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Književnost Čitam, dakle jesam
Podforumi: Mali literarni kutić, Klub knjige

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Old 17.09.2010., 21:10   #21
Uau, kojeg li topica Avant-garde, uvodan post ti je nenadmašan... to je jedino što u ovom trenutku mogu reći...

Leonard Cohen kroz svoje stihove i pjesme izražava ono što je riječima teško izraziti. Ali on to nekako uspijeva izraziti... zato i je to što je. Vrhunski majstor riječi, veliki umjetnik, fascinantna pojava na glazbenoj sceni...
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Old 19.09.2010., 23:45   #22
Hvala, susjedo iz Boogie ulice Pridruži mi se ponekad ovdje, na drugoj strani intimnosti

When legend Cohen takes the stage, it's no less than a cultural event of biblical dimensions.
-The Independent

Anima sola

"Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
through the graves the wind is blowing,
freedom soon will come;
then we'll come from the shadows."

-The Partisan

"All all and all the dry worlds lever,
Stage of the ice, the solid ocean,
All from the oil, the pound of lava.
City of spring, the governed flower,
Turns in the earth that turns the ashen
Towns around on a wheel of fire."


"I forget to pray for the angels
and then the angels forget to pray for us."

-So long, Marianne


"It was deep into his fiery heart
he took the dust of Joan of Arc,
and then she clearly understood
if he was fire, oh then she must be wood.
I saw her wince, I saw her cry,
I saw the glory in her eye.
Myself I long for love and light,
but must it come so cruel, and oh so bright?"

-Joan of Arc

"All all and all the dry worlds couple,
Ghost with her ghost, contagious man
With the womb of his shapeless people.
All that shapes from the caul and suckle,
Stroke of mechanical flesh on mine,
Square in these worlds the mortal circle.

Flower, flower the people's fusion,
O light in zenith, the coupled bud,
And the flame in the flesh's vision.
Out of the sea, the drive of oil,
Socket and grave, the brassy blood,
Flower, flower, all all and all."


"...Kako bi pjesmama dao atmosferu, Cohen bi u studiju ugasio svjetla, upalio svijeće i zapalio tamjan; ali, trebao mu je još jedan predmet kako bi se osjećao kao kod kuće: zrcalo."

"It is your turn, beloved,
it is your flesh that I wear."
There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 20.09.2010., 19:22   #23
avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post
Hvala, susjedo iz Boogie ulice Pridruži mi se ponekad ovdje, na drugoj strani intimnosti
Dakako da budem, sa zadovoljstvom Što se tiče Cohenovih pjesama kao tetovaža sa unutarnje strane kože, trenutno prebirem po ovim stihovima i ozbiljno razmišljam o tome da si neki od njih istetoviram sa vanjske strane kože

avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post
When legend Cohen takes the stage, it's no less than a cultural event of biblical dimensions.
-The Independent
So, so true

Jesi li možda pročitala komentar Branimira Pofuka na Cohenov Zagrebački koncert? Jedna od stvari koje je rekao je bila - Cohen na pozornici nosi šešir samo zato da bi ga mogao skinuti.
Samo najveći su dovoljno veliki da se mogu nakloniti i drugima
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Old 20.09.2010., 20:07   #24
Čitala sam, odlična recenzija

Ako ga se treba sažeti u jednu rečenicu, ta je savršena: Cohen nosi šešir samo da bi ga skidao.

Tako je, samo veliki mogu pasti u mrak da bi drugi dobio svjetlost.
A on to radi sa stilom. Sa tako savršenim, izbrušenim stilom.

Kao naprimjer u spotu The Future- kisne na kiši i sa smiješkom poravnjava sako

-"Pesimist je onaj koji čeka kišu. Ja sam već mokar do kože."

Mokar i nasmijan.
The white man dancing

Za inspiraciju: vidjela sam na netu dosta "unified hearts" tetovaža (predivan simbol), i meni najdraže stihove:

"You go your way
and I'll go your way too."

There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 20.09.2010., 20:54   #25
avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post

Kao naprimjer u spotu The Future- kisne na kiši i sa smiješkom poravnjava sako
Prvi put sam sad vidjela taj spot Ah, Cohen na kiši
'bemti, dođe mi da zapjevam onu stvar od Rihanne - You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, ayayayay

avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post
Mokar i nasmijan.
The white man dancing
A na ovim turnejama je umjesto white man pjevao "The white girl dancing" i tada bi The Webb sisters učinile "nešto". Kad sam bila na koncertu u Lucci, napravile su neki plesni pokret/okret, a sad u Zagrebu su napravile zvijezdu (zato ih je i predstavio kao "The Acrobats", između ostalog )

avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post
Za inspiraciju: vidjela sam na netu dosta "unified hearts" tetovaža (predivan simbol),
Eeeeee, sad si mi dala super ideju! :klap: Mogla bi si istetovirat taj "unified hearts" znak i onda ispod toga neki njegov stih Tooooooo!!

