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Old 14.02.2022., 15:43   #1
Velika Britanija

Nakon što se Kina svrstala na stranu Argentine oko statusa od Britanije okupiranog otočja Malvini, ili kako ih okupacijske trupe nazivaju Falclands:

sada se osmjelio i malecki Mauricijus, pa osporava britansku okupaciju otočja Chagos
Philippe Sands@philippesandsIt’s morning on #Chagos, where the flag of Mauritius flies, proof that the rule of law is not only a dream
Vijest je propratilo i imperijalno glasilo londosnke oligarhije, The Guardian:
Mauritius formally challenges Britain’s ownership of Chagos Islands
Mauritian ambassador to UN raises country’s flag above atoll of Peros Banhos

Officials raised the Mauritian flag above an atoll on the Chagos Islands, pictured, and sang the national anthem in a ceremony on Monday. Photograph: Bruno Rinvolucri/The Guardian
Owen Bowcott and Bruno Rinvolucri in Peros Banhos
Mon 14 Feb 2022 13.00 GMT

Britain’s ownership of the Chagos archipelago has been formally challenged after the Mauritian ambassador to the UN, Jagdish Koonjul, raised his country’s flag above the atoll of Peros Banhos.

In a ceremony on Monday at 10.30am local time, Mauritian officials sang their country’s national anthem and the red, blue, yellow and green standard was raised up the flagpole.

Koonjul said: “We are performing the symbolic act of raising the flag as the British have done so many times to establish colonies. We, however, are reclaiming what has always been our own.”
Podsjetimo, Otočje Chagos, ili kako ga nazivaju okupacijske trupe Diego Garcia, okupiran je od strane Britanije a potom su svi njegovi stanovnici nasilno iseljeni i zabranjen im je povratak u poznatom zapadnom duhu demokracije i slobode.
The Chagos was home to the Chagossians, a Bourbonnais Creole-speaking people, until the United Kingdom evicted them between 1967 and 1973 to allow the United States to build a military base on Diego Garcia. Since 1971, only the atoll of Diego Garcia has been inhabited, and only by military and civilian contracted personnel. Since being expelled, Chagossians, like all others not permitted by the UK or US governments, have been prevented from entering the islands.

When Mauritius was a French colony, the islands were a dependency of the French administration in Mauritius (Île Maurice). By the Treaty of Paris of 1814, France ceded Mauritius and its dependencies to the United Kingdom.

In 1965, while planning for Mauritian independence the UK constituted the Chagos the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT).[4][5] Mauritius gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1968, and has since claimed the Chagos Archipelago as Mauritian territory.

In 2019, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a non-binding advisory opinion stating that the UK "...has an obligation to bring to an end its administration of the Chagos Archipelago as rapidly as possible, and that all Member States must co-operate with the United Nations to complete the decolonization of Mauritius”[6] In December of that year, the Sega tambour Chagos genre is recognized by UNESCO as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage from Mauritius.[7] In January 2021, the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution exhorting this.[8] In 2021, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea confirmed for its jurisdiction that the UK has "no sovereignty over the Chagos Islands" thus the islands should be handed back to Mauritius.[8][9]

In August 2021, the Universal Postal Union banned British stamps from being used in BIOT, a move Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth called a "big step in favour of the recognition of the sovereignty of Mauritius over the Chago."[10]
Nedugo potom je UK iznajmila atole USA za potrebe njihove vojne baze/aerodroma, preko kojega USA kontrolira cijeli zapad Azije, te su tamo stacionirani američki avioni uzimali učešća u svim tamošnjim ratovima, uključujući zadnji u Jemenu.


