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Old 15.11.2013., 20:34   #1
Star Wars: Battlefront

Mnogima je vec po samom naslovu teme poznato o cemu se radi, posebno Star Wars fanovima filmova i igri. Do sada su izasle dvije video igre naslovljene ''Battlefront'', no nisu imale ocekivanu popularnost. Nova igra pod istim nazivom je reboot developed by DICE.
Za serijal - Star Wars: Battlefront (series), a za original game developed by Pandemic Studios - Star Wars: Battlefront.

Ovaj novi projekt (koji takodjer dolazi i na novom Frostbite 3 enigneu), rebootan od strane DICE-a je bio predstavljen na Electronic Art's novinarskoj konferenciji 10. Lipnja 2013.
Iako jos nema tocan datum izlaska, na EA godisnjem sastanku dionicara, financijski director Blake Jorgensen je dao naslutiti da ce igra izaci Q2/Q3 2015. tocnije zajedno sa novim filmskim projektom J.J. Abramsa, Star Wars: Episode VII koji je trenutno u predprodukcijskoj fazi i krece sa snimanjem na proljece sljedece godine.

Developer(s) - EA Digital Illusions CE
Publisher(s) - Electronic Arts
Distributor(s) - Disney Interactive Studios
Series - Star Wars: Battlefront
Engine - Frostbite 3
Platform(s) - PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release date(s) - Q2/Q3 2015
Genre(s) - Action, shooter
Mode(s) - Single-player, online multiplayer

Star Wars: Battlefront Official E3 Preview
The teaser showed a first-person view of the Battle of Hoth, including a crashing Snowspeeder and the foot of an AT-AT
Star Wars: Battlefront set for release in summer 2015
One of a "whole new generation of Star Wars games" coming from EA.
Star Wars: Battlefront from EA and developer DICE is currently scheduled for release in summer 2015, EA revealed during its Annual Meeting of Stockholders overnight.

The game is one of many planned by the publisher.

"We have partnered with Walt Disney and LucasFilm to develop a whole new generation of Star Wars games for the console as well as for mobile and handheld devices," said EA CFO Blake Jorgensen.

He continued: "The first game that we're focused on is Battlefront. It's a traditional game that's done extremely well and this will most likely come out around the same time as the Star Wars movies start to come out, probably in the summer of '15
Development kaže:
In May 2013, publisher/developer Electronic Arts obtained exclusive rights to develop Star Wars games for consoles and PC, and subsidiaries including DICE, Visceral Games, and BioWare started developing Star Wars games. At Electronic Arts' E3 2013 press conference, DICE unveiled a teaser trailer for a game titled Star Wars: Battlefront, featuring first-person footage of a battle set on Hoth. The game will be built with the Frostbite 3 engine; studio head Patrick Söderlund stated that the game would be "DICE's interpretation of what Battlefront should be", but would still incorporate elements from the previous two games. As such, DICE did not brand the new game as a sequel to Battlefront II, but a re-launch of the franchise. Söderlund said that the new Battlefront game almost wasn't developed, but that staffers at DICE lobbied to be given the project; he called DICE's development of Battlefront "a match made in heaven"
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Old 15.11.2013., 21:18   #2
DICE kaže:
In 2004, the original Star Wars Battlefront came onto the scene and took gamers – and Star Wars fans – by surprise. It was an ambitious action shooter that gave players the opportunity to step into the shoes of their favorite Star Wars characters, pilot quintessential Star Wars vehicles, and relive classic Star Wars battles.
Fast forward nearly 10 years and gamers still have many of those same Star Wars gaming fantasies – but now they wish to experience those larger-than-life battles in magnificent high definition, with all of the amazing special effects, vehicle physics and gameplay intensity that the next-generation has to offer.

