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Old 23.02.2004., 21:04   #1
Osho Rajneesh

Ovu temu sam otvorio za ljubitelje OSHO-a . Jednostavno ga volim pa nisam izdržao da ne otvorim jednu temu samo za citate iz njegovih govora/knjiga. Kako provodim puno vremena čitajući njegove knjige (a ima ih preko 500! ) svako toliko naletim na neki prekrasan odlomak i onda ga poželim podijeliti s nekim (ali isto tako bih volio vidjeti citate koji su druge oduševili). On je govorio na engleskom pa stoga nema smisla prevoditi na hrvatski jer bi se izgubile mnoge nijanse i naročito humor. Ali vrijedi se potruditi i prevesti sebi (za one koji ne znaju engleski). Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti...i da će moderatori ovo dopustiti...

...Have you ever felt God? You have heard the word again and again and again. You are bored with the word. It has almost become a dirty word. From the very childhood people have been conditioning you for the word. Have you ever had any glimpse of God?

This is something very strange. How can we miss him? If he is the totality, if he is all over the place, how can we miss him? How did it ever become possible for us to miss him? We must have been doing great work to miss him. We must be doing much work to miss him. We must be really avoiding him. We must be creating many barriers and hindrances and obstacles so that he cannot reach us.

And then these empty words: God, love, peace, prayer. All beautiful words have become empty. All ugly things are very real. War is very real; love is very unreal. Madness is very real; meditation is very unreal. Beauty is not there at all; ugliness, everywhere. You can come across the ugly any moment. And God is beauty, God is truth, God is love...
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Old 23.02.2004., 21:12   #2
Nisam nista od njega citala, a ako su mu knjige u stilu ovih citata, onda sam prilicno sigurna da ih i necu citati.

(Hehe, sad ce me parsifal napasti. )
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Old 23.02.2004., 21:23   #3
Gospon Pes kaže:
Nisam nista od njega citala, a ako su mu knjige u stilu ovih citata, onda sam prilicno sigurna da ih i necu citati.

(Hehe, sad ce me parsifal napasti. )
šteta za tebe


The ego is the barrier. When you feel you are, you are so much that nothing can enter in you. You are filled with your own self. When you are not, then everything can pass through you. You have become so vast that even the divine can pass through you. The whole existence is now ready to pass through you, because you are ready. So the whole art of religion is how not to be, how to dissolve, how to surrender, how to become an open space.
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Old 23.02.2004., 21:37   #4
Zen is just zen. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique – unique in the sense that it is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with a total heart, with one's total being, not desiring some other world, supra-mundane, supra-mental. It has no interest in any esoteric nonsense, no interest in metaphysics at all. It does not hanker for the other shore; this shore is more than enough. Its acceptance of this shore is so tremendous that through that very acceptance it transforms this shore – and this very shore becomes the other shore:

This very body the buddha;
This very earth the lotus paradise.
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Old 24.02.2004., 00:29   #5
osho je bio izvrstan i uvjerljiv govornik i osobit je dozivljaj slusati ga dok govori u zivo (tj ja sam gledao video i slusao audio)


time zelim reci - vidis da tu nema zastajkivanja ,razmisljanja, afektiranja
ponavljanja fraza (kao kada slusas svecenike ili politicare)

njegov divan stil , originalnost ,erudicija, nije pripremljen govor



osjecas da je to nesto posebno i nikada dozivljeno...

onaj koji od vas dijeli to to iskustvo zna o cemu govorim...

(nije uzalud na onoj listi rejtinga duhovnih ucitelja osho na prvom mjestus a 4,5 zvjezdice od 5 mogucih
(dijeli prvo mjesto sa ramana maharsijem)
Najvažnija filozofska spoznaja svih vremena! Bolje je usred sunčanoga ljeta kupati se u moru, nego zimi raditi u mračnom uredu. Bela Hamvaš
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Old 18.02.2011., 18:26   #6
[QUOTE=parsifal;1272526]osho je bio izvrstan i uvjerljiv govornik i osobit je dozivljaj slusati ga dok govori u zivo (tj ja sam gledao video i slusao audio)


time zelim reci - vidis da tu nema zastajkivanja ,razmisljanja, afektiranja
ponavljanja fraza (kao kada slusas svecenike ili politicare)

njegov divan stil , originalnost ,erudicija, nije pripremljen govor


osjecas da je to nesto posebno i nikada dozivljeno...

onaj koji od vas dijeli to to iskustvo zna o cemu govorim...