Nije poznato kakve će mjere poduzeti brutalni britanski režim na ovaj drski ali smjeli potez Mauricijusa, ali je za pretpostaviti da će, za razliku od Malvina gdje su direktno vojno intervenirali, ovaj puta samo pojačati klimatske promjene, jer je Mauricijus ionako pred potapanjem zbog podizanja razine mora.
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Old 14.02.2022., 17:44   #2
Nije to bas od sada:
Ali, opet, quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.
...svakoga dana previše riči, svaki se mudrac svojima diči...
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Old 14.02.2022., 18:03   #3
Diego Garcia je strateški važan zbog B-2 i B-52. Nemaju gdje čučnuti radi podvješavanja u širem regionu, raspada im se takt inače (sukladno lean management-u) ili što'no bi vojno rekli sortie generation. Dakle, Maurucijus je voda sa zahtjevima... u startu.

Tamo slabo ima NATO-a!
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Old 14.02.2022., 18:40   #4
Zanemarujuci vojni znacaj, medjunarodni sudovi su rekli da jedan od luconosa demokracije i slobode u svijetu, zauzima teritorij koji mu ne pripada. I luconosa to ignorira. I s druge strane taj isti luconosa drugima prigovara zbog krsenja medjunarodnog prava.
...svakoga dana previše riči, svaki se mudrac svojima diči...
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Old 14.02.2022., 18:45   #5
Pa, nije vrag da se čudiš tome!?

Pročitaš knjigu: John Perkins: "Diary of an economic hitman" i stvari postanu jasnije!

Imaš i na yt-u intervju (ili više njih) sa autorom gdje fino objasni kako stvari idu... i kako su išle...
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Old 14.02.2022., 22:17   #6
Naravno da se ne cudim. Postoje jednaki i "jednakiji" ilitiga quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
...svakoga dana previše riči, svaki se mudrac svojima diči...
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Old 15.02.2022., 13:39   #7
Jedna zanimljivost na 14.02 koju niste učili u školi o Velikoj Britaniji.

Učili ste da je James Cook bio veliki pomorac i istraživač, ubijen na Havajima, ali nisu vam baš rekli zašto. Valjda zato što su Havajci divljaci koje je UK trebala privesti kršćanstvu i civilizaciji. Samo što to više nije popularan narativ zadnjih godina nakon IIsr.

Kad ono gle. Baš nikada ne biste mogli pretpostaviti stvarni uzrok njegove pogibije.
Lakota Man@LakotaMan1On this day, February 14, 1779 — Indigenous Hawaiians killed Captain James Cook for attempting to kidnap their Chief Kalaniʻōpuʻu — You would’ve known this had they taught it in school.
I brza provjera:
Klasika koja izbjegava zašto je Cook ubijen, ali korektno ukazuje odakle su došle gonoreja i sifilis:
Ništa kao zapadne vrijednosti i kultura.

Malo detalja od samih Britanaca:
Now promoted to captain, he set out on his third and final voyage of exploration (1776-1780), with two ships, the Resolution and Discovery.

After so many years spent exploring, Cook was a confident commander. Yet there is evidence in some of his officers’ journals of Cook showing violent behaviour and poor judgement during this third voyage, both towards his own men and towards the people they met. He burned towns and sank canoes in reprisal for minor thefts by the islanders during his visit to Tahiti in 1777. Was Cook tired or ill after all his years of voyaging? Did this affect his judgement? We don’t know for sure.

In January 1778, Cook and his crew became the first Europeans to visit the Hawaiian islands. They went on to explore the west coast of North America, where Cook tried and failed to pass the Bering Strait in his search for a northern passage between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The crew returned to Hawaii, landing at Kealakekua Bay on 17 January 1779.

