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Old 05.08.2006., 02:07   #1
Domagoj Margetić

For Immediate Release

Croatian Police Arrest and Jail Domagoj Margetic

August 4, 2006: Croatian journalist and former ICTY indictee, Domagoj Margetic, has been arrested and jailed by Croatian police, 6:00PM local time today in the town of Slavonski Brod. The Croatian police drove and placed Domagoj in a Zagreb jail.

Domagoj appeared before a judge in Zagreb this morning at 9:00AM as requested and ordered by the Croatian judiciary. He informed the court he will respect the laws of the Republic of Croatia; however, he was not willing to accept the recent confidential order issued by the ICTY Prosecutor's office at The Hague.

During the arrest, the police refused to allow Domagoj's attorney to speak on his behalf and refused to allow Domagoj's attorney to travel with him to Zagreb. The Slavonski Brod police detained his friend and attorney in the police station for 3 hours as they were also interrogated by the police. The police did not allow Domagoj to take his personal belongings and assured his friend and lawyer he would not be harmed.

Domagoj's attorney was informed that he will be locked up for 48 hours before he can see a judge. Absolutely no explanation or reason was given why Domagoj was arrested.

It is clearly obvious the very same people which issued the arrest warrant still function and behave under a Communist mentality and do not respect any democratic principles or the Croatian constitution. The current Croatian government's communist mentality has not changed one iota since Croatia's independence in 1990.

This is a travesty of justice as Croatia remembers the 11th Anniversary of Operation Storm this weekend. Operation Storm liberated Croatia's territory after four years of Yugoslav/Serbian aggression and occupation.

Today, the Croatian government is nothing more than a abhorrent disgrace and total embarrassment for the Croatian people.

Šef smjene OKC-a PU Brodsko posavske Anđelko Pavlović potvrdio je kako su Margetića oko 18,25 sati policijski službenici uhitili u ulici u kojoj se nalazi zgrada slavonsko-brodske Policijske uprave.

Kazao je kako prilikom uhićenja nisu upotrebljena sredstva prinude jer nije bilo otpora. Ipak uhićeniku su preventivno stavljene lisice jer je uhićen po nalogu suda, rekao je Pavlović.

Margetićev branitelj Krešimir Pencinger nakon gotovo dvosatnog razgovora u slavonsko-brodskoj policiji novinarima je rekao je kako je Margetić tijekom dana bio u kontaktu sa Županijskim sudom i Policijskom upravom zagrebačkom. S njima u dogovoru, budući je bio na putu, javio se u policijsku postaju Slavonski Brod.

'Podrobnijih informacija nemam', kratko je izjavio Pencinger.

Margetić je jutros na zagrebačkom Županijskom sudu odbio primiti nalog Haškog suda kojim mu se, navodno, zabranjuje javna objava popisa zaštićenih svjedoka s haškog suđenja generalu Tihomiru Blaškiću, tvrdeći da je nalog protivan hrvatskim zakonima i Ustavnom zakonu o suradnji s Haagom.

Zadnje uređivanje Blaise : 05.08.2006. at 07:14.
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