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Old 04.09.2013., 15:16   #41
Hazal je prekrasna na tim fotkama!

Evo nedavni intervju iz Hurriyeta preveden na engleski:

Hazal Kaya - Hurriyet reportage in English
‘Aşk’is one of the most pretentious series of the new season and in which they have most faith. The protagonist Hazal Kaya told us the weight-loss story, the gossip about the wedges under her and how did she deal with the fame that came in an early age

According to a research the series which contain the name “Ask” succeed more…
- Maybe we need love (Ask)

R-reporter and HK-Hazal Kaya

R: How would you describe this need?
HK: It’s a good feeling but on the other hand is a hormonal state. No need to exaggerate.
R: There’s a sentence in the series’ promotion : “ Which is the thing that money can’t buy”? What do you think it is?
HK: Health!
R: But, can love be bought?
HK: Can a bough love be called “love:? How healthy is that? The subject goes around and turns back to health again.
R: The character you perform. Azra, who is she, what kind of person is she?
HK: Tennis teacher. She takes care of her family, Everything starts with an event which marks her personality in life. What seems to be caused by the momentary courage.
R: Is there another new way that the character you will be performing, Azra will excite us, compared to the ones you performed until now?
HK: Until now I have always played young girls, for the first time I am playing a new woman. Azra is more different, stands on her own legs, strong. The one who resembles me the most from all the characters I played. I find her the same as me, in the strong side. The same as Azra I took responsibilities in a young age.
R: The strong side you mentioned, when, to whom and what against occurred?
HK: I started this work when I was 16! What else more?
R: Was your preference to take responsibilities in a young age?
HK: Yes, when is courageous and says: “I will do this thing, doesn’t think of the results of that thing and how will that affect their life”. For example my mom and my aunt told me “Finish the university, then work as an actress. We will always by your side” I didn’t obey them. I was born in the 8th month anyway, I am a hasty person
R: How did you deal with the fame that came in a young age?
HK: It was a difficult state. In adolescence you have the feeling “Let everyone confirm they like me”. This isn’t good, because it’s not true. Not everyone likes me and doesn’t have to. I got over this by accepting it. I tried to defend myself in my own small word.
R: The reason you have this stance “I have my limits/walls” is the one you explained, you started the work so early?
HK: No. From my childhood those around me said I was a “spoiled and frosty” type. The reason of this I think is my face expression. In fact my entire family is like this. Otherwise I am not frosty, in fact I wish I could be like that, Because I adore those who stay like that.
R: Before the shooting, you said “I made a new entry in fashion and style topics”. However you ore one of the famous faces of the screen, why are you so late?
HK: I don’t pay attention to what I wear when I go out. The important thing for me is to feel comfortable. Maybe not paying attention to what I wear is a method through which I protect myself a bit.
R: A protection against what?
HK: I say” I have a personal life too and I dress like this”. I wear baggy pants, I Have my unclean “Converses” too. I like to wear “Wans”, I don’t go and buy “Gucci’s” shoes for example
R: What happened now that you changed your decision?
HK: I am growing up! For example if I am going for a reportage and there is photo shooting too, I have to dress more chic. I came to a state “”Okay I should dress better”

I didn’t have any expectations like “I wish I were 5 cm taller”

R: There is being written that you used wedges in the set
HK: Everywhere in the world, including the actors 190cm of height if needed for the angle of the camera they give them wedges.
R: You have lost so much weight. How happened?
HK: Due to my “Sugar disease I gained weight for one and half month. The period I had to accept my disease was troublesome. Think about it, 22 years old and after I eat a meal my sugar skyrockets then suddenly falls and I was falling asleep. Then I made a proper nutrition plan for my disease, I started to cook for myself. In 2,5 months I reunited my health, I lost 11 kilos.
R: Did you go to the USA to lose weight?
HK: I went for acting education, , I spent my weight-loss time there too. I started to walk everyday half an hour. Also I scheduled a daily program for myself. I bought a Cardio-dance DVD. I was working with it. After I drunk my coffee at 9 a.m. I watched “Fitness Blenders” and I followed them one by one.

August 2013 (Fb, Hazal Kaya Only fan for English Speaker)

I nove slike:

Hazal na rođendanu Gonce Vuslateri, te opet spominju Cana.
Bolek obmanjuje narod! ♥

Zadnje uređivanje Bhea : 04.09.2013. at 21:38. Reason: q.tag
LaVie is offline  
Old 10.09.2013., 15:01   #42
i meni je ona preslatka na svim slikama.. sitna ali dinamitna
baš gledam te njezine bivše deč baš su svi mislim, može imat kojeg oće, doslovce..jer je preljepa...a ona zakačila na sve rugobe..ajde..can je još donekle naspram ostalih..ali i on je
forever young..:D
ljucka is offline  
Old 10.09.2013., 16:31   #43
Lokwa kaže: Pogledaj post
Jucer mi bilo dosadno i slucajno naletio na ovo :

Citam, citam i pise: (za Hazal)

" Osim što je fokusirana na fakultet, trenutačno pregovara oko nekoliko projekata. Navodno se šuška kako će prihvatiti ulogu u kojoj bi joj partner trebao ponovno biti Çağatay Ulusoy. Navodno se oboje vesele ponovnoj suradnji."

E sad dali netko zna nesto o tome? Tim novim suradnjama, dali je netko nesto procito? Mislim vi to sigurno pratite bolje nego ja .... ?

