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Old 14.05.2008., 20:14   #1
Smile Masaža lica

Ne znam koliko ova tema pripada tu, al nekako mi se najviše uklapa. Uglavnom, malo sam prolistala knjigice koje se bave ovom temom, i koliko vidim, da se puno napraviti u kratkom roku (tipa mjesec dana), redovitim ciljanim vježbanjem mišića lica.
Da li se koja od vas bavi istim, kakva su iskustva, komentari, preporuka za neku određenu knjigu?
Girls just want to have fun!
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Old 18.05.2008., 13:08   #2
Clarice kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne znam koliko ova tema pripada tu, al nekako mi se najviše uklapa. Uglavnom, malo sam prolistala knjigice koje se bave ovom temom, i koliko vidim, da se puno napraviti u kratkom roku (tipa mjesec dana), redovitim ciljanim vježbanjem mišića lica.
Da li se koja od vas bavi istim, kakva su iskustva, komentari, preporuka za neku određenu knjigu?
Meni se time ne da baviti , ali - koliko znam - kod nas je knjigu o tome napisala mr. ph. Seka Zebić, koja je do prije nekoliko god. imala kozmetički salon Biokozmetika u Ilici (a sad ima negdje u Prečkom, ako se ne varam). Mislim da sam tu knjigu viđala po nekim knjižarama, raspitaj se.

(Sudeći po njenom izgledu, ta gimnastika lica djeluje ).
faraway paradise
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Old 18.05.2008., 21:47   #3
na jednom topicu je netko napisao da se od te "gimnastike lica" dobiju bore...
pa sad, imaš izbor: lice koje je čvrsto, ali naborano
lice koje nema bore, ali je obješeno

e ne'š ti izbora.....
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Old 19.05.2008., 22:35   #4
hm, nekako mi je nelogično da bi netko pisao knjigu na tu temu (ima ih i u stranim izdanjima), a da izazaviju bore.. Nije li poanta da bude suprotno?
Girls just want to have fun!
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Old 20.05.2008., 00:14   #5
Clarice kaže: Pogledaj post
hm, nekako mi je nelogično da bi netko pisao knjigu na tu temu (ima ih i u stranim izdanjima), a da izazaviju bore.. Nije li poanta da bude suprotno?
pa i ja sam tako mislila (kao ti), ali eto!
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Old 20.05.2008., 20:45   #6
ne bih rekla da izazivaju bore. nema mi logike. gimnastikom se jacaju misici lica i koza postaje elasticnija. dobiva tonus.
ali to sam samo ja...
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Old 21.05.2008., 07:47   #7
Mislim da je istina i jedno i drugo. Osoba koja se puno smije i/ili puno mrsti, dakle upotrebljava iste misice na istin nacin - dobit ce linije tamo gdje se koza lica neprestano presavija.

Vjezbe za lice upotrebljavaju misice na drugaciji nacin od svakodnevnog mrstenja (ili smijanja), pa se dobiva benefit "napetijeg" lica. Da, svako presavijanje koze moze dovesti do pucanja kolagena u dubljim slojevima i izrazenijih bora. Medjutim, ne toliko koliko to cinimo svakodnevnim grimasama (mrstenje, smijanje) a pogotovo ne toliko koliko nas nabora izlaganje UVA zrakama od sunca.

Da li je razumno preporuciti ljudima da se prestanu smijati i mrstiti? Ne!!
Da li je stvarno potrebno preporuciti zenama da ne rade gimnastiku lica da ne bi pogorsale svoje (vec ionako u razvoju) bore? Mislim da nije. Ali opet, svaka od nas bira zivotne odluke za samu sebe...
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Old 21.05.2008., 13:39   #8
A gdje se mogu vidjeti te vjezbe: Imate li neki linkic
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Old 21.05.2008., 20:36   #9
ja sam skinula jednu s neta, mogu ti poslati na mail ako hoćeš.. A ova u domaćem izdanju je pretpostavljam preko stotinjak kuna..

