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Serije U nastavcima, a nisu sapunice

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Old 26.10.2006., 00:36   #41
e a šta je to sa Petrellijem juniorom? Jer, on je poletio kad mu je brat poletio, kad je saznao slikarovu moć i poučio je, i on je mogao slikat budućnost... Šta onda, on može apsorbirati tuđe moći il šta?
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Old 26.10.2006., 20:20   #42
Tako je, on kopira tude moci! To ga mozda cini i najopasnijim protivnikom drugome Heroju!
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ~ Tyrion Lannister
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Old 27.10.2006., 11:51   #43
da, Peter vjerojatno sam nema nikakve moći, ali čim je u prisutnosti nekog drugog, i on te moći poprimi. Vjerojatno u stilu: zajedno smo jači.

Zadnja epizoda mi je definitivno bila najbolja, jer su se napokon dosta njih sreli. Jedino mi Niki još nije jasna. Kužim da je ona kao neka podvojena ličnost, i da može napraviti dar-mar, ali brijem da ima još tu nečega. Nije fora da se ona nikad ničega ne sjeća.

Jedva čekam iduću epizodu kad će se srest Isaac i Peter sa Hirom!
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
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Old 27.10.2006., 18:48   #44
Zadnja epizoda mi je definitivno bila najbolja, jer su se napokon dosta njih sreli. Jedino mi Niki još nije jasna. Kužim da je ona kao neka podvojena ličnost, i da može napraviti dar-mar, ali brijem da ima još tu nečega. Nije fora da se ona nikad ničega ne sjeća.
Pa ja bi rekao da ona ima neku super snagu. A ljudi s podvojenim licnostima se mogu ne sjecati sto druga osoba radi. Prije ili kasnije ce ona na hipnozu da se sjeti sto se dogada.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ~ Tyrion Lannister
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Old 30.10.2006., 16:34   #45
maaarin kaže:
e a šta je to sa Petrellijem juniorom? Jer, on je poletio kad mu je brat poletio, kad je saznao slikarovu moć i poučio je, i on je mogao slikat budućnost... Šta onda, on može apsorbirati tuđe moći il šta?
to sam i ja pomislio
mozda je on ultimate hero kad je medju drugim heroesima i mozda se jedino tako mogu boriti protiv onog crnje sta im sjece glave...samo mi nije jasan onaj sta cita misli zasto je poslan nazad sa novim mozgom

btw. evo u sigu epizode ko nije skinuo
ima i editovani pilot al nisam jos skinuo
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Old 04.11.2006., 02:23   #46
Evo malo zanimljivosti :

Heroes has swooped down from the TV sky and pulled NBC from the train tracks. The show, about ordinary people the world over who discover they have extrtaordinary powers, has become the highest-rated new show of the season and was the first to receive a full-season order from its network.

The forces behind Heroes sat down last week for a conference call about the show and its current storyline, which centers on the slowly coalescing group attempting to save cheerleader Claire Bennett (Hayden Panettiere) from an unknown menace.

Joining show creator Tim Kring were Ali Larter, who plays the mysterious Nikki, a woman with a severe dark side; Santiago Cabrera, the painter who can see the future; Milo Ventimiglia, the young man who can absorb the powers of those he is around; and Adrian Pasdar, a politician who can fly--and possibly do other things.

The actors had no idea what was in store for them when they signed on, but they were excited by the prospect.

"Going into the pilot I had no idea what my power was," said Ventimiglia. "It wasn't until a couple months into it that Tim walked up to me and said, 'I think we figured out Peter.'"

Larter also didn't have any idea where the show was going, but she wanted to be on board.

"For me, when I read the pilot, I didn't know what direction the show was going in other than you have a really complicated woman who is trying to take care of her son," she said. "But now were leading to a duality, a normal side and shadow side, that can can live out all of our dark fantasies."

Santiago says he would use his powers if he possessed them in real life, once he understood them.

"Well I think it depends on whether you're in control of it or not," the actor said. "At the moment he is not consciously controlling it, so it is freaky. Why is this all happening? If I was in control of it then i would try to change things, yes."

Pasdar says that although his character, self-serving politician Nathan Petrelli, hasn't been acting very heroically so far, something occurs soon that will cause a change.

"An accident happens in episode nine or ten that Peter feels very guilty about," Pasdar explained. "We get information that explains why his wife is in a wheelchair."

Kring, who worked on the 80s cult classic Misfits of Science, is enjoying this current phase of his career.

"Misfits was so long ago I barely remember it," he said. "I have had a long and varied career, I have been involved in a lot of different genres. I go where the road takes me."

Kring affirms that the Sylar character, who so far has been seen only briefly, will become a much more central figure.

"Its safe to say that in a show that's called Heroes you need to have villians," Kring confirmed. "He will become the major villian for the first season."

Kring advises that fans hold off on pinning the grotesque, bizarre murders that have peppered the episodes on any one of the characters, no matter how creepy the character may seem.

"The heads cut off and the brains missing is an MO," he explained. "You'll have to stay tuned to see if its relating to Claire's dad."

