamo TOP 12 gde ce nakon toga svaki tjedan jedna osoba ici kuci.
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Old 12.02.2009., 19:48   #54
Hvala na objasnjenju! Zvuci jako zanimljivo. To od sada ide live jel da? Jedva cekam!
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Old 12.02.2009., 19:55   #55
alen76 kaže: Pogledaj post
Hvala na objasnjenju! Zvuci jako zanimljivo. To od sada ide live jel da? Jedva cekam!
Da, od sada je sve live i publika odlucuje ko ide dalje a ko ne

Do TOP 12 su u malom studiju a onda odlaze u pravu dvoranu pred gomilom fanova ...videces kako je super atmosfera... jednostavno te ponese ta pozitivna energija. Proslu sezonu cela moja familija je pratila show. Sredom i cetvrtkom (kad skinemo sa torrenta ) je bio pravi mali praznik. Svi se okupimo... ispred nas brdo kokica i sokova... ja prerprzim na dvd, ukljucim 5.1 zvucnike, veliki tv... pojacam sto glasnije i navijamo i igramo
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Old 12.02.2009., 19:57   #56
I jos nesto.... obrati paznju na podjebavanje izmedju Simona i Ryana.. legendarni su kao i Paulino "retard" pljeskanje rukama
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Old 12.02.2009., 20:59   #57
pa sto i ovu sezonu ne prate tvoji?

a da, primjetio sam Paulino pljeskanje i vidim da voli tuci Simona, a i treba ponekad. prezakon su mi
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Old 12.02.2009., 21:00   #58
alen76 kaže: Pogledaj post
pa sto i ovu sezonu ne prate tvoji?
Pa prate
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Old 12.02.2009., 21:21   #59
pred kraj videa prica o AI-u
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Old 12.02.2009., 23:16   #60

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