Meni nekada onako nagonski paše malo se "kreveljiti", kao da mi se nakon toga lice bolje osjeća.. Genetski mi je predodređeno da mi se lice s godinama spušta prema dolje, recimo u kutovima usana, obrazi se spuštaju.. Kod mene se to još ne vidi, ali bih rado to recimo na neki način preduhitrila.. Mislim da se to gimnastikom može..
Koliko sam shvatila kroz knjigu, vježba se možda 5 minuta dnevno..

kaj vama ponekad ne paše "kreveljenje", istezanje lica gore dolje, otvarajući i zatvarajući usta?
Girls just want to have fun!
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Old 21.05.2008., 21:54   #10
jako pase. trenutno to i radim.
gdje se moze ta knjiga nabaviti?
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Old 24.05.2008., 00:35   #11
maja_Pa kaže: Pogledaj post
jako pase. trenutno to i radim.
gdje se moze ta knjiga nabaviti?
našu verziju Seka Zebić, ako se ne varam, možeš kupiti u knjižarama, a da se skinuti neke verzije s neta ako potrazis..
Ja sam skinula Facercise od Carol Maggio na al još ne vježbam, samo gledam .. čekam vaše komentare, možda je netko već probao?
Girls just want to have fun!
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Old 27.05.2008., 10:53   #12
davno sam negdje procitala da je za lice super vjezba izgovaranje samoglasnika s maksimalnim kreveljenjem. izgovaras "a" i otvoris usta do poda to mi je fora
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Old 28.07.2008., 21:34   #13
SSDM kaže: Pogledaj post
A gdje se mogu vidjeti te vjezbe: Imate li neki linkic

Evo jednog linka, vrijedi pokušati za nas koji nemamo novac za estetsku kirurgiju!
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Old 05.09.2008., 16:41   #14
SSDM kaže: Pogledaj post
A gdje se mogu vidjeti te vjezbe: Imate li neki linkic
Čitala sam kako je dobro par puta dnevno široko otvarajući usta izgovarat samoglasnike A,E,I,O,U, da se i na taj način vježbaju mišići lica, ali ne znam baš je li to dovoljno da se postigne čvršći oblik.
Moda Ljepota Horoskop Ljubav
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Old 03.09.2008., 16:59   #15
vježbe za lice

ne vidim nigdje ovu temu.. dakle, raspišite se o tome, pomaže li to išta i tako
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Old 07.09.2008., 13:47   #16
Bila sam sigurna da sam vec na ovom topicu upozorila da ne izvodite vjezbe za lice, ali prevarila sam se. Dakle, vjezbe za lice ne pomazu protiv opustanja koze, a samo produbljuju bore:

"Facial Expressions. If you perform facial exercises to maintain a youthful-looking appearance, it is time to stop. Repetitive facial movements actually lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. As skin ages and loses its elasticity, the skin stops springing back to its line-free state, and these grooves become permanently etched on the face as fine lines and wrinkles."

"For the most part, facial exercises are more a problem for skin than a help. Facial exercises provide little or no benefit because loss of muscle tone is not a major cause of wrinkles or sagging skin. In fact, muscle tone is barely involved in these at all. The skin's sagging and drooping are caused by four major factors:
Deteriorated collagen and elastin (due primarily to sun damage);
Depletion of the skin's fat layer (a factor of genetic aging and gravity);
Repetitive facial movement (particularly true for the forehead frown lines and for smile lines from the nose to the mouth);
Muscle sagging due to the loosening of facial ligaments that hold the muscles in place.
Facial exercise is not helpful for worn-out collagen, elastin, or the skin's fat layer, because none of that is about the muscles. It is especially not helpful for the lines caused by facial movement! Instead, facial exercises only make those areas appear more lined. The reason Botox injections into the muscles of the forehead and facial lines work to create a smoother face is because Botox prevents the muscles from moving!