After leaving Hawaii for the second time, they unexpectedly returned just four days later, having suffered damage to the Resolution. Tensions had risen during their previous visit, and only grew worse upon their return. On 14 February 1779, Cook was killed in a confrontation with the Hawaiians. But why did tensions rise? And why was Cook killed?
Zašto su dakle Havajci ubili James Cooka? Zašto su "tenzije narasle"? Što kaže wikipedija, poznato neutralno glasilo svih objektivnih promatrača:ʻowaha
i sa nje link na:
Death of James Cook
Date 14 February 1779
Location Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii
Cause Stabbed in retaliation and self-defence after invasion and attempted kidnap
Participants Kalaniʻōpuʻu, Captain James Cook
Deaths Dozens (including Cook)

On 14 February 1779, English explorer Captain James Cook attempted to kidnap Kalaniʻōpuʻu, the ruling chief (aliʻi nui) of the island of Hawaii. The decision to hold him in exchange for a stolen longboat was the fatal error of Cook's final voyage, and led to his death at Kealakekua Bay.

Cook's arrival in Hawaii was eventually followed by mass migrations of Europeans and Americans to the islands[1] that gave rise to the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the aboriginal monarchy of the islands, by pro-American elements beginning in 1893.
Nervožasti James Cook (a nervožast je jer očito jer nije uspio postići cilj koji mu je namijenila kruna, jer su Havajci bili malo tvrđi zalogaj i imali dosta dobro organiziranu državu, unatoč tome što je Cook bio prvi Europljanin kojeg su vidjeli) pokušava oteti kralja samo zato da bi širio parlamentarnu demokraciju, slobodu govora i trodiobu vlasti.

Ili je samo htio ucijeniti lokalce da mu daju ustupke kod popravke broda, smještaja posade i opskrbe hranom koje oni, znajući stvarne troškove i navike svojih posjetilaca, pogotovu higijenske, nisu ni u ludilu bili spremi dati, a u što su se mogli osobno ujveriti u toku prethodnog upravo okončanog posjeta dotičnog Cooka.

Procijenite sami gdje je istina.

Lokalni "divljaci", ne shvaćajući i stoga nezahvalni prema takvom nesebičnom ukazanju dobre volje Imperija da ih oslobodi tiranije dotičnoga kralja, izbodu ga ka jastuče za igle. Neki kažu i da su ga pojeli:
14 FEB 2019 - 2:51PM
How the foolish rumour that Hawaiians ate Cook began

ANALYSIS: Historian and Professor at the University of Hawaiʻi, Lilikalā K. Kameʻeleihiwa explains that Captain Cook's death was a victory for the Hawaiian people, but one that did not end in cannibalism.

Rumour has it that Hawaiians worshipped Captain James Cook as a god whom we killed, and then ate, in 1779.

Now it is true that we very proudly killed Cook, who brought Venereal Disease (VD) and Tuberculosis to the Hawaiian people with his disease-ridden men. In fact, we Hawaiians still celebrate every 14 February as Hauʻoli Lā Hoʻomake iā Kapena Kuke, of Happy Death of Captain Cook day!

But as we Hawaiians preferred to eat fresh fish over people (especially those who bathed only infrequently), we certainly did not eat Cook. So where did this story come from?
Pogodite sami odakle je došla ta priča, ili pročitajte članak.

Dakle, još jedna nevina žrtva koju je Imperij U Kojem ne Zalazi Sunce položio na oltar svjetskog napretka.

Srećom je ta nepravda prema zapadnim vrijednostima ispravljena krajem 19 stoljeća i neuko i brutalno havajsko kraljevstvo koje proždire svoje osloboditelje i prosvjetitelje je prestalo postojati, ali to više nema veze sa plemenitom Velikom Britanijom koja se samo borila za mir i napredak u Svijetu, beskompromisno i uvijek žrtvujući svoje najbolje sinove zarad dobrobiti plemenitih bića u dalekim zemljama o kojima su se najbolji Sinovi Imperija htjeli starati bolje nego o svojim najrođenijima, koji su najrođeniji u bijedi radeći 18 sati dnevno umirali na britanskom otočju samo zato da bi omogućili prosperitet i napredak manje naprednim stanovnicima Zemlje.
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Old 18.02.2022., 12:42   #8
Kako je Velika Britanija zajedno s Trećim Reichom napala i okupirala Dansku.

Svi znamo kako je SSSR zajedno s Trećim Reichom okupirao Poljsku, 17 dana nakon što ju je Hitler napao.

