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Povijest Politička, društvena, kulturna, univerzalna povijest.
Podforumi: Vojna povijest i tehnologija, Domovinski rat

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Old 02.03.2010., 22:27   #41
malimačak kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne znam da je Đilas citirao nekoga, naročito Hitlerovog suradnika, on tada još nije postao komunistički teoretičar-desident, ali molim, dozvoljavam da ste možda u pravu?

A zar Krležu nisu početkom rata uhapsile ustaše i zar nije rat proboravio u bolnici dr. Vranešića, koji mu je na taj način spasio život?

Pa to je i Kardelj indirektno priznao, rekavši da su zbog toga što je Vranešić čuvao Krležu, trebali istom poštediti život.
Ja ne vidim razlog zasto bi Đido to rekao. Njegov Browning je bio uvijek "geladen & entsichert".

Glede Krleze, prica se svasta. Jedna stvar je sigurna, on je proveo NDH u Zagrebu i da ga je Dido htio likvidirati, ne bi mu nikakav doktor tu pomogao.
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Old 02.03.2010., 22:46   #42
g. Dilberth

vidim ja da ćete me natjerati da čitam Đilasa (užas majke mi), bog zna ima li upće njegovih knjižurina u knjižnicama?,
a Krležu bi ionako trebalo ponoviti, taman je za ova zla doba, pa da vidimo što on kaže, a ne bih 3 put rekla, da nam se ne smije, iz groba, i uživa kako smo bedasti....

Inače na googlu piše, barem na dvajest mista, da je za onu izreku o pištolju kriv rogovima i kopitama Joseph Goebels lično!

Zadnje uređivanje malimačak : 02.03.2010. at 23:00.
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Old 03.03.2010., 00:34   #43
malimačak kaže: Pogledaj post
vidim ja da ćete me natjerati da čitam Đilasa (užas majke mi), bog zna ima li upće njegovih knjižurina u knjižnicama?,
a Krležu bi ionako trebalo ponoviti, taman je za ova zla doba, pa da vidimo što on kaže, a ne bih 3 put rekla, da nam se ne smije, iz groba, i uživa kako smo bedasti....
Nisam siguran da bi Krleza imao neku konstruktivnu poruku za ova vremena.
Glede Đilasa, tu stvarno nemas sto da trazis, pusta ga u...

malimačak kaže: Pogledaj post
Inače na googlu piše, barem na dvajest mista, da je za onu izreku o pištolju kriv rogovima i kopitama Joseph Goebels lično!
Ne, definitivno ne Goebels! Pistolj nije njegov stil. Malo sam i ja progooglao i ispada da je to istvari bio Hans Johstov kazalisni igrokaz, gdje se glavni junak hvata za svoj Browning.

Ja bih se ipak zakleo da sam jednom vidio nekakav film gdje se Hitlerjugendhauptfürer hvata za pistolj i govori..".Wenn ich die Wort Kultur höre, erreiche ich für meine Pistole".
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Old 03.03.2010., 01:42   #44
Meni su imena onih jadnika, likova iz Bitke kod Bistrice Lesne: Trdak Vid, Pesek Mato, Križ Matija, Pecak Imbro, Loborec Štef, Blažek Franjo, poruka za ova vremena.

Zamislite da se nekome predstavljate i kažete: Pesek, pa to je da čovjek promjeni prezime.

Jedino mi nikako nije jasno zašto je u KuK ekipu strpao samo zagorce? Zašto nije ubacio i nekog npr. Pivca Antu? Onda bismo bili kompletni, što bi rekao Tuđman: stoka sitnog zuba, ovako mi nešto fali.
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Old 03.03.2010., 06:06   #45
Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

“For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people in the West, it is still a living lion.”
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Old 03.03.2010., 08:39   #46
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post
Na zapovijed!

“If there is ever another war in Europe, it will come out of some damned silly thing in the Balkans”.

Eh, da je on bio na celu Njemacke tokom WWI ili WWII...

Jos nekoliko dobrih od njega...

"The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia."

"A journalist is a person who has mistaken their calling."

"An appeal to fear never finds an echo in German hearts."

"Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war."
"I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring."

"Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made."

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied."

"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election."

"There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America."

"When you want to fool the world, tell the truth."
Ove boldane doista nisam znao i sada mi je zao jer vece istine ne mogu biti.
Đuro Japaric kaže:Za Hrvatsku je bitan dan kada je u Zagrebu , osnovan Zbor narodne garde , a ne gerilski odred 1941. u organizaciji Komunističke partije !
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Old 03.03.2010., 20:51   #47
Ayrton Senna, tako mlad, tako pametan :s:s:s:s:s:s:s:

1. citat:

On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit.
And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think, 'Okay, this is the limit.'
As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further.
With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high.