Facial exercises won't reattach facial ligaments; that is only possible via surgery. One procedure in a surgical face-lift is to re-drape the muscle of the cheek and the jaw, drawing it back and then literally stitching it back in place where it used to be. Exercise doesn't reattach the ligaments, it just tones the sagging. "
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Old 07.09.2008., 14:18   #17
Hvala pat Tako sam nešto i pretpostavljala. Bore ionako nastaju zbog mimičkih pokreta lica, a gimnastikom se to samo pojačava Meni je to nekako logično
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Old 24.08.2009., 17:21   #18
Ok, citiram sebe samu:

patientia kaže: Pogledaj post
Bila sam sigurna da sam vec na ovom topicu upozorila da ne izvodite vjezbe za lice, ali prevarila sam se. Dakle, vjezbe za lice ne pomazu protiv opustanja koze, a samo produbljuju bore:

"Facial Expressions. If you perform facial exercises to maintain a youthful-looking appearance, it is time to stop. Repetitive facial movements actually lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. As skin ages and loses its elasticity, the skin stops springing back to its line-free state, and these grooves become permanently etched on the face as fine lines and wrinkles."

"For the most part, facial exercises are more a problem for skin than a help. Facial exercises provide little or no benefit because loss of muscle tone is not a major cause of wrinkles or sagging skin. In fact, muscle tone is barely involved in these at all. The skin's sagging and drooping are caused by four major factors:
Deteriorated collagen and elastin (due primarily to sun damage);
Depletion of the skin's fat layer (a factor of genetic aging and gravity);
Repetitive facial movement (particularly true for the forehead frown lines and for smile lines from the nose to the mouth);
Muscle sagging due to the loosening of facial ligaments that hold the muscles in place.
Facial exercise is not helpful for worn-out collagen, elastin, or the skin's fat layer, because none of that is about the muscles. It is especially not helpful for the lines caused by facial movement! Instead, facial exercises only make those areas appear more lined. The reason Botox injections into the muscles of the forehead and facial lines work to create a smoother face is because Botox prevents the muscles from moving!

Facial exercises won't reattach facial ligaments; that is only possible via surgery. One procedure in a surgical face-lift is to re-drape the muscle of the cheek and the jaw, drawing it back and then literally stitching it back in place where it used to be. Exercise doesn't reattach the ligaments, it just tones the sagging. "
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Old 08.09.2009., 20:29   #19
Evo, po treci put:

patientia kaže: Pogledaj post
Bila sam sigurna da sam vec na ovom topicu upozorila da ne izvodite vjezbe za lice, ali prevarila sam se. Dakle, vjezbe za lice ne pomazu protiv opustanja koze, a samo produbljuju bore:

"Facial Expressions. If you perform facial exercises to maintain a youthful-looking appearance, it is time to stop. Repetitive facial movements actually lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression. As skin ages and loses its elasticity, the skin stops springing back to its line-free state, and these grooves become permanently etched on the face as fine lines and wrinkles."

"For the most part, facial exercises are more a problem for skin than a help. Facial exercises provide little or no benefit because loss of muscle tone is not a major cause of wrinkles or sagging skin. In fact, muscle tone is barely involved in these at all. The skin's sagging and drooping are caused by four major factors:
Deteriorated collagen and elastin (due primarily to sun damage);
Depletion of the skin's fat layer (a factor of genetic aging and gravity);
Repetitive facial movement (particularly true for the forehead frown lines and for smile lines from the nose to the mouth);
Muscle sagging due to the loosening of facial ligaments that hold the muscles in place.
Facial exercise is not helpful for worn-out collagen, elastin, or the skin's fat layer, because none of that is about the muscles. It is especially not helpful for the lines caused by facial movement! Instead, facial exercises only make those areas appear more lined. The reason Botox injections into the muscles of the forehead and facial lines work to create a smoother face is because Botox prevents the muscles from moving!

Facial exercises won't reattach facial ligaments; that is only possible via surgery. One procedure in a surgical face-lift is to re-drape the muscle of the cheek and the jaw, drawing it back and then literally stitching it back in place where it used to be. Exercise doesn't reattach the ligaments, it just tones the sagging. "
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Old 24.12.2008., 11:01   #20
Ja radim gimnastiku lica i zadovoljna sam.Nove bore nisam dobila,a lice izgleda bolje.Možda i dobijem bore,tko zna,ali svakako izgledaju bolje od lica koje je obješeno.A čula sam i za teen lift kod Dr Gošović Sanje.Ne znam da li je to netko probao.Ja nisam.Šta se linka tiče,cure evo,pa probajte
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