Pasdar says that even if the Sylar mystery is wrapped up, the overall story is just beginning.

"There really can be no end--one door closes another opens," he insisted. "There may be periodic endings to subplots, but the overall arc of the story is just neverending."

Pasdar thinks the show has struck at the right moment for TV watchers' tastes.

"Sci-fi is hot because it's cyclical, it's the fantasy element that can't be overlooked," he said. "I think when times are as dire as they are now it seems like this kind of escapism takes root faster. I think people are drawn to the escapism."

"Yeah, what Adrian said," Ventimiglia added, laughing.

Pasdar knows the show's writers will only reveal the powers of these heroes to the world when they need to for dramatic purposes.

"How long will he be able to keep the powers under wraps? Well, it's TV, so for as long as they need to," he joked. "When they need to they'll serve it out into pieces. There will probably be someone who finds out about it and has to be dealt with, and could be a liability."

Ventimigilia says that there won't be any romance that occurs once the team has saved the cheerleader and the world.

"Yeah, [the actress] is 17, so it's never gonna happen," he joked. "But I think there is a definite connection that Claire develops with Peter. But he has a connection with all the characters he comes in contact with."

-- Ovo sam boldao da samo potvrdimo sumnje oko Petrellijeve moći :klap:
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Old 07.11.2006., 01:49   #47
Cijeli ovaj mjesec nove epizode bez tjednih pauzi
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Old 07.11.2006., 19:25   #48
nisam jos sve epizode pogledao.. ali mi je ona zenska sto prati onog indijca totalno sumnjiva... (mozda je to samo deformacija od prevelikog gledanja "LOST-a")
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Old 07.11.2006., 19:58   #49

Jesi siguran da nisi sve pogledao?
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Old 07.11.2006., 22:46   #50
maaarin kaže:

Jesi siguran da nisi sve pogledao?
sve jasno....upravo pogledao i 6. epizodu. <feelingstupid>
ali bilo je i ocito.. bila je previse nice da bi bila stvarna
lijepo umotana bitch
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Old 08.11.2006., 19:34   #51
ja još nisam pogledao 7.

ne stignem
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Old 09.11.2006., 12:02   #52
Jel gledao ko sedmu? I šta mislite koju mali Micah ima moć?

Popravljanje pokvarenih stvari!
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Old 10.11.2006., 10:26   #53
Doctor Sammy kaže:
Jel gledao ko sedmu? I šta mislite koju mali Micah ima moć?
Besplatnog telefoniranja iz pokvarenih govornica.
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Old 11.11.2006., 19:25   #54
Evo i ja počeo gledat ovu odličnu seriju tek sam 5 epizoda pogledao a 6. i 7. se skidaju upravo
Najbolji lik mi je Hiro
Svi ostali heroji su ameri
Meni je sumnjiva mama Petrelli...počela je kleptomanijom a završila atomskom bombom...kladim se da je i tata Petrelli imao nekakve moći ali ga je ova ubila
moja teorija zavjere
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Old 12.11.2006., 16:29   #55
ful sam ljubomoran na vas! vi naveliko raspravljate o seriji, a ja tek skidam prvu i odmah i drugu epizodu, da ne poludim od želje ako mi se svidi, nego da odmah pogledam drugu (a onda šizim za trecom...). Nego, muka je moja u tome da paralelno skidam i nultu, pilot epizodu a problem je u tome što nigdje nisam našao titl za pilot. Ima li ko iskustva s tim, ima li ko titl za nju? Bio bih vam jako zahvalan.
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Old 13.11.2006., 08:56   #56
sobba7 kaže:
Nego, muka je moja u tome da paralelno skidam i nultu, pilot epizodu a problem je u tome što nigdje nisam našao titl za pilot. Ima li ko iskustva s tim, ima li ko titl za nju? Bio bih vam jako zahvalan.
Nema nulte epizode.... to ti zapravo prva.
Nulta i prva su jedna te ista......
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Old 13.11.2006., 10:02   #57
xara kaže:
Besplatnog telefoniranja iz pokvarenih govornica.

a bice da popravlja tehniku dodirom
samo mi jos nije jasno ko je ustvari Niki al sve mi se vise cini da ona i nije neki hero nego da radi s onim Mr. Bennettom i njegovim anti heroesima
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Old 13.11.2006., 11:12   #58
Pojavile su se dvije različite tetovaže i sada se javlja ista priča i kao u X-Menu, the good guys i bad guys. Serija je dobra i izgleda smo skužili kako će doći do eksplozije.
They say jump, you say how high? -You braindead...
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Old 14.11.2006., 01:16   #59
da.nulta je prva. nema veze.sad treba docekati osmu. kad to uopce ide?kojim danom bude po torrentima?
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Old 14.11.2006., 01:46   #60
Emitira se ponedjeljkom na NBCu, ali zbog vremenske razlike i vremena koje je potrebno da se izrežu reklame, pa da se uploada sve to - na torrent siteovima se pojavi utorkom ujutro
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