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Old 12.01.2004., 11:20   #1
Red Dwarf / Crveni patuljak (1988-2020)

Zast nitko jos nije otvorio post na temu njih? Trazio sam i nisam nasao. Najgenijalnija humoristicna serija ikada(moje osobno misljenje)! 5 likova putuju natrag na Zemlju od koje su udaljeni 3 milijuna godina. Konstantno svadjanje i podjebavanje izmedju dva glavna lika Rimmera(gad nad gadovima i totalni luzer) i Listera(propalica). Tu su jos Holly(brodski comp. s IQ-om od 6000 koji je postao "malo cudan" nako 3 milijuna godina)

HOLLY: Busy, Dave?
LISTER: Well, yeah, I am, actually!
HOLLY: Oh. Then you won't want to know about the two super-lightspeed fighters that are tracking us.
LISTER: What?!
HOLLY: I'll leave you to your bubble blowing, mate.
LISTER: No, Holly. Hol. Come on.
HOLLY: They're from Earth.
LISTER: That's three million years away.
HOLLY: They're from the NorWEB Federation.
LISTER: What's that?
HOLLY: NorthWestern Electricity Board. They want you, Dave.
LISTER: Me? Why? What for?
HOLLY: For your crimes against humanity.
LISTER: You what?!
HOLLY: Seems when you left Earth, three million years ago, you left two half-eaten German sausages on a plate in your kitchen.
HOLLY: You know what happens to sausages left unattended for three million years?
LISTER: Yeah, they go mouldy.
HOLLY: Your sausages, Dave, now cover seven-eighths of the Earth's surface. Also, you left seventeen pounds, fifty pence in your bank account. Thanks to compound interest you now own 98% of all the world's wealth. And because you hoarded it for three million years, nobody's got any money except for you and NorWEB.
HOLLY: You left a light on in the bathroom. I've got a final demand here for one hundred and eighty billion pounds.
LISTER: A hundred and eighty billion pounds?!! You're kidding!
HOLLY: (Wearing a Grouch-Marx glasses-nose-and-moustache) April Fool.
LISTER: But it's not April!
HOLLY: Yeah, I know. But I can't be waiting six months with a red-hot jape like that underneath me hat.

Kryten(koji je ocita parodija na Datu)

KRYTEN: But you would not profit by it. You would gamble your safety for a mere android? Is this the human value you call "friendship?"
LISTER: Don't give me the Star Trek crap. It's too early in the morning.

i tu je jos Cat(macka koja se razvila od Listerovog ljubimca). Umirao sam od smijeha svaki put kad bi se prepucavali, dijalozi su genijalni

RIMMER: Lister, you are a nothing.
LISTER: I'm not a nothing! I've got me plan.
RIMMER: What's that, the plan to be the slobbiest entity in the entire universe?
LISTER: No. Me five-year plan. You see, I'm going to do two more trips. And I've been saving up all me pay--
RIMMER: Since when?
LISTER: Since always. That's why I never buy any soap or deodorant or socks or anything like that, you know. Anyway, I'm going to buy meself a little farm on Fiji. And I'm going to get a sheep and a cow, and breed horses.
RIMMER: With a sheep and a cow?
LISTER: No, with horses and horses.
RIMMER: On Fiji?
LISTER: Yeah! The prices there are unbelievable.
RIMMER: Yes, because they had a volcanic eruption and now most of Fiji's three feet below sea level!
LISTER: It's only three feet. They can wade. That's why the animals are gonna hafta be quite tall.
RIMMER: Nice plan, Lister. Excellent plan! Brilliant plan, Lister! What about the sheep? What are you going to do, buy them water-wings? Fit them with stilts? Better still, you could cross-breed them with dolphins and have leaping mutton. (Gesturing with his pen to represent a woolly dolphin leaping out of the water) Baa, splash, baa, splash.
LISTER: You can get a drainage grant these days.
RIMMER: Why bother, Lister? You could be the first man to produce wet-look knitwear.
LISTER: Look, this is why I never ever said anything to you, 'cause I knew you'd say something like this.
RIMMER: Lister, you've got the brain of a cheese sandwich. (Miming a swimmer and putting on a Mummerset voice) "Mornin', Farmer Lister! I'm just poppin' down to the shops in my submarine. Can I buy you anything?"

