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Old 04.03.2006., 14:52   #21
JEDI MIND TRICKS Communion_ The Crop Circle Thesis

[Verse 1: El Eloh]
I am he who walks beyond the cycle of Tan
A guinea systematic survey
On the heavens long before the spells of Kimet
I had advanced cosmos journey apologist
Substantiate statements
I commands the aspects of creation
Astronomers cant even interpret my ancient civilisation
Of Andromeda
The Dragon of Dracos come touch the inner sun
I went forth, a life force out of the core of Epsu
Bring forth the possibilities of solar energy into infinity
Like a Nimbo; endless, trapped it, Kingu;
A myth too ignorant Like the Sumerians
Explorer of the solar system like Galileo
Bring the mist of Mahabharata
Celestial God symbolic to the disagreeable complex mathematics
Of the Hebrew bible
Receive and transmit the letters of the Rasqiniaans
Who have seen the 3rd suns
I am like Milton Milankovich
Who outline the theory of ground philosophies
Messiah of all biblical tablets
Watch how the process of creation
links with the measurements of Tan
Scientifical like a geologist
I bring the geological changes to the world
Like the prophecies of the Book of Revelations

[Verse 2]
The compartment allies
Now my device shatters the fusel anomas
And for my dialectical, destroyed innocuous sinconquent
Travel beyond 5 dimensions
A cipher cytoplasm or phantasm
An Orc's sight;
Antithetical to atoms
I leave you vacuous like an Organtoron, pulses
Facilitate my brain waves, determining what planet I'm on
CyberTron transmit my Mhakabaraso over the sea of influence
Never neglect My lobular units
Stereo-material movements
Painfully Cranials statisticals giving your Cerebral Cortex
Damaging Demigods
Crushing egos, into which a wench began by
Extracting a Trans-cordial
Connections of Macros-manic animals
Caves of sleek stature, once sabbatical
Once bring drama
I'm bright on harrowing lava
Within the Plexus from my anatomical
It gets darker
A sense of urgency
Enters the atmosphere with my excursion
In this Microcosm, a third version!
Specifically a generation
Of Mutated
Warriors from the Nether;
That's Neva Antiquated
My flux is like somatic stimulation
As macro-electrolytes converge
Eternal recurrence
My mentals merge; its cyclical
But it revamps its own thesis, Reaching
The premium blend in the communion

[Verse 3: Rasul]
Follow me beyond the cloud
In the stratosphere, to the House of El Huul
It should lead you to a place opposite my heavenly throne
In the temple of ancient Kimet
Who discovered the wonders and the 24 elders
These beings, the Rasqiniaans
Come to enlighten you
With supreme Mathematics
Dramatically stood
12 disagreeable
12 agreeable
7 feet tall in diameter
These elders sit
On the flight in the craft Niburu
Passing through the universe density levels
Heading straight for the wrath of Andromeda
Elliptical physical galaxy
Containing beings in the line of Dracos
Stomping on negative snakes like Broncos
Create magnetic field around my aura
Incapacitating ships
Negative energy creates the spiritual slaughter
Where you dwell in the physical world is horror!
My mind returns to El Yeum
To inform the elders of the incident
In case of the need for assistance
To return to my epic form
From my physical;
And see my soul arise into a sham
Hitting the arcs of Cumulus clouds of Annun
I left my image of a crop circle in the form of a galactical star map
Perhaps to another plane of consciousness

[Verse 4: Ikon The Verbal Hologram]
Through a series of psychological tests
I have been declared a demon
Traveling through dimensions fatal weapons leave you bleeding
Dissecting gray matter, doesn't matter in my cathedral
But how could you stand my timberlands in your cerebral
Faces of space probes be scattered through my mental
Acoustics in my chamber just endanger instrumental
Fundamental rhythms are symbols of paternal power
Get devoured, by my infinite skills to disappear
Getting lost in the holocaust that rage between my ears
Complex like gravity
Tragically and mathematically
I defeat ya squadron black magically
Analyze the tangle
As you get mangled by my triangular rhythms...
Systematic rotations of my words cause cataclysms

