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Vojna povijest i tehnologija Od praćke do ratova zvijezda.

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Old 13.01.2018., 22:49   #361
Zna li netko nešto konkretno glede ovog navodnog LM projekta?
..Tako je dirljiva ta briga neutralnih objektivnih i zabrinutih treba pregovarati za Ukrajinu, rastopim se od te empatije.
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Old 14.01.2018., 23:46   #362
Bok svima,

Roy kaže: Pogledaj post
Zna li netko nešto konkretno glede ovog navodnog LM projekta?
Vidio sam tu sliku već prije ali...

Na parkiralištu među automobilima?!?!

Velik kao jedva 2 automobila?!?!
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Old 15.01.2018., 15:04   #363
Navodno neki stari (vidjen barem u 2015 ako ne i ranije) model za mjerenje radarskog odraza straznjeg profila motora na F-35.
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Old 17.01.2018., 11:11   #364
Bok svima,

Kako smo odmah i predvidjeli stižu optužnice za ona dva sudara USN...

Navy files criminal charges in connection with deadly ship collisions, including negligent homicide

by Washington Post

Five Navy officers involved in deadly ship collisions that killed a combined 17 sailors last year will face a variety of criminal charges, including negligent homicide, the service announced Tuesday night.

The individuals include Cmdr. Bryce Benson and Cmdr. Alfredo J. Sanchez, the former captains of the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain, respectively. The Fitzgerald collided off the southern coast of Japan with a larger vessel on June 17, killing seven sailors, while the McCain struck another ship Aug. 21 near Singapore, killing 10.

Three other officers aboard the Fitzgerald also will face charges, said Navy Capt. Gregory Hicks, a service spokesman. The service did not identify them by name Thursday, but they include two lieutenants and one lieutenant junior grade. They and Benson also face charges of dereliction of duty and hazarding a vessel.

Sanchez faces the same three charges in connection with the McCain accident, Hicks said in a statement. In addition, the Navy is examining one charge of dereliction of duty against a chief petty officer, a senior enlisted leader on the ship.

Separately, the service also is moving forward with administrative discipline for four other members of both the Fitzgerald and McCain, Hicks said.

The potential courts-martial are the latest fallout to the collisions, which shocked the Navy, prompted congressional hearings and has left the service short two $1.8 billion destroyers. Navy Adm. John M. Richardson, the chief of naval operations, has promised that the service will get back to basics and emphasize the fundamentals of good seamanship.

The service announced in November that it had found through internal investigations that both catastrophes were preventable and occurred due to multiple failures by service members who were standing watch the nights of the accidents.

Richardson disclosed at a Pentagon news conference Nov. 2 that he had assigned Adm. James “Frank” Caldwell Jr. to serve as a consolidated disposition authority for legal cases related to the collisions. The term defines a senior officer who oversees cases that can be both criminal and administrative in nature.

The service already had removed numerous people from their jobs as a result of the collisions, including Sanchez and his second-in-command on the McCain, Cmdr. Jessie L. Sanchez. On the Fitzgerald, the Navy removed Benson, Cmdr. Sean Babbitt, the ship’s No. 2 officer, and Command Master Chief Brice A. Baldwin, its senior enlisted sailor.

In August, the Navy removed Vice Adm. Joseph Aucoin, who oversaw its 7th Fleet. Aucoin’s replacement, Vice Adm. Phil Sawyer, then removed Rear Adm. Charles Williams and Capt. Jeffrey Bennett, who oversaw aspects of the ships’ deployments.

In September, Richardson notified Adm. Scott Swift, the commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet, that he will not be nominated to lead U.S. Pacific Command, effectively pushing him into retirement.