Nekako je slučajno puno slabije poznata epizoda kako je Velika Britanija zajedno s Trećim Reichom napala i okupirala Dansku, tj Island i Farske otoke koji su tada bili dio Danske. (Island u personalnoj uniji)
On 9 April 1940, German forces began Operation Weserübung, invading both Norway and Denmark. Denmark was subdued within a day and occupied. On the same day, the British government sent a message to the Icelandic government, stating that the UK was willing to assist Iceland in maintaining its independence but would require facilities in Iceland to do so. Iceland was invited to join the UK in the war "as a belligerent and an ally." The Icelandic government rejected the offer.[5] On the next day, 10 April, the Icelandic parliament, the Alþingi (or Althing), declared Danish King Christian X unable to perform his constitutional duties and assigned them to the government of Iceland, along with all other responsibilities previously performed by Denmark on behalf of Iceland.[6]

With Operation Valentine on 12 April 1940, the British occupied the Faroe Islands. After the German invasion of Denmark and Norway, the British government became increasingly concerned that Germany would soon try to establish a military presence in Iceland. They felt that this would constitute an intolerable threat to British control of the North Atlantic. Just as importantly, the British were eager to obtain bases in Iceland for themselves to strengthen their Northern Patrol.[7]
Dakle, samo tri dana nakon što je Hitler napao Dansku, Britanci su je također napali i okupirali Farske otoke.


At 01:47, Icelandic time, on 10 May, HMS Berwick used her aircraft catapult to launch a Supermarine Walrus reconnaissance aircraft.[27] The principal aim of the flight was to scout the vicinity of Reykjavík for enemy submarines, which the Naval Intelligence Division had convinced itself were operating out of Icelandic harbours.[27]

The Walrus was given orders not to fly over Reykjavík but – either accidentally or as the result of a miscommunication – it flew several circles over the town, making considerable noise.[28][29] At this time, Iceland possessed only passenger aircraft, which did not fly at night, so this unusual event awoke and alerted a number of people.[30] Prime Minister of Iceland Hermann Jónasson was alerted about the aircraft,[31] as were the Icelandic Police. The acting chief of police, Einar Arnalds, surmised that it most likely originated from a British warship bringing the expected new ambassador.[31] This was correct, though it was not the whole story.

Werner Gerlach (de), the German consul, was also alerted to the aircraft. Suspecting what was about to happen, he drove down to the harbour with a German associate.[32] With the use of binoculars, he confirmed his fears and then hurried back.[33] At home, he arranged for the burning of his documents and tried unsuccessfully to reach the Icelandic foreign minister by telephone.[34][35]

Down at the harbour
At 03:40, an Icelandic policeman saw a small fleet of warships approaching the harbour, but could not discern their nationality. He notified his superior, who notified Einar Arnalds, the acting chief of police.[36] The laws of neutrality to which Iceland had committed forbade more than three warships from a belligerent nation from making use of a neutral harbour at the same time. Any aeroplanes from such ships were forbidden from flying over neutral territorial waters.[31] Seeing that the approaching fleet was about to violate Icelandic neutrality in two ways, Arnalds began to investigate.[31] Down at the harbour, he viewed the ships for himself and decided they were probably British. He contacted the foreign ministry, which confirmed that he should go out to the fleet and announce to its commander that he was in violation of Icelandic neutrality.[37] Customs officers were ordered to prepare a boat.[37]

Meanwhile, marines on Berwick were being ordered aboard Fearless, which would take them to the harbour. The seasickness and inexperience of the troops were causing delays and the officers were becoming frustrated.[24][38] Just before five o'clock in the morning, Fearless, loaded with about 400 marines, began moving toward the harbour.[39] A small crowd had assembled, including several policemen still waiting for the customs boat. The British consul had received advance notice of the invasion and was waiting with his associates to assist the troops when they arrived. Uncomfortable with the crowd, Consul Shepherd turned to the Icelandic police. "Would you mind ... getting the crowd to stand back a bit, so that the soldiers can get off the destroyer?" he asked. "Certainly," came the reply.[39]