[Verse 5: Breath of Judah]
In the farthest universal
At your communion Neffum council
Beings come to some planets in your galaxy
That were most frequently visited
Because life existed there
In various forms and deities it was
Why they explore mars
Gives meanings
Ahnk is Jah, foremost to the firm-land
Super friends of man
Fore-prophesise sight
Tight with a photon of light
Rubber band¦
Others in Orion, skies or heaven
Star sections, constellation
Ploughing towards us
Lending aid to help our Taurus
Routine, orbit on the slate, clean
Took a thousand
One fall sure four
Equinox a birth time deemed;
The team of thirteen
Searching our rich natural resources
And minerals
To take back after retrieving
Our responsibilities are fulfilled!
Like the Onus of Annun!
And En Yil!
So build the unstoppable force of Evol-u-TION!
Bahu Tabu is offline  
Old 04.03.2006., 14:55   #22
Bahu Tabu kaže:
Može ako se shvati što je to "sebe".
Recimo da je shvaćeno
Lame Deer is offline  
Old 04.03.2006., 15:10   #23
Balkanijan Pimp kaže:
Judas Priest: "Jugulator"

ah kakva neusporediva suptilnost izrazaja i simbolike
Pimp, ajde malo piši o svojim "osjećanjima" dok slušaš tu pjesmu. O simbolici i suptilnosti izražaja. Znam da kad bi te pitao da ju pojasniš rekao bi da se pjesme ne pojašnjuju i interpretiraju jer sve već stoji tu

Inače, nekad sam slušao i Judas Priest i Slayer, Sepulturu, Panteru, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Type O Negative, Enthombed, Deicide, My Dying Bride Megadeth, Napalm Death, Impaled Nazarene, Cradle of Filth, Obituary, i kako li se već svi zovu. Samo da znaš

Čak sam "upoznao" Motörhead-Lemmya u backstageu koncerta
Lame Deer is offline  
Old 04.03.2006., 15:12   #24
Lame Deer kaže:
Pimp, ajde malo piši o svojim "osjećanjima" dok slušaš tu pjesmu. O simbolici i suptilnosti izražaja. Znam da kad bi te pitao da ju pojasniš rekao bi da se pjesme ne pojašnjuju i interpretiraju jer sve već stoji tu

Inače, nekad sam slušao i Judas Priest i Slayer, Sepulturu, Panteru, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Type O Negative, Enthombed, Deicide, My Dying Bride Megadeth, Napalm Death, Impaled Nazarene, Cradle of Filth, Obituary, i kako li se već svi zovu. Samo da znaš

Čak sam "upoznao" Motörhead-Lemmya u backstageu koncerta
ma kakvi osjecaji... ako nesto JP neznaju napravit to su tekstovi, normalnog covjeka bi bilo sram s takvim stvarima izac u javnost
Old 04.03.2006., 15:41   #25
Ok. Samo onda ne kužim poantu
Lame Deer is offline  
Old 04.03.2006., 15:42   #26
Bye the wye: ove engleske prijevode ne-engleskih pjesama je često bolje izgubit nego nać Bolje nečut nego čut. Skroz se izgubi čar.

Evo od Rumija recimo npr. onaj poznati stih

All is the Beloved and the lover is a veil
The Beloved is alive and the lover is dead

na originalu glasi

Jumla ma'shuq ast-o 'aashiq pardah'i
Zenda ma'shuq ast-o 'aashiq mordah'i

Sasvim nešto drugo.

Rijetko se desi da netko uspije prenijeti pjesmicu na drugi jezik a da se ne odmakne daleko od originalnog "feelinga" i "flowa". Vibre.

Primjeri koji mi padaju na pamet su onaj jedan prijevod kojeg sam nekoć postao tu od Eliotove Waste Land a ni naš Gavran nije loš

Neznam jeli ko ćirnuo na ovaj link. Mali kaže da je Poeov Raven čisti rap.

I ima pravo.

Yo, yo. Check it out.
Lame Deer is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 10:58   #27

Enchantress kaže:
Prema samom sebi.
Tko sebe i svoje strasti jasno i razgovijetno spoznaje, ljubi boga, i to utoliko ga više ljubi koliko više spoznaje sebe i svoje strasti.
Razumska ljubav duha spram boga (mentis amor intellectualis erga Deum) je sama ljubav Božja kojom Bog ljubi sama sebe...
nitko i ništa is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 12:49   #28
Ovo je prica o najdrazoj
o onoj koja me nikada nije iznevjerila
ovo je prica o onoj koje se nikad necu odreci
o onoj s kojom sam proveo cijeli zivot
a sad jaucem i umirem

Duga devetka
ti si mi najdraza
i cuvas me dok spavam ja
i cuvas me u mojim snovima
duga devetka
tako sjajna i celicna
i cuvas me dok saniram ja
ti cuvas me kod reketiranja

Ti cuvaj moj auto i stan
ti cuvas moje zlato kada idem van
ti cuvas me kada sam i nula
ti cuvas mog bjesnog pit bulla

Duga devetka
tako hladna i vatrena
ti cuvas mi najmilije
ti cuvas me od familije
duga devetka
ti cuvas me dok dilam ja
ti cuvas me kod utjerivanja dugova

Duga devetka
ti si mi jedina
ti cuvas me kad placem ja
ti si moj sudac i moja porota
duga devetka
sreco najdraza
tako sjajna traumirana i celicna

"Duga Devetka", Davor Gobac


Ponekad se, samo na koji trenutak nedjeljom navečer, uz čašu crnoga vina raznježim i rasplačem uz stihove pjesme koja me u srce takne, uz iskrene stihove čovjeka koji je uistinu volio, doslovno do svojega groba...