Non-stop ismijavaju Star Trek

KRYTEN: What about the Space Corps Directive which states, "It is our primary overriding duty to contact other life forms, exhange information, and, wherever possible, bring them home?"
RIMMER: What about the Rimmer Directive which states, "Never tangle with anything that's got more teeth than the entire Osmond family?"

Bolesni su i volio bih ih ponovno pogledati sve ali HTV ih ne zeli ponovno pustiti (Fagets!)
My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!
You think I am crazy, but they want you to think that. I know secrets. Keep the pantaloons. Always keep the pantaloons.
Abraxas is offline  
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Old 12.01.2004., 18:56   #2
tagline od filma (koji nikako da snime) im je MAY THE FARCE BE WITH YOU!

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
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Old 12.01.2004., 19:16   #3
Kasnije sezone su bile bezveze, ali početak je stvarno bio dobar. I sad se smijem kad gledam npr. M*2 ili Future's end
"Dear Starfleet, hate you, hate the Federation, taking Voyager" -- Janeway
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Old 12.01.2004., 21:10   #4
meni jedna od najdrazih serija, istina, zadnje epizode nisu bile dobre kao one prve.

ah kad se sjetim svaki dan kad sam to gledala to je bilo bas lijepo doba...
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Old 12.01.2004., 22:27   #5
Podržavam inicijativu, ali HTVovci su preglupi. Zar ne snimaju taj film već pet godina?
Blog koji sakriva mnoga čuda, među njima i Jazavce.
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Old 12.01.2004., 22:47   #6
a ona epizoda s psirenama
o vidi sataviio je svoj bubreg kao točku na i.
mislim da to nije bilo namjerno.

onda dok su testirali koji je pravi lister:
sviraj [počne zakon svirati], a Kryten i rimer se pogledaju i počnu pucat

zakon su

Hoćemo reprize! Hoćemo reprize!
*Pobjednik IMF Kladionice 2013* *Pobjednik IMF Kupa 2006* *Pobjednik Euro Kupa 2008*
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Old 12.01.2004., 23:31   #7

.... a epizoda sa triplikatorom??

Ima toliko zakon serija, a oni nas dave s nekim glupostima....
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Old 13.01.2004., 12:34   #8
Meni su zakon i zadnje epizode. Nisu toliko dobre kao i prve ali su svejedno dobre. Najdraža mi je kad su se vratili natrag kroz vrijeme po curry, i za veceru im je Kryten spekao mrtvog čovjeka sa ulice.
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Old 13.01.2004., 20:53   #9
Gledao sam seriju kad sam bio ful malen i onda mi je bila zakon. Dao bih ne znam sta da ju sad opet puste od pocetka, ali poznajuci HRT, nema sanse za to. Ima termina na HRT 3, ali hej - bolje je pustati panorame koje su tako prokleto uzbudljive, zivopisne i zanimljive
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Old 13.01.2004., 23:06   #10
Bila je jedna pred kraj... kad je ona ženska u koju je Lister bio zaljubljen preko ušiju došla u ekipu. Pa ga je cijelu epizodu davila kako je njen Lister (iz neke paralelne dimenzije) brižan, pažljiv, pristojan, kuha, pere, glača, mijenja gaće i čarape... i tek mu na kraju prizna da je njen Lister gay.
Blog koji sakriva mnoga čuda, među njima i Jazavce.
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Old 13.01.2004., 23:16   #11
Nighthawk kaže:
Bila je jedna pred kraj... kad je ona ženska u koju je Lister bio zaljubljen preko ušiju došla u ekipu. Pa ga je cijelu epizodu davila kako je njen Lister (iz neke paralelne dimenzije) brižan, pažljiv, pristojan, kuha, pere, glača, mijenja gaće i čarape... i tek mu na kraju prizna da je njen Lister gay.
sjećam se toga . to je bilo dok su bili u nekoj cjevi pa ga je umirivala jer je klusterofibočan.
*Pobjednik IMF Kladionice 2013* *Pobjednik IMF Kupa 2006* *Pobjednik Euro Kupa 2008*
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Old 14.01.2004., 02:23   #12
A ono kada su igrali golf na asteroidu, pa kad malo jače udariš lopticu ova odleti u orbitu?
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Old 14.01.2004., 10:05   #13
Inace svima koji neznaju, mislim kako postoji DVD izadnje svih sezona. Mislim nisam siguran jer sam nabavio od nekog kompica divx-ove i svi su bili super kvalitete sto oce rec kako su dvd ripovi...