2. citat:

Each driver has its limit. My limit is a little bit further than other's." - Ayrton Senna, January, 1989
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Old 04.03.2010., 01:26   #48
" Na cijelom svijetu zasigurno nema naroda koji bi se toliko tužio na svoju sudbinu, poniženje, stradanje, mučeništvo, kao što su Židovi. Pomislio bi čovjek da doista nisu Židovi ti koji gospodare u Europi, upravljaju burzama, politikom, moralom jedne države. A što bi bilo da u Rusiji nije tri milijuna Židova nego Rusa, a Židova osamdeset milijuna? Što bi bilo od Rusa? Ne bi li ih odmah pretvorili u robove? I još gore: ne bi li im i kožu ogulili? Ne bi li ih posve iskorijenili, uništili?

Fjodor Dostojevski
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Old 04.03.2010., 18:51   #49
paolo29 kaže: Pogledaj post
A što bi bilo da u Rusiji nije tri milijuna Židova nego Rusa, a Židova osamdeset milijuna? Što bi bilo od Rusa? Ne bi li ih odmah pretvorili u robove? I još gore: ne bi li im i kožu ogulili? (Fjodor Dostojevski).
Znači, tako je nekad pisao Dostojevski! Dobro, on je umjetnik, a oni sebi dopuštaju i najžešće književne slike. Ipak ne vjerujem da bi on danas tako napisao.

Međutim, ti njega citiraš danas, i to bez ikakva komentara i ograde. Ako ne znaš što govoriš, može ti biti oprošteno, ali ako znaš, ovaj je citat vrlo opak.
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Old 04.03.2010., 19:57   #50
Shain kaže: Pogledaj post
Znači, tako je nekad pisao Dostojevski! Dobro, on je umjetnik, a oni sebi dopuštaju i najžešće književne slike. Ipak ne vjerujem da bi on danas tako napisao.

Međutim, ti njega citiraš danas, i to bez ikakva komentara i ograde. Ako ne znaš što govoriš, može ti biti oprošteno, ali ako znaš, ovaj je citat vrlo opak.
Ovo je svevremenski citat,koji je vrijedio ,vrijedi i vrijedit će Da neidemo dalje u off...
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Old 05.03.2010., 16:51   #51
A šta mogu, kad ovu dvojicu volim najviše?

Ivo Andrić:

"Čudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sretni, i još čudnije: kako nam često baš to malo nedostaje"!

Miroslav Krleža, obraćajući se crkvenim velikodostojnicima, 1947.g. u časopisu "Republika":

"Vjerujte, gospodo, što hoćete i kako hoćete, ali ne vjerujte, da vam mi vjerujemo da vi vjerujete u interesu našeg naroda. Vi vjerujete u interesu Vatikana, a Vatikan je dosljedan i hladnokrvan neprijatelj našeg naroda."
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Old 05.03.2010., 21:37   #52
malimačak kaže: Pogledaj post
Miroslav Krleža, obraćajući se crkvenim velikodostojnicima, 1947.g. u časopisu "Republika":

"Vjerujte, gospodo, što hoćete i kako hoćete, ali ne vjerujte, da vam mi vjerujemo da vi vjerujete u interesu našeg naroda. Vi vjerujete u interesu Vatikana, a Vatikan je dosljedan i hladnokrvan neprijatelj našeg naroda."
Hehe, znao je Krleza uvijek sto da pise u pravo vrijeme i na pravom mjestu.
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Old 12.03.2010., 02:30   #53
Govor Fridriha Velikog prije bitke kod Leuthena.

"You are aware, gentlemen, that Prince Karl of Lorraine has succeeded in taking Schweidnitz, defeating the duke of Bevern and making himself master of Breslau, while I was engaged in checking the advance of the French and impe­rial forces. A part of Schleswig, my capital, and all the mili­tary stores it contained, are lost, and I should feel myself in dire straits indeed if it were not for my unbounded confi­dence in your courage, your constancy, and your love for the fatherland, which you have proved to me on so many occasions in the past. These services to me and to the fatherland have touched the deepest fibers of my heart. There is hardly one among you who has not distinguished himself by some conspicuous deed of valor, wherefore I flatter myself that in the approaching opportunity also you will not fail in any sacrifice that your country may demand of you.

