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Podforum: Teologija i religijska praksa

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Old 23.07.2017., 16:57   #1
Isus izvan evandjelja

U ovoj temi samo o izvorima van evandjelja i eventualno paralela s evandjeljima(rečenica,dvije) je pravilo igre.

Uvjeren sam da kad se razdvoji jedno od drugoga da će biti manje više svima jasno da Isus tj Jesu/Jeshu je stvarna povjesna osoba, no razlika između onoga što jest i onoga što je u evandjelju može biti frapanto velika jer evandjelja su teologija a ne novinarski kazetofonski snimak ili snap shot kamere.

Evo za početak od Celza isto tvrdi kao i u Talmudu da je Jeshu vanbračni sin Rimljanina i da mu je majka udata bila za stolara.Poslije ću ubacivati djelove iz Talmuda i ostalih Židovskih izvora a i nekih drugih.

[Jesus] came from a Jewish village and from a poor country woman who earned her living by spinning. He says that she was driven out by her husband, who was a carpenter by trade, as she was convicted of adultery. Then he says that after she had been driven out by her husband and while she was wandering about in a disgraceful way she secretly gave birth to Jesus. He states that because he [Jesus] was poor he hired himself out as a workman in Egypt, and there tried his hand at certain magical powers on which the Egyptians pride themselves; he returned full of conceit, because of these powers, and on account of them gave himself the title of God . . . the mother of Jesus is described as having been turned out by the carpenter who was betrothed to her, as she had been convicted of adultery and had a child by a certain soldier named Panthera."[108][109]
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Old 23.07.2017., 17:00   #2
Pandera and alleged adultery by Mary[edit]
The Babylonian talmud contains narratives that discuss an anonymous person who brought witchcraft out of Egypt, and the person is identified as "son of Pandera" or "son of Stada". The Talmud discusses whether the individual (the name Jesus is not present in these passages) is the son of Stada, or Pandera, and a suggestion is made that the mother Mary committed adultery.[93]

Babylonian Shabbat 104b "Was he the son of Stara (and not) the son of Pandera?" (Editions or MSs: Oxford 23, Soncino)
Babylonian Sanhedrin 67a "Was he the son of Stara (and not) the son of Pandera?" (Editions or MSs: Herzog 1, Karlsruhe 2, ... )
Babylonian Shabbat 104b "husband Stada, lover Pandera" (Editions or MSs: Vatican 108, Munich 95, Vilna )
Babylonian Sanhedrin 67a "husband Stara, lover Pandera" (Editions or MSs: Herzog 1, Barco)
Babylonian Shabbat 104b "husband Pappos, mother Stada" (Editions or MSs: Vilna, Munich 95 )
Babylonian Sanhedrin 67a "husband Pappos, mother Stada" (Editions or MSs: Vilna, Munich 95)
Babylonian Shabbat 104b "his mother Miriam who let grow (her) women's hair" (Editions or MSs: Vilna, Oxford 23, Soncino)
Babylonian Sanhedrin 67a "his mother Miriam who let grow (her) women's hair" (Editions or MSs: Karlsruhe 2, Munich 95)
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Old 26.07.2017., 23:44   #3
Sve ovo vec moze u temu o povijesnom Isusu. Nema potrebe za novom temom.
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