Osho spontan
samo ponavljaju
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Old 25.02.2004., 14:07   #7
From Unconsciousness to Consciousness
Chapter #3

...So when I say there is no God, I am not agreeing with Marx or Epicurus. I am certainly not agreeing with Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, when they say there is God, because they use God as a person. Now, to think of God as a person is just your imagination. The God of the Chinese has a Chinese face, and the God of the Negroes has a Negro face, and certainly the God of the Jews must have a Jewish nose; it can’t be otherwise. And if horses think about God, their God will be a horse. So this is just projection. Giving personality to God is your projection.

When I say there is no God, I am denying personality to God. I am saying God is not, but there is tremendous godliness. That is an impersonal energy, pure energy. To impose any form on it is ugly. You are imposing yourself on it...
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Old 25.02.2004., 14:52   #8
about Love

Love has nothing to do with what others do with you. Love is not a response to a certain positive situation. You are born with love – love is the very stuff you are made of. You can go on giving it... it is a question of giving, not of getting. Of course, when you give it comes back – it comes back millions of times more because the whole existence responds. But the basic idea is not to get but to give.

The world is so loveless and full of hate for the simple reason that everybody wants to get love first – that is their condition for giving. And if everybody wants love first, then who is going to give it? And because nobody gets it – the first basic condition is not fulfilled – then nobody ever thinks of giving it.

And remember, love is alive only when you give it. If you don't give it, it goes sour, it becomes dead, it becomes a dead weight on you. It becomes hatred – it turns into its very opposite. It becomes fear, it becomes jealousy, it becomes possessiveness. Once your love is not alive then it turns into hundreds of monsters in you. And when you start giving those wrong vibes, naturally the whole existence reflects them back to you. Then one is in a vicious circle.
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Old 26.02.2004., 18:19   #9
Osho - bio i prosho.
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Old 26.02.2004., 18:39   #10
Ko je on nikad cuo, dajete mi malo pojasnite kad je zivio, di mogu nac njegove kazete, kazim -- nikad cuo za njega, pa dajte malo mi pojasnite.

Iz ovoga sto vidim, izgleda da je povezan sa Bož iskrom, i oni koji takodjer imaju nekakvu povezanost moci se ga svatiti.
Izgleda da u njegova djela gnoza.
Ali neznam jer nikad cuo za njega niti njegova djela niti ih cito....
grizli is offline  
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Old 27.02.2004., 08:57   #11
grizli kaže:
Ko je on nikad cuo, dajete mi malo pojasnite kad je zivio, di mogu nac njegove kazete, kazim -- nikad cuo za njega, pa dajte malo mi pojasnite.

Iz ovoga sto vidim, izgleda da je povezan sa Bož iskrom, i oni koji takodjer imaju nekakvu povezanost moci se ga svatiti.
Izgleda da u njegova djela gnoza.
Ali neznam jer nikad cuo za njega niti njegova djela niti ih cito....
Nisi puno propustio
ravana is offline  
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Old 27.02.2004., 13:06   #12
jimmy kaže:
Osho - bio i prosho.