Rasplačem se, samo za trenutak, brzo dođem k sebi, jer već ujutro je ponedjeljak...

Početak novog poslovnog tjedna...

Vještac is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 14:13   #29
Vještac kaže:
Početak novog poslovnog tjedna...
Sad meni dodje da placem
Almighty Watashi is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 14:55   #30
kako te zamišljam, kako te zamišljam
beli hodnik i beli stol
pleteš ruke od morskih trava
modro i zeleno, modro i zeleno
teško primam promenu lica
u hodniku vremena

u naručju vremena, u naručju vremena
u naručju vremena, u naručju vremena

kako da ostanem isti
kako da sačuvam sebe od promene
samo putem promene

mirno spavaš
na kamenom licu ti izmamim osmeh
opet i opet želim da vidim
unatrag, unatrag, unatrag
vrati unatrag
u modro i zeleno, modro i zeleno

u naručju vremena, u naručju vremena
u naručju vremena, u naručju vremena

bolje da pričam o sebi
bolje da idem u nove promene
samo putem promene

kako te zamišljam, kako te zamišljam
kako te zamišljam, kako te zamišljam
hodaj, hodaj, hodaj
hodaj, hodaj, hodaj

uh, kako te zamišljam, kako te zamišljam
unatrag, unatrag, unatrag
vrati unatrag
u modro i zeleno

Kalista is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 18:06   #31
nitko i ništa kaže:
Tko sebe i svoje strasti jasno i razgovijetno spoznaje, ljubi boga, i to utoliko ga više ljubi koliko više spoznaje sebe i svoje strasti.
Razumska ljubav duha spram boga (mentis amor intellectualis erga Deum) je sama ljubav Božja kojom Bog ljubi sama sebe...
Možda je sve samo način na koji Bog ljubi samog sebe.

Za one koji vole: Mika Antić.
Enchantress is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 18:11   #32
"Extreme Ways"

Extreme ways are back again
Extreme places I didn't know
I broke everything new again
Everything that I'd owned
I threw it out the windows, came along
Extreme ways I know move apart
The colors of my sea
Perfect color me

Extreme ways that that help me
Help me out at night
Extreme places I had gone
But never seen any light
Dirty basements, dirty noise
Dirty places coming through
Extreme worlds alone
Did you ever like it planned

I would stand in line for this
There's always room in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Like it always does, always does

Extreme songs that told me
They helped me down every night
I didn't have much to say
I didn't get above the light
I closed my eyes and closed myself
And closed my world and never opened
Up to anything
That could get me along

I had to close down everything
I had to close down my mind
Too many things to cover me
Too much can make me blind
I've seen so much in so many places
So many heartaches, so many faces
So many dirty things
You couldn't believe

I would stand in line for this
It's always good in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Like it always does, always does

Fish 1968 is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 19:03   #33


Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Remember when you were young,
You shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
Like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire
Of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

You reached for the secret too soon,
You cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night,
And exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome
With random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

Wish You Were Here

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here
If you think this Universe is bad, you should see some of the others./Philip K. Dick
blue bird is offline  
Old 05.03.2006., 19:17   #34
dobra tema lame
evo i mog doprinosa


Now I've been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be, something good has begun

Oh I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one
And I believe it could be, some day it's going to come

Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

Now I've been smiling lately, thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be, something good has begun

Oh peace train sounding louder
Glide on the peace train
Come on now peace train
Yes, peace train holy roller

Everyone jump upon the peace train
Come on now peace train

Get your bags together, go bring your good friends too
Cause it's getting nearer, it soon will be with you

Now come and join the living, it's not so far from you
And it's getting nearer, soon it will all be true

Now I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is
Why must we go on hating, why can't we live in bliss

Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again
polyhymnia is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 00:13   #35
Kad supermen promjeni pol
a tarzan postane topao
kad prestanem slušati rokenrol
i počnem ići na posao
kad nam budu pokazivali
ovce i krave u kavezu
kad đoni bude išao da svira
na tezge po sovjetskom savezu

Da li ćeš me voljet tad
il ćeš ići da bereš voće tuđe?
Da li ćeš me ljubit tad
ili ubit kad ti loše operem suđe?
Da li ćeš me voljet tad
il ćeš ići da bereš voće tuđe?
Da li ćeš me ljubit tad
Ili reći da sam pravi gad?