Ali serija je legendarna.

Lister: Trebamo ih napast, to najmanje ocekuju u ovom trenutku!
Rimmer: Najmanje sto ocekuju je vidjet klizajuceg mungosa koji plese bolero. Vratit se nazad je isto ko stavit glavu lavu u usta i mlatit ga mokrim rucnikom po mudima

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Old 14.01.2004., 10:28   #14
Ges kaže:
Inace svima koji neznaju, mislim kako postoji DVD izadnje svih sezona. Mislim nisam siguran jer sam nabavio od nekog kompica divx-ove i svi su bili super kvalitete sto oce rec kako su dvd ripovi...

Ali serija je legendarna.

Lister: Trebamo ih napast, to najmanje ocekuju u ovom trenutku!
Rimmer: Najmanje sto ocekuju je vidjet klizajuceg mungosa koji plese bolero. Vratit se nazad je isto ko stavit glavu lavu u usta i mlatit ga mokrim rucnikom po mudima

Znam za DVD-ove ali mi je jeftinije skidat epizode s neta jednu po jednu.
P.S. Iz koje je to epizode?
My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!
You think I am crazy, but they want you to think that. I know secrets. Keep the pantaloons. Always keep the pantaloons.
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Old 14.01.2004., 11:19   #15
Abraxas kaže:
Znam za DVD-ove ali mi je jeftinije skidat epizode s neta jednu po jednu.
P.S. Iz koje je to epizode?
Pa posudis DVD-ove iz videoteke i sam ih sripas. Jeftinije od tga nemre bit

Nemam pojma koja je to epizoda. Neka oko sredine cijelokupne price. Znam da je bilzu one epizode kad dodju na planet vostanih figura i kad vode vojsku pozitivaca(Ghandi, majka Tereza, Pitagora) protiv zlikovaca (Hitler i ekipa)
Isto urnebes epizoda.
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Old 14.01.2004., 11:35   #16
Moj frend ima DVD-ove i super su. On ima prve dvije sezone i u svakoj sezoni ima jedan bonus disk sa dodacima. Treca sezona je izasla u engleskoj al jos nije dosla u hr.
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Old 14.01.2004., 11:54   #17
Ges kaže:
Pa posudis DVD-ove iz videoteke i sam ih sripas. Jeftinije od tga nemre bit
Da to bi bilo jeftinije, ali problem je da nisam nasao videoteku koja ih ima.
My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!
You think I am crazy, but they want you to think that. I know secrets. Keep the pantaloons. Always keep the pantaloons.
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Old 14.01.2004., 12:23   #18
Abraxas kaže:
Meni su zakon i zadnje epizode. Nisu toliko dobre kao i prve ali su svejedno dobre. Najdraža mi je kad su se vratili natrag kroz vrijeme po curry, i za veceru im je Kryten spekao mrtvog čovjeka sa ulice.
Jel to ona epizoda kad su gotovo beznadno promijenili povijest u vezi s atentatom na JFK-a?
What, me worry?
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Old 14.01.2004., 12:33   #19
Da. Na kraju je JFK sam sebe ubio.
My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!
You think I am crazy, but they want you to think that. I know secrets. Keep the pantaloons. Always keep the pantaloons.
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Old 14.01.2004., 13:07   #20

DanaX kaže:
Kasnije sezone su bile bezveze, ali početak je stvarno bio dobar. I sad se smijem kad gledam npr. M*2 ili Future's end
uh ne..
meni se nije svidio taj humor..

makar je to kult serijal
19-24 Tu i on svuče svoje haljine jer i njega obuze zanos pred Samuelom; zatim je legao gol i ostao tako cio onaj dan i svu noć. BIBLIJA, Prva knjiga o Samuelu
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