Fearless started disembarking immediately once she docked.[40] Arnalds asked to speak with the captain of the destroyer, but was refused.[41] He then hastened to report to the Prime Minister, who ordered him not to interfere with the British troops and to try to prevent conflicts between them and Icelanders.[41] Down at the harbour, some of the locals protested against the arrival of the British. One Icelander snatched a rifle from a marine and stuffed a cigarette in it. He then threw it back to the marine and told him to be careful with it. An officer arrived to scold the marine.[42]

Operations in Reykjavík
The British forces began their operations in Reykjavík by posting a guard at the post office and attaching a flyer to the door.[43] The flyer explained in broken Icelandic that British forces were occupying the city and asked for co-operation in dealing with local Germans.[44] The offices of Landssími Íslands (state telecommunication service), RÚV (broadcasting service), and the Meteorological Office were quickly occupied by the British to prevent news of the invasion from reaching Berlin.[45]

Meanwhile, high priority was assigned to the capture of the German consulate. Arriving at the consulate, the British troops were relieved to find no sign of resistance and simply knocked on the door. Consul Gerlach opened, protested against the invasion, and reminded the British that Iceland was a neutral country. He was reminded, in turn, that Denmark had also been a neutral country.[46] The British discovered a fire upstairs in the building and found a pile of documents burning in the consul's bathtub. They extinguished the fire and salvaged a substantial number of records.[47]

The British had also expected resistance from the crew of Bahia Blanca, a German freighter which had hit an iceberg in the Denmark Strait and whose 62-man crew had been rescued by an Icelandic trawler. The Naval Intelligence Division believed the Germans were actually reserve crews for the German submarines they thought were operating out of Iceland.[48] The unarmed Germans were captured without incident.[49]
Svega mjesec dana nakon napada Hitlera na Dansku, Britanija je demokratski okupirala i Island.

I vrhunac ironije:
In 1990, the Faroese government organised British Week, a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the friendly occupation. The celebration was attended by HMS Brilliant and a Royal Marines band. Sir Frederick Mason, the former wartime British consul to the Faroes, was also present, aged 76.[10]
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Old 18.02.2022., 13:16   #9
ruka-slave kaže: Pogledaj post
Kako je Velika Britanija zajedno s Trećim Reichom napala i okupirala Dansku.

Svi znamo kako je SSSR zajedno s Trećim Reichom okupirao Poljsku, 17 dana nakon što ju je Hitler napao.

Nekako je slučajno puno slabije poznata epizoda kako je Velika Britanija zajedno s Trećim Reichom napala i okupirala Dansku, tj Island i Farske otoke koji su tada bili dio Danske. (Island u personalnoj uniji)
Osjećam susramlje čitajući ovu povijesnu gimnastiku ili kako je već nazvati. Iz tvojih izvora tj Wikipedije

Farski otoci - In April 1940, the United Kingdom occupied the strategically important Faroe Islands to forestall a German invasion. British troops left shortly after the end of the war.

We are also at this moment occupying the Faroe Islands, which belong to Denmark and which are a strategic point of high importance, and whose people showed every disposition to receive us with warm regard. We shall shield the Faroe Islands from all the severities of war and establish ourselves there conveniently by sea and air until the moment comes when they will be handed back to Denmark liberated from the foul thraldom into which they have been plunged by German aggression.

"Okupirali" Farske otoke da bi usporili njemačku invaziju i uspostavili kontrolu pomorskih puteva kojim su gle čuda Sovjetskom savezu slali oružje i drugu pomoć arktičkim konvojima, kao što je slučaj i sa Islandom. Nakon rata ih uredno vratili Danskoj.