Kad budem imao višak
samo u kilaži
Prazninu u duši, čir na stomaku
i golfa u garaži
Kad sličice vlasnika kafića
budu sakupljala djeca
Kad velika četvorka budu hajduk,
zvezda, partizan i trepča

Da li ćeš me voljet tad
il ćeš ići da bereš voće tuđe?
Da li ćeš me ljubit tad
ili ubit kad ti loše operem suđe?
Kad ti noću u sitne sate
zakucam na vrata
Hoćeš li otvorit tad
il govorit samo preko advokata?
Almighty Watashi is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 00:25   #36
Love Wiil Tear Us Apart

When routine bites hard, and ambitions are low
And resentment rides high, but emotions won't grow
And we're changing our ways, taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again --

Why is the bedroom so cold? You've turned away on your side
Is my timing that flawed - our respect run so dry?
Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again --

You cry out in your sleep - all my failings expose
There's a taste in my mouth, as desperation takes hold
Just that something so good just can't function no more
When love, love will tear us apart again

Joy Division
elala is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 00:48   #37
Za stolom, sred oceana

zgubljen, za stolom, sred oceana
mislim o sebi kao o pustoj hridi
koja s ruba svijeta tone u dubinu,
u to more koje bijase u pocetku
i nitko nije mogao ni htio iz njega,
stalno je u svemu tiho sumjelo
cineci neprekidno isti tajanstveni krug
kojim jure Zemlja, Sunce, Zvijezdje,
jedan svemir u srazu sa stotinu drugih,
jos se ne zna oko cega ukoliko nije
ova pisaljka koja razgrce vremena,
smije se, ruga, otkrivajuci bolju sliku
koja leti istim putem, samo unatrag.

Slavko Mihalić
elala is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 01:07   #38
Sly, Massive Attack..ta me je bash ovih dana nesto posebno "uhvatila"

I try to believe what i feel these days
It makes life much easier for me
It's hard to decide what is real these days
When things look so dizzy to me.

I already know my children's children's faces
Voices that i've heard before
There's always more
There's always more

Wondering leaving the sea behind
To my home which everybody owns
Wondering, wondering
Where we can do what we please
I feel like a thousand years have passed
I'm younger than i used to be
I feel like the world is my home at last
I know everyone that i meet

Somewhere in the music i can hear the bells
I heard a thousand years before
There's always more
There's always more

Wondering is this there all there is
Since i was since I began to be
Wondering, wandering
Where we can do what we please
kachunchica is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 01:39   #39
Voda zaborava

Ima vidljive svjetlosti u nevidljivu svijetu

Zaboravio sam se uz onu vodu i sad
od zvijezde do zvijezde do zemlje do
one vode u komadice pa sazgati pa
natrag od zemlje do zvijezde do zvijezde

Ima nevidljivih slika u svijetu doticanja

Na rubu

Neka me josh jednom zapljusne pradavna voda
Josh jednom neka imenodavac objavi svoj bjelichasti
znak iz nijeme jezgre mraka

O nepovratni bljeskovi
O svjetlostrujne kobile jantarna zutila
Sebetvorna vatro

Kako sam mogao druge darove traziti kad je sicushni
poklon jednog boga u casu
obasjao posvemasnju noc

Kao pozar sto se uz lisnatu jasiku penje, san se u rijeci
pretapa i na njihovim rubovima
svjetluca zelenkastim samom rubu.

Jure Kastelan
kachunchica is offline  
Old 06.03.2006., 07:32   #40

U plav ljetnji suton, krenuću na staze,
Hoću, bockan žitom, da kroz nisku travu,
U njenoj svježini, moje noge gaze
I da vjetar kupa moju golu glavu.
Bez misli, bez riječi, pozvan od daljina,
S dušom, od ljubavi silne opijenom,
Na put ću poći, poput ciganina,
Kroz Prirodu - sretan kao s nekom ženom.

Arthur Rimbaud


Ja živim u kruzima koji se šire,
i njima sve više obuhvatit žudim.
Ja možda i neću polučit zadnji,
konačni krug, no ja se trudim.

Ja kružim i kružim okolo Boga,
tog prastarog tornja, već tisuće ljeta,
i ne znam još, jesam li sokol il vihor,
il velika pjesma ovoga svijeta.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Fragmenti oblika niću iz magle,
prilaze sablasti stupova i žica
Na učima inje,
ničeg nema,
Samo oči i drveni stup kao totem
…je zima u pizdu strininu

ja danas he, he !
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