To bi i on rekao.
Ne citajte Osha - da je on htio da ga se cita, pisao bi.
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Old 27.02.2004., 13:17   #13
No dajte mi odgovorite na pitanje
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Old 28.02.2004., 12:08   #14
grizli kaže:
No dajte mi odgovorite na pitanje
Čovjek je filozof iz Indije, skužio da su pare na Zapadu, prosvijetlio se i u Americi sam sebe proglasiop za gurua bogatih.
Spaja zen i Nietzschea, tantru i egzistencijalizam. Istjeran iz Amerike zbog prevare ili neplaćanja poreza ili tako nešto.
Njegovih knjiga imaš prevedeno gomilu. Prvih par koje uzmeš će ti biti vjerojatno zabavne, kasnije vidiš da govori stalno iste stvari, pa nije baš zanimljivo. A i kontradiktoran je.
Naravno, to je zato što to nisu pisane knjige, već njegovi govori i odgovori - pa kako kome što govori, time se i mijenja to što govori. Odgovor ovisi o tome kome se govori.
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Old 28.02.2004., 13:02   #15
nitko i ništa kaže:
Čovjek je filozof iz Indije, skužio da su pare na Zapadu...
što reći nego... da svako ima pravo na svoje miš evo što su neki poznati ljudi rekli o OSHO-u

"Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all
possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."

The Dalai Lama

"Trough my friend Deepak Chopra I came across Osho's books which gave me an other deeper shift in my life. I regret I did not met him in person, and I feel sorry the US Government missed such an opportunity back in 86."

Madonna, Singer and Performer,

"I was inspired by Osho's wisdom when I wrote the song 'How fragile we all are'; Reading his books gave me hope for humanity. It is a must for everybody to have a look into his words ....."

Sting, Singer and Preformer,

"Osho is the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ... He's obviously a very effective man, otherwise he wouldn't be such a threat. He's saying the same things that nobody else has the courage to say. A man who has all kinds of ideas, they're not only inflammatory-they also have a resonance of truth that scares the pants off the control freaks."
"Wit and playfulness are a tremendously serious transcendence of evil, and this is one thing that Osho understood better than any contemporary teacher that I can think of. Gurdjieff had an element of that in his teachings, but certainly in the past fifty years there has not existed a teacher in the world who understood the value of playfulness and wit quite so well as Osho."

Tom Robbins, author of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Still Life with Woodpecker and Jitterbug Perfume and others.

"When we wrote and prepared for shooting Vanilla Sky, I constantly checked in with Osho's insides. It is not so easy to present the unconscious mind with images and a story. Osho is the only one who can perfectly explain it all, the inner and the outer and that helped me and my team immensely"
Tom Cruise, actor

"I've been charmed from reading his books."
Frederico Fellini

"I really got into Osho's books. I have always loved his
books. They were top notch."
Marianne Williamson, author

"Within a few years from now his Osho's message will be heard all over the world. He was the most original thinker that India has produced: the most erudite, the most clear-headed and the most innovative. And in addition he had an inborn gift of words, spoken and written. The like of him we will not see for decades to come...He has to be judged as a thinker, and as a thinker he will rank amongst the giants."

"It is a religion for the irreligious, for the agnostic, for the unbeliever, for the rationalist."
Khushwant Singh, former editor of The Times of India; author and historian

"Osho is not trying to purvey information but a truth that bypasses conscious thought and all that belongs to it, just as the most important activities of human beings bypass the mind."
Bernard Levin, Journalist, commentator and writer

"A great mystic, a great philosopher.... In his own way Osho captured the essence of ancient wisdom, related it to contemporary needs, tempered it with the modern times and became a powerful messenger of eternal Indian thought and Indian wisdom."
Dr. Manmohan Singh, former finance minister of India,

"Enlightened people like Osho are ahead of their times. It is good that more and more young people are now reading his works."
K. R. Narayanan, president of India

"Few people have understood India like Osho. It was an understanding at many levels. The philosophical, the historic, the purely emotional - and even the political and the literary, the wanton and the spiritual. His was a holistic understanding. An understanding that went beyond words, into the uncharted terrain of true love. For love was at the core of everything tht Osho believed in. It was the ultimate message he left for us. To discover, experience, savour life through love."