Island - On the evening of 10 May, the government of Iceland issued a protest, charging that its neutrality had been "flagrantly violated" and "its independence infringed", noting that compensation would be expected for all damage done. The British promised compensation, favourable business agreements, non-interference in Icelandic affairs, and the withdrawal of all forces at the end of the war.

The UK invaded to forestall a German occupation, to provide a base for naval and air patrols, and to protect merchant shipping lanes from North America to Europe.

Icelanders were and remain divided about the war and occupation – what is sometimes referred to as "blessað stríðið" or "the Blessed War". Some point to the subsequent economic revival, others to loss of sovereignty and social upheaval.

The occupation required the building of a network of roads, hospitals, harbours, airfields and bridges across the country, and this did have an enormous positive economic impact. However, the Icelanders severely censured the sexual relationships between troops and local women, which were causing considerable controversy and political turmoil.[citation needed] Women were often accused of prostitution and of being traitors. 255 children were born from these liaisons, the ástandsbörn, 'children of the situation'.

Jadni Islanđani se teško napatili. Osim novih cesta, bolnica, luka, aerodroma i mostova diljem zemlje dobili i povlaštene trgovinske ugovore s Britancima. Toliko su se napatili u ratu da ga neki zovu "blaženi rat".
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Old 18.02.2022., 13:39   #10
Pa i BiH je dobila mostove, ceste, željeznice itd nakon što ju je Austrija napala i okupirala 1878. Što je stoga pisac htio reći?

Povijesna je istina da je Britanija napala i okupirala Dansku zajedno s Trećim Reichom.
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Old 18.02.2022., 13:59   #11
Da, okupirali su zajedno sa Nijemcima Dansku, Island, FO, a onda su kontrolu tih teritorija koje su okupirali zajedno s Njemačkom koristili protiv Njmemačke tako što su slali oružje i opremu SSSR-u koji je ratovao protiv Njemačke na istočnom frontu, a što je Njemačka pokušala spriječiti potapanjem britanskih brodova ubivši nekoliko tisuća Britanaca koji su dostavljali pomoć Sovjetima.

Zamantralo mi se od ove akrobacije. Moram malo prileć
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Old 18.02.2022., 14:02   #12

Maskeron kaže: Pogledaj post
Da, okupirali su zajedno sa Nijemcima Dansku, Island, FO, a onda su kontrolu tih teritorija koje su okupirali zajedno s Njemačkom koristili protiv Njmemačke tako što su slali oružje i opremu SSSR-u koji je ratovao protiv Njemačke na istočnom frontu, a što je Njemačka pokušala spriječiti potapanjem britanskih brodova ubivši nekoliko tisuća Britanaca koji su dostavljali pomoć Sovjetima.

Zamantralo mi se od ove akrobacije. Moram malo prileć
Ha, pa i SSSR je napao i okupirao Poljsku skupa s Trećim Reichom, pa je onda Treći Reich pobio 20 milijuna Sovjeta, a Sovjeti par milijuna njemačkih vojnika i njihovih saveznika. Što si ono htio reći, ili ti se opet zamantralo?
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Old 18.02.2022., 14:17   #13
ruka-slave kaže: Pogledaj post
Ha, pa i SSSR je napao i okupirao Poljsku skupa s Trećim Reichom, pa je onda Treći Reich pobio 20 milijuna Sovjeta, a Sovjeti par milijuna njemačkih vojnika i njihovih saveznika. Što si ono htio reći, ili ti se opet zamantralo?
Htio sam reći da su Nijemci i Sovjeti potpisali sporazum o nenapadanju sa tajnim protokolima o podjeli Europe na interesne sfere. Nakon što su zajedno raskomadali Poljsku odradili su i zajedničku prijateljsku vojnu paradu.