That’s where we come in. Star Wars Battlefront is being developed by DICE on Frostbite 3. Our vision for the franchise will surprise and delight fans yet again. We are inventing a new experience inside this beloved universe made with our signature DICE craftsmanship and commitment to excellence. The video gives you a small hint at the direction that we are taking.
The teams at DICE in Sweden and Los Angeles are huge Star Wars fans. We are humbled by the opportunity to create a new Star Wars Battlefront for gamers and Star Wars fans around the world. We can’t wait for this adventure to begin…
Bit ce jako zanimljiv projekt, i sigurno ce privuci brojne fanove.
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Old 03.12.2013., 16:29   #3
‘Battlefield 4’ producer talks ‘Mirror’s Edge’ and ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ risks
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Old 18.12.2013., 01:50   #4
SWBF je dobio delay zbog nastalih problema oko BF4, no navodno se radi o manjem delayu od nekoliko mjeseci - Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Release Date News: Project Delayed While DICe Fixes Ongoing BF4 issues

U dodatku:
EA has confirmed that a third-person mode will be part of Star Wars: Battlefront 3 in order to make it more consistent with the other titles in the series. EA is well aware of how much potential this game for restoring its reputation as well as the rep of the Star Wars franchise as a whole.

"The most important thing for me is that we take the Star Wars license and come up with games where peoples' jaws drop," EA Games Patrick Soderlund told Polygon in August. "We need to do with this what [Batman: Arkham Asylum] did for the Batman license."
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Old 17.01.2014., 00:09   #5
Fan made - Star Wars: Battlefront - Main Menu (DICE)
Izgleda dobro, a i glazba se odlicno uklapa. Nadam se da ce nju (ili neku njoj slicnu) ubaciti i u film i u igru.
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Old 17.01.2014., 21:52   #6
Star Wars je uvijek bio lutrija, ima tu masa legendarnih igara, ali brate ima i smeća...

A i do 2015. tko živ tko mrtav
Michael Collins is offline  
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Old 25.01.2014., 18:37   #7
Mali update
Here's a small update about Star Wars Battlefront from EA_DICE Twitter:

"David and Samuel @samueljustice, Sound Designers. Debating over that perfect sound."
DICE has just tweeted a picture of its sound designers “debating over that perfect sound” as they watch AT-ATs in the Empire Strikes Back. EA announced the studio was working on a new Star Wars Battlefront in June. The new instalment is a co-collaboration between Sweden and Los Angeles using the Frostbite 3 engine.
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Old 07.05.2014., 17:40   #8
Potvrdjeno. Sljedeci mjesec nas ocekuju noviteti o SW Battlefrontu na E3 - New Star Wars: Battlefront will be shown at E3
The new Star Wars Battlefront game in development at DICE is far from complete, but it will be making an appearance at this year's E3.

During today's EA investors conference call, CEO Andrew Wilson responded to a question about the Star Wars games it has in development. The new Battlefront was the only one he discussed, saying it is coming along "very, very well," but there remains "lots and lots of work to go."

That said, Battlefront will be among the games EA shows off at E3 in June, according to Wilson. Whether it will be playable or simply seen in video form was not revealed.

EA's E3 press conference is scheduled for Monday, June 9, though whether the game will be seen here or during one of the console manufacturers' conferences is unknown. We recently learned all future Star Wars releases--including games--will be canonical, meaning Battlefront's story will be a part of the official Star Wars canon, rather than being relegated to the Expanded Universe.
Navodno development igre tece prilicno dobro, tako da sumnjam da ce podbacit kao i Battlefield 4.

Cant fucking wait
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Old 07.05.2014., 18:22   #9
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
Potvrdjeno. Sljedeci mjesec nas ocekuju noviteti o SW Battlefrontu na E3 - New Star Wars: Battlefront will be shown at E3

Navodno development igre tece prilicno dobro, tako da sumnjam da ce podbacit kao i Battlefield 4.

Cant fucking wait
Jer naravno za BF4 su rekli 'development ide vrlo lose'.
All You Zombies.
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Old 07.05.2014., 18:31   #10
Ne nego kak sam jos prije cuo Dice je imao pritisak medija etc. da BF4 cim prije izadje i da je to kao razlog zasto igra nije bila u top formi prije samog izlaska nego su se pojavili brojni bugovi.
ovaj put rade SWBF bez pritiska i pozurivanja.