"He had provided us a rare insight into our lives and times. He has ridiculed us, pushed us...hurt us, and thereby, made richer human beings out of us. He made us think for ourselves; forced us to reject him, and by that act of rejection, brought us closer to him -and in a strange kind of way, closer to ourselves."
Pritish Nandy, JAIN TV presenter; former editor, and publisher of The Illustrated Weekly, India

"I read all his books."
Shirley MacLaine

"Osho’s books inspire me to meditate. They give me peace of mind."
Kapil Dev, cricketing super-star from India

"I have read most of [Osho's] books and listened to tapes of his talks, and I am convinced that in the spiritual tradition, here is a mind of intellectual brilliance and persuasive ability as an author."
James Broughton, poet, and author

"Osho gave his country and the world a vision, which one can be proud of."
Chandra Shekhar, former Indian prime minister

"He discourses with eloquent familiarity on virtually all the world's great mystics - Zen masters, Hassids, Sufis, Bauls, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Jesus. Though he "knocks the mind," Osho is an intellectual's guru, and his message is aimed not at spiritual sheep but at rebels and risk takers - people who consider themselves intelligent, adventurous, and
independent, and want to be more so."
Annie Gottlieb, author of Do You Believe in Magic?

"Osho is a fountain of wisdom that never goes dry. This centuryís most original mind has created a new world for us humans to revel in, enjoy and remain ourselves through the pathway of love. Here is the quintessence of the wisdom of ages, the pure nectar of essential knowledge for mortals to acquaint with immortality."
Mr. V. N. Narayanan, editor-in-chief, Hindustan Times

"He is the rarest and most talented religionist to appear this century."
Kazuyoshi Kino, professor of buddhist studies, Hosen Gakuen College, Tokyo, Japan

"I have heard Shree Rajneesh and have been inspired by his talks. His works are sublimne and seek to liberate the soul of humans. Indeed his presentation is unique, his goal is great and his success in liberating each person from the mafia surrounding the soul is rewarding reading. The message that he had to deliver must reach everywhere. Ultimately salvation comes when one attains freedom from oneself. That, I believe, is the consummation which exposure to Osho may help."
Shri. V.R. Krishna Iyer, former supreme court judge

"Osho is one of Indiaís greatest mystics.... I see him as one of the worldís great teachers, thinkers, philosophers and guides of our times. I have enormous respect for his world vision and the kind of International Communities he is building. I have always felt his influence in my life."
Kabir Bedi, international film star

"I have never heard anyone so beautifully and playfully integrate and then dissolve the psychological problems which, for generations, have sapped our human energies."
Rev. Cain, chaplain, Churchill College Cambridge

"Today the messenger isn't there, and people are listening to the message: the message is something intelligent, useful. People find that it makes sense. So I think that's the real thing and people are actually listening to what he said."

"Here is somebody who fuses everything and makes it understandable to people, and it makes sense. And he also challenges very fixed beliefs, challenges religions which have tradition and ritual and so forth."
Aroon Purie, editor of India Today

"I fell in love with Osho's vision, when I visited the Osho Commune a few years ago. Osho's words have helped me when I was going through a difficult phase. Since then I was looking for an opportunity to pay my tribute.""
Jasbir Jassi, Punajabi Pop Star
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Old 28.02.2004., 13:05   #16
grizli kaže:
No dajte mi odgovorite na pitanje
kratku biografiju pogledaj na
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Old 28.02.2004., 13:08   #17
par stotina besplatnih knjiga na
"službeni" sajt na
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Old 28.02.2004., 13:14   #18
OK hvala
grizli is offline  
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Old 28.02.2004., 13:25   #19
Kratko o istom. Iako mu previse gledaju kroz prste u toj biografiji za moj ukus.
ravana is offline  
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Old 28.02.2004., 15:23   #20
befoodturntoshit kaže:
što reći nego... da svako ima pravo na svoje mišljenje...
Pa od ljubitelja Osha bi čovjek očekivao malo smisla za ironiju...
Nije valjda da njega smatraš 'svetim čovjekom'? Pa on bi te sam ismijao.
A on se sam proglasio guruom bogatih, tvrdeći da nema smisla gubiti vrijeme sa siromasima, jer oni ne mogu utjecati na to da se u svijetu dogodi bilo kakva promjena.
I bio u pravu po mom mišljenju. Da je ostao u Indiji ne bi imao ni jedan posto utjecaja kojeg ovako ima.
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