The Navy’s senior officer overseeing surface warfare, Vice Adm. Thomas Rowden, also is expected to step down this week ahead of a recommendation that he be removed, Defense News reported Tuesday.
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Old 17.01.2018., 11:42   #365
Bok svima,

USS Abraham Lincoln

Kao i obično ignorirati (uglavnom) tekst i pogledati slike i video...
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Old 30.01.2018., 17:56   #366
Jel misli amerika leteće sjekire i harpune zamijenit s nečim boljim ili nema potrebe za tim?
Čovjek nije drvo, i vezanost je njegova nesreća, oduzima mu hrabrost, umanjuje sigurnost. Vežući se za jedno mjesto čovjek prihvata sve uslove, čak i nepovoljne, i sam sebe plaši neizvjesnošću koja ga čeka. Promjena mu liči na napuštanje, na gubitak uloženog, neko drugi će zaposjesti njegov osvojeni prostor, i on ce počinjati iznova. Ukopavanje je pravi početak starenja, jer je čovjek mlad sve dok se ne boji da započinje. Ostajući, čovjek trpi ili napada. Odlazeći, čuva slobodu, spreman je da promijeni mjesto i nametne uslove. Kuda i kako da ode? (Derviš i smrt, Meša Selimović)
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Old 30.01.2018., 18:02   #367
Srebrni-medvjed kaže: Pogledaj post
Jel misli amerika leteće sjekire i harpune zamijenit s nečim boljim ili nema potrebe za tim?
Veliki inkvizitor budno pazi da se forumom ne proširi nikakva hereza.
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Old 30.01.2018., 18:08   #368
otok_kiril kaže: Pogledaj post
Sporo misli, rusi pored brahmosa i kolibra rade na novom ultra brzom projektilu
Čovjek nije drvo, i vezanost je njegova nesreća, oduzima mu hrabrost, umanjuje sigurnost. Vežući se za jedno mjesto čovjek prihvata sve uslove, čak i nepovoljne, i sam sebe plaši neizvjesnošću koja ga čeka. Promjena mu liči na napuštanje, na gubitak uloženog, neko drugi će zaposjesti njegov osvojeni prostor, i on ce počinjati iznova. Ukopavanje je pravi početak starenja, jer je čovjek mlad sve dok se ne boji da započinje. Ostajući, čovjek trpi ili napada. Odlazeći, čuva slobodu, spreman je da promijeni mjesto i nametne uslove. Kuda i kako da ode? (Derviš i smrt, Meša Selimović)
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Old 30.01.2018., 18:41   #369
Srebrni-medvjed kaže: Pogledaj post
Jel misli amerika leteće sjekire i harpune zamijenit s nečim boljim ili nema potrebe za tim?

The first firing of a Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) from the kind of vertical launcher used on Navy ships

The USS John Paul Jones fires an SM-6 in an earlier test.

The supersonic SM-6 Standard Missile, designed to shoot down incoming aircraft and cruise missiles, has sunk a target ship in a test. The decommissioned frigate Reuben James went down off Hawaii in the January event, just disclosed today.
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Old 04.02.2018., 23:15   #370

‘Sea Hunter,’ a drone ship with no crew, just joined the U.S. Navy fleet
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Old 07.02.2018., 08:33   #371
"Zapovijed je bila: Želim paradu poput one u Parizu. Na tome se radi na najvišim razinama u vojsci", rekao je za Post jedan vojni dužnosnik koji nije želio biti imenovan.

Nakon što je Washington Post objavio tu informaciju, Bijela kuća je priopćila da je Trump "zatražio od ministarstva obrane da istraži mogućnosti održavanja proslave na kojoj bi svi Amerikanci mogli iskazati svoju zahvalnost (vojsci)".

Mislim da će ovo biti teža brutala....eto dobra podloga za Hell march
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Old 07.02.2018., 22:00   #372
Pametan Nick kaže: Pogledaj post
[I]"Zapovijed je bila: Želim paradu poput one u Parizu. Na tome se radi na najvišim razinama u vojsci", rekao je za Post jedan vojni dužnosnik koji nije želio biti imenovan.
Ovo sigurno neće pokazati:

60 Minutes shocked to find 8-inch floppies drive nuclear deterrent

Nuclear Weapons: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Uvijek uz dlaku!
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Old 18.02.2018., 08:49   #373
Ima li tko link na vojni budget FY18 , koje je Trump potpisao 9.2.18, odnosno njegova stavka procurement?
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Old 22.02.2018., 15:54   #374
Ameri imaju velikih problema, ne mogu potrošiti novce koje im je Trump dao za FY18, nemaju dovoljno vremena.haha
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Old 22.02.2018., 18:20   #375
700 milijardi...najvise ikad
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Old 23.02.2018., 16:04   #376
Bok svima,

USAF Fund B-52 Engine Replacement

U.S. Air Force Boost B-52 Funding For Engine Replacement

The U.S. Air Force has requested funding and authorization from Congress to launch one of the largest military reengining programs since the Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker.