Kad se samo sjetim kolike sam sate spizdio na Battlefront 1 i 2 na PS2, to su bili dani...
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Old 07.05.2014., 18:43   #11
Svi krivi osim njih a
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Old 07.05.2014., 18:54   #12
A ja samo prenosim kaj je navodno i kak sam cuo...jebiga

Meni da frend copra sta mu npr ne slozim komp brze, takodjer bih njega krivio ak ispadne lose
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Old 07.05.2014., 19:59   #13
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne nego kak sam jos prije cuo Dice je imao pritisak medija etc. da BF4 cim prije izadje i da je to kao razlog zasto igra nije bila u top formi prije samog izlaska nego su se pojavili brojni bugovi.
ovaj put rade SWBF bez pritiska i pozurivanja.
S obzirom da su bugove imali i za 3jke, taj argument o 'medijskom pozurivanju' ne drzi vodu.
All You Zombies.
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Old 07.05.2014., 20:36   #14
Prije bi rekao da su imali pritisak od EA. Utukli su lovu, očekuju povrat određenog do datuma - ajmo ajmo...
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Old 08.05.2014., 00:10   #15
phiber kaže: Pogledaj post
S obzirom da su bugove imali i za 3jke, taj argument o 'medijskom pozurivanju' ne drzi vodu.
Imali su bugove, ali ne tu gomilu kao sa BF4 dok je krenuo, jer igra je duzi niz mjeseci bila jedva igriva (kako kazu igraci). Tak da su rijesili sve te bugove na vrijeme bez ikakvog pritiska, i sam release bi bio gladji.

Zujoo kaže: Pogledaj post
Prije bi rekao da su imali pritisak od EA.
Mislim da je o tome i bila rijec, da.
Mediji je krivi izbor rijeci.
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Old 08.05.2014., 00:36   #16
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
Imali su bugove, ali ne tu gomilu kao sa BF4 dok je krenuo, jer igra je duzi niz mjeseci bila jedva igriva (kako kazu igraci). Tak da su rijesili sve te bugove na vrijeme bez ikakvog pritiska, i sam release bi bio gladji.
Vec sam ti par puta napisao da su kod trojke, bugovi bete presli u release i trebalo je da to rijese ohoho. Nikakva pretjerana razlika od BF4.
All You Zombies.
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Old 08.05.2014., 10:56   #17
Michael Collins kaže: Pogledaj post
Star Wars je uvijek bio lutrija, ima tu masa legendarnih igara, ali brate ima i smeća...

A i do 2015. tko živ tko mrtav
Može li onda netko napisati koje su dobre da se odigraju dok ovo ne izađe (znam da je Alliance vrhunska, KOTOR 1 i 2 sam zadnje odigrao, a ove novije naslove ni ne znam koji su?)
Bolje gledati ono što ne možeš bubati, nego bubati ono što ne možeš gledati.
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Old 08.05.2014., 15:29   #18
phiber kaže: Pogledaj post
Nikakva pretjerana razlika od BF4.
Ako je suditi po kritikama BF gejmera, nebi se slozio s time.

Ace Ventura kaže: Pogledaj post
Može li onda netko napisati koje su dobre da se odigraju dok ovo ne izađe (znam da je Alliance vrhunska, KOTOR 1 i 2 sam zadnje odigrao, a ove novije naslove ni ne znam koji su?)
KOTOR-i su meni bili bezveze, i jedini kvalitetni SW naslovi u zadnjih 5-6g su mi bili The Force Unleashed i The Force Unleashed II. Toplo preporucam.
Frendovi su mi isto igrali i takodjer im je jebena igra.
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Old 08.05.2014., 16:22   #19
*Hades* kaže: Pogledaj post
KOTOR-i su meni bili bezveze, i jedini kvalitetni SW naslovi u zadnjih 5-6g su mi bili The Force Unleashed i The Force Unleashed II.
Potvrđeno. Hades nema ukusa za igre. Sorry jebiga
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Old 08.05.2014., 16:31   #20
Ace Ventura kaže: Pogledaj post
Može li onda netko napisati koje su dobre da se odigraju dok ovo ne izađe (znam da je Alliance vrhunska, KOTOR 1 i 2 sam zadnje odigrao, a ove novije naslove ni ne znam koji su?)
Već sam u nekom topicu napisao. Meni je najbolja SW igra Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Nećeš se razočarat. Bio je na Steamu prije par dana neka 3 eura. Nije ni sad puno više.
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