And this opportunity is close at hand. I should feel that I had accomplished nothing if Austria were left in posses­sion of Schleswig. Let me tell you then that I propose, in defiance of all the rules of the art of war, to attack the army of Prince Karl, three times as large as ours, wherever I find it. It is here no question of the numbers of the enemy nor of the importance of the positions they have occupied; all this I hope to overcome by the devotion of my troops and the careful carrying out of my plans. I must take this step or all will be lost; we must defeat the enemy, else we shall all lie buried under his batteries. So I believe - so I shall act.

Communicate my decision to all the officers of the army; prepare the common soldier for the exertions that are to come, and tell him that I feel justified in expecting unques­tioning obedience from him. Remember that you are Prus­sians and you cannot show yourselves unworthy of that distinction. But if there be one or other among you who fears to share with me any and all danger, he shall at once be given his discharge without reproach from me.

(The solemn silence with which this speech was received and the glow of enthusiasm reflected in the faces of his hearers convinced Frederick that he had produced the effect he desired. With a gentle smile he continued):

I was convinced that no one of you would wish to leave me; I count then, absolutely, on your faithful help and on certain victory. Should I not return to reward you for your devotion, the fatherland itself must do it. Return now to camp and repeat to your troops what you have heard from me.

And now, gentlemen, farewell; erelong we shall either have defeated the enemy or we shall see each other no more."

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Old 19.03.2010., 16:31   #54
Gilles de Rais. kaže: Pogledaj post

"Americans will always do the right thing, once they have exhausted all other possibilities." - Winston Churchill
"Ljudi i narodi postupat će razumno kad iscrpe sve druge mogućnosti." - Katzov zakon (u zbirci "Murphyjevi zakoni").
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Old 19.03.2010., 22:35   #55
G. W. Bush:

- "Kad bi ovo bila diktatura, bilo bi puno lakše kad bih ja bio diktator"

-"Ovo je impresivna skupina - oni koji imaji i oni koji imaju još više. Neki ljudi vas zovu elitom - ja vas zovem svojom bazom"

- "Potrošili smo dosta vremena na priče o Africi. Afrika je nacija koja pati od nevjerojatne zaraze"

- "Imate li i Vi crnce ? " - pitao je Bush brazilskog predsjednika

- "Želim da znate, kad pričamo o ratu, zapravo pričamo o miru"

- "Oni koji napadaju nevine u Iraku su isti oni koji su izvršili napad 11. rujna"
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Old 24.03.2010., 15:11   #56
Meni osobno najdraži:
"One day, when I'll be hanging the capitalists, they will try to sell me the rope." - Staljin
"Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors" — Sheldon
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Old 25.03.2010., 00:15   #57
Opet Ivek i Mirek

Ivo Andrić:

"U zemlji mržnje najviše mrze onoga tko ne umije mrziti".

Miroslav Krleža:

"Sačuvaj me Bože srpskog junaštva i hrvatske kulture!"
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Old 25.03.2010., 00:40   #58
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt, 1910.

Ili po naški:

"Nije kritičar važan, nije važan onaj tko upozori kad jak čovjek posrne i kada se čini da se nešto moglo uraditi bolje.

Zaslužan je onaj tko je u areni, čije je lice nagrđeno prašinom, znojem i krvlju, koji se hrabro bori, koji griješi i ponovno podbacuje, onaj tko je odan, tko se predaje vrijednu cilju, onaj tko, u najboljem slučaju, prepoznaje visoko postignuće pobjede i tko, u najgorem slučaju, pogriješi li dok odgovara na izazov, zna da njegovo mjesto nikada neće biti među onim plašljivim i hladnim dušama, koje ne znaju ni za pobjedu ni za poraz."

"I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all."
USMC General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time."
"Take me to the Brig. I want to see the real Marines."
""Where do you put the bayonet?" (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)"

USMC Lieutenant General Lewis "Chesty" Puller

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Old 25.03.2010., 08:59   #59
Albert Einstein

Čovjek koji nikad ne griješi, je čovjek koji nikad nije ništa napravio u životu.

Nacionalizam je dječja bolest, to su ospice čovječanstva.

Razlika između genijalnosti i gluposti je da genijalnost ima svojih granica.
Dreams we dreamed at night, were never meant to come to life;
This time in my life, I was hurt enough to care.
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Old 25.03.2010., 09:00   #60
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Ronald Wilson Reagan, June 12, 1987, American President, directly responsible for the collapse of Soviet bloc and indirectly for collapse of Yugoslavia.

Zadnje uređivanje Dilberth : 25.03.2010. at 09:22.
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