Imaš nešto slično što dokazuje tvoju teoriju o zajedničkom napadu VB i Njemačke na Dansku, Island i FO?
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Old 18.02.2022., 17:21   #14
Tu dilemu najednostavnije mogu razriješiti sami Danci i Islanđani. Tj. da li njima događaji iz tog perioda i odnos prema UK/SAD-u imaju istu težinu i značaj kao, primjerice, pokolj u Katynu i slično.
Dilema je naravno već i razriješena. Između ostalog i činjenicom da su i Danci i Islanđani i dalje u NATO-u, na koji (bar Danci) gledaju čak i pozitivnije od Britanaca i Amerikanaca. Dok sa druge strane Poljaci neće biti zadovoljni sve dok bar pola US Army ne bude trajno stacionirano na njihovoj teritoriji.
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Old 18.02.2022., 18:15   #15
Maskeron kaže: Pogledaj post
Htio sam reći da su Nijemci i Sovjeti potpisali sporazum o nenapadanju sa tajnim protokolima o podjeli Europe na interesne sfere. Nakon što su zajedno raskomadali Poljsku odradili su i zajedničku prijateljsku vojnu paradu.

Imaš nešto slično što dokazuje tvoju teoriju o zajedničkom napadu VB i Njemačke na Dansku, Island i FO?
Naravno da nemam, jer se Velika Britanija još nije raspala poput SSSRa pa "istraživači" još nisu nesmetano rovali po najtajnijim dokumentima britanskog imperija.

Kao hint:

Moj podnaslov slike: "Kako su Engleska i Francuska carski zajebale SSSR a onda je SSSR zajebao njih. A Engleze i Francuze jako boli izdaja savzenika"

Što ste ono htjeli reći o "prijateljskoj paradi s nacistima"?
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Old 18.02.2022., 18:19   #16
Luvre kaže: Pogledaj post
Tu dilemu najednostavnije mogu razriješiti sami Danci i Islanđani. Tj. da li njima događaji iz tog perioda i odnos prema UK/SAD-u imaju istu težinu i značaj kao, primjerice, pokolj u Katynu i slično.
Dilema je naravno već i razriješena. Između ostalog i činjenicom da su i Danci i Islanđani i dalje u NATO-u, na koji (bar Danci) gledaju čak i pozitivnije od Britanaca i Amerikanaca. Dok sa druge strane Poljaci neće biti zadovoljni sve dok bar pola US Army ne bude trajno stacionirano na njihovoj teritoriji.
Pa da pitamo Dance i Islanđane koliko im znači pokolj u Katynu u odnosu na okupaciju Islanda i Farskih otoka.

I zašto je Trump javno predložio Danskoj da otkupi Grenland.
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Old 19.02.2022., 07:57   #17
ruka-slave kaže: Pogledaj post
Naravno da nemam, jer se Velika Britanija još nije raspala poput SSSRa pa "istraživači" još nisu nesmetano rovali po najtajnijim dokumentima britanskog imperija.
Da, jer Britanija je staljinistička diktatura pa trebamo čekati raspad iste da bi se dokumenti deklasificirali

Kao hint:

Moj podnaslov slike: "Kako su Engleska i Francuska carski zajebale SSSR a onda je SSSR zajebao njih. A Engleze i Francuze jako boli izdaja savzenika"

Što ste ono htjeli reći o "prijateljskoj paradi s nacistima"?
I onda baciš sliku o kojoj se sve zna od prvog dana sastanka i potpisa tog sramotnog sporazuma kao hint neke tajne zavjere, a uz to još pokažeš kakve dvostruke kriterije imaš.

Prema tebi je Chamberlain zločinac jer je vodio politiku appeasementa prema Hitleru prepuštajući mu Sudete da bi izbjegao rat, a Obama koji je isto napravio s Krimom uz neku manju galamu i sankcije zločinac. Evo je zločinac i Biden koji šalje oružje Ukrajini da bi joj pomogao u obrani, umjesto da sleti u Minhen odnosno u Moskvu, potpiše prepuštanje Ukrajini Putinu i vrati se doma mašući s papirom kako je spasio svijet od katastrofe. Tad bi ti Biden bio junak stoljeća
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