The service’s fiscal 2019 budget request seeks more than $1 billion through fiscal 2023 for a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress propulsion system replacement program. The initiative would replace the Pratt & Whitney TF33-103, which has powered the H-model B-52 since its introduction in 1960. But unlike the KC-135R refueling aircraft upgrade, which swapped four TF33s for four CFM International CFM56s, the Air Force is shooting for a straight “eight for eight” swap on the B-52, rather than attempting to install four large high-bypass turbofans.

This is a major opportunity for turbofan manufacturers GE Aviation, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce and potentially Safran, which are now lining up to compete.

The program has been gathering momentum over the past two years, but it received a significant bump on Feb. 12, when the Air Force released its budget proposal. Having now decided to keep the B-52 around until 2050, while replacing Rockwell B-1Bs and Northrop Grumman B-2s with Northrop B-21 Raider stealth bombers, the service’s fiscal 2019 proposal would launch nine new B-52 modernization programs. The largest of them is the reengining, which will be pursued concurrently with a major radar upgrade.

According to budget documents, funding for B-52 modernization will peak at more than $560 million in fiscal 2021. If the engine upgrade is approved and funded by Congress, the service will seek a prime system integrator and engine manufacturer to deliver up to 650 new engines, including spares. The initial buy would be 20 engines for integration and testing on the first two B-52s in the 2022-23 time frame.

GE Aviation tells Aviation Week that it could put forward its latest engine in the required thrust class, the Passport, which powers Bombardier’s newly developed Global 7000 business jet and has been selected for the proposed Global 8000.

Rolls-Royce would offer one member of its BR700 product range, most likely the 15,000-17,000-lb.-thrust-class BR725 that is the engine on Gulfstream’s long-range G650 business jet. Versions of the BR700 power the Air Force’s Gulfstream C-37A transport and Bombardier Global Express-based E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communications Node.

Pratt & Whitney previously has said as it could offer a new engine or a TF33 upgrade package, depending on the requirements. The company has expressed preference for a TF33 upgrade, but may decide to offer the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW800-series turbofan, depending on whether the Air Force allows foreign participation. The PW800 powers Gulfstream’s latest business aircraft, the 15,100-lb.-thrust PW814 for the G500 and 15,700-lb.-thrust PW815 for the G600.

Safran also has been attending the industry days but has not yet announced its intention to bid.

Zanimljivo je da su neki od još uvjek aktivnih B-52 sada već 50-ak godina stari...
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Old 23.02.2018., 22:45   #377
Kako sad stvari stoje Ameri idu na mijenjanje sva tri bombardera s B-21 ukupno 165 letjelica, a to ti piše i u tekstu.
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Old 23.02.2018., 22:52   #378
HasoMujo kaže: Pogledaj post
Bok svima,

USAF Fund B-52 Engine Replacement

Zanimljivo je da su neki od još uvjek aktivnih B-52 sada već 50-ak godina stari...
Ma najmlađi je star 55 godina

Kako sad stvari stoje Ameri idu na mijenjanje sva tri bombardera s B-21 ukupno 165 letjelica, a to ti piše i u tekstu.
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Old 24.02.2018., 01:00   #379
Bok svima,

Pametan Nick kaže: Pogledaj post
Ma najmlađi je star 55 godina
Sjećam se prije par godina jednog teksta gdje je novi pilot bio sin jednog od prvih pilota na istom zrakoplovu B-52...
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Old 24.02.2018., 08:26   #380
"Once the weapons interfaces and electro-optical infrared sensor are integrated with the Black Hawk helicopter's existing controls and displays, international militaries can add external wings and weapons of choice in less than three hours to perform a range of medium attack missions."

Ameri opsjednuti da im sve letjelice imaju neke ofenzivno/defenzivne sposobnosti...čak planiraju naoružati tanker koji dolazi poslije Pegasusa u proizvodnju, nekakav Advance Pegasus..
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