Bilo bi ih lijepo opet vidjeti zajedno glumit... sta vi kazete?
I ja sam to čitala,malo mi je smiješno ako to bude,ono Emir i Feriha skupa ali to nisu Emir i Feriha
Jadransko more is offline  
Old 10.09.2013., 16:44   #44
žena je lijepa,samouvjerena i sposobna.bravo za nju.nije mi fora što je tak niska,meni to nije baš lijepo kad se ne radi o nekoj sitnoj curi,a hazal inače nije baš kaj sad.
imala je sreće ko blata s partnerima dosad.kivanc tatlitug i cagatay OMG.
ovaj novi mi se ne sviđa.
jedino me veseli nebahat cehre u toj seriji.divna je i super interpretira uloge.
just do it.
just-do-it is offline  
Old 10.09.2013., 18:01   #45
evo jedan člančić na dnevnik hr koji su danas objavili, no ništa što nismo znali....

Hazal Haya, ja sam mislio da je tipfeler u naslovu, ali su nastavili i u tekstu
Frankenstein. is offline  
Old 10.09.2013., 18:20   #46
Ti novinari samo prepisuju,bolje da ovi s nove tv naprave intervju
s Hazal i Cagom kao što su prije znali imati intervjue s nekim turskim bi bilo zanimljivije

ovdje Ahu Sungur nešto priča o njima
Tamara21 is offline  
Old 12.09.2013., 09:45   #47

Latest news related to Hazal Kaya: The Gala night of Rome Turkish Films (Roma Türk Filmleri) festival, which will be held from 26-29 September will be presented by the famous successful names of screen, Hazal Kaya and Mete Horozoğlu.
Mete Horozoğlu is known for playing previously in Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman Ki (As time goes by) and will be playing in the news series Kayip (Lost). He is going to present in Turkish while Hazal Kaya in italian as she graduated from an Italian gymnasium.
(Hazal Kaya Only fan for English Speaker, fb.)
I nova slika, Rock'n Coke festival 2013.
Bolek obmanjuje narod! ♥

Zadnje uređivanje Bhea : 12.09.2013. at 12:21. Reason: q.tag
LaVie is offline  
Old 14.09.2013., 01:04   #48
moze link od hazalinog pravog twittera? usput i od fb ako ima? i jel to bas ona koristi i objavljuje postove ili netko umjesto nje tj. mislim, kako ste sigurni da je njezin?
Frankenstein. is offline  
Old 14.09.2013., 14:07   #49
Frankenstein. kaže: Pogledaj post
moze link od hazalinog pravog twittera? usput i od fb ako ima? i jel to bas ona koristi i objavljuje postove ili netko umjesto nje tj. mislim, kako ste sigurni da je njezin?


Postove na twitteru objavljuje sama, a za facebook ne znam...
megiii is offline  
Old 17.09.2013., 12:28   #50
Negde sam prochitala na forumu ( ne secham se vishe) da su fanovi trazili da Hazal i Caga nastupe zajedno u nekom talk show. Navodno da je Hazal prihvatila ali da je lepi Caga to odbio.

Jel imate neki detaljniji info oko ovoga? Chini mi se jako jako neprofesionalno sa strane Cage
Kornelia002 is offline  
Old 17.09.2013., 12:34   #51
Kornelia002 kaže: Pogledaj post
Negde sam prochitala na forumu ( ne secham se vishe) da su fanovi trazili da Hazal i Caga nastupe zajedno u nekom talk show. Navodno da je Hazal prihvatila ali da je lepi Caga to odbio.

Jel imate neki detaljniji info oko ovoga? Chini mi se jako jako neprofesionalno sa strane Cage
Radi se o emisiji koju "Burada Laf Çok", koju vodi Mesut Yar.
Fanovi su ga, preko twittera, danima opsedali da ih pozove zajedno u emisiju, obecao je da ce pokusati i posle par dana je odgovrio da je Hazal pristala, a Cagatay nije. Ne znam razlog.
Saraaaa84 is offline  
Old 18.09.2013., 01:32   #52
Saraaaa84 kaže: Pogledaj post
Radi se o emisiji koju "Burada Laf Çok", koju vodi Mesut Yar.
Fanovi su ga, preko twittera, danima opsedali da ih pozove zajedno u emisiju, obecao je da ce pokusati i posle par dana je odgovrio da je Hazal pristala, a Cagatay nije. Ne znam razlog.
Hvala puno!!
Kornelia002 is offline  
Old 18.09.2013., 10:00   #53
Kao Nihal mi je bila super.
Suncana 007 is offline  
Old 19.09.2013., 22:53   #54
Evo Hazal i na naslovnici naše nove Glorie,neki turski fanovi objavili sliku na twitteru..

Tamara21 is offline  
Old 19.09.2013., 23:45   #55
Tamara21 kaže: Pogledaj post
Evo Hazal i na naslovnici naše nove Glorie,neki turski fanovi objavili sliku na twitteru..
Evo i članka.

1, 2, 3 i 4.
Eksik Sarp :)
Poncha_los a is offline  
Old 25.09.2013., 13:11   #56
Nove slike

Uhvatili je u Burger Kingu.

Hazal prije odlaska u Italiju, drži knjigu Ferhata Kazancia koji je slike objavio na twitteru.

Bolek obmanjuje narod! ♥
LaVie is offline  
Old 26.09.2013., 13:59   #57
Ovaj je posteno ispipkao.
Zna li se od cega joj je onaj oziljak na celu?
biljanap is offline  
Old 27.09.2013., 10:18   #58
Hazal jučer na festivalu turskog filma u Italiji

Tamara21 is offline  
Old 27.09.2013., 12:55   #59
vidi ti hazal,kraj sonera stoji hihi.
just do it.
just-do-it is offline  
Old 27.09.2013., 13:15   #60
pa i ne izgleda tako niska ovde.

stikle 25 santima il soner nije nesto visok?
Kornelia002 is offline  
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