BTW, s obzirom da si spomenula da čitaš njegovu biografiju "Raznoliki stavovi", znaš li priču koja stoji iza već ranije spomenutih stihova?

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Old 21.09.2010., 00:17   #26
I met a man who lost his mind
in some lost place I had to find,
follow me the wise man said,
but he walked behind.
sapiosexuality - a behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use
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Old 26.09.2010., 21:57   #27
evil-bitch kaže: Pogledaj post
BTW, s obzirom da si spomenula da čitaš njegovu biografiju "Raznoliki stavovi", znaš li priču koja stoji iza već ranije spomenutih stihova?

Znam, znam...ali brzo je zaboravio na nju, trideseta očito proleti
Ipak, lijepa gesta

Kao i ova iz "Energije robova":

"Come down to my room
I was thinking about you
and I made a pass at myself"

Moram još malo nastaviti s "The future": odličan ritam, odličan spot i proročanski stihovi.


Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here,
there's no one left to torture
Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby,
that's an order!
Give me and
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole
in your culture
Give me back the Berlin wall
give me Stalin and St Paul
I've seen the future, brother:
it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing
Nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world
has crossed the threshold
and it has overturned
the order of the soul
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant

You don't know me from the wind
you never will, you never did
I'm the little jew
who wrote the Bible
I've seen the nations rise and fall
I've heard their stories, heard them all
but love's the only engine of survival
Your servant here, he has been told
to say it clear, to say it cold:
It's over, it ain't going
any further
And now the wheels of heaven stop
you feel the devil's riding crop
Get ready for the future:
it is murder

Things are going to slide ...

There'll be the breaking of the ancient
western code
Your private life will suddenly explode
There'll be phantoms
There'll be fires on the road
and the white man dancing
You'll see a woman
hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets
coming round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson
and the white man dancin'

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ
or give me Hiroshima
Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby:
it is murder

Things are going to slide ...

When they said REPENT REPENT ...

p.s. ako još nisi skinula "Songs from the road", obavezno to učini - predivna izvedba "Famous blue raincoat" (pogotovo Soldo)
There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 26.09.2010., 22:20   #28
Nisu nas pogodili

"Pjesnik? Dezerter."
-Cohenova majka

Is my passion perfect?
No, do it once again.

Who is it whom I address,
who takes down what I confess?
Are you the teachers of my heart?
We teach old hearts to rest.

Oh teachers are my lessons done?
I cannot do another one.
They laughed and laughed and said, Well child,
are your lessons done?
are your lessons done?
are your lessons done?

"Dok je silazio s brda, Till Ulenspiegel je plakao jer je mislio kako će se morati penjati, a kada se penjao, smijao se jer je mislio kako će silaziti."
-"Kap prokletstva"

LillyOctober kaže: Pogledaj post
I met a man who lost his mind
in some lost place I had to find,
follow me the wise man said,
but he walked behind.

"...sjetio se natpisa na zidu ispisanog predivnim slovima „Nisu nas pogodili“ – koji se odnosio na američko bombardiranje Japana i na netaknuti samostan."

There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 27.09.2010., 02:09   #29
draga avant-gard, cijela mi je večer u znaku cohena, pa evo malo i za tebe:

zlo goveđe dovijeka june
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Old 27.09.2010., 12:56   #30

"Suzanne takes you down

To her place by the river.

She gives you tea and oranges

That come all the way from China…

- Leonard Cohen

Many a Guardian reader can surely still hear the flat, irresistible voice of Leonard Cohen singing these lyrics. In the 1970s, earnest middle-class teenagers knew that here was a poet. That was the whole point of the notorious voice. You could hear that he wasn’t a singer. He was a poet, allowing some of his poems to become songs."
thirty - ought six
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Old 27.09.2010., 23:15   #31
mimma7 kaže: Pogledaj post
draga avant-gard, cijela mi je večer u znaku cohena, pa evo malo i za tebe:

Onda ti je bila jako lijepa večer.
Krenula si odmah sa pravom tihom eksplozijom koju ću ti vratiti pjesmom od koje je, nakon mnogo poznatih cohenovskih prevrtanja, nastala završna "A thousand kisses deep". Ali, sve je to jedna velika hiper-pjesma u svojim raznim bojama.


1. You came to me this morning
And you handled me like meat.
You´d have to live alone to know
How good that feels, how sweet.
My mirror twin, my next of kin,
I´d know you in my sleep.
And who but you would take me in
A thousand kisses deep?

2. I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat.
I´m just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet,
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second-hand physique -
With all he is, and all he was
A thousand kisses deep.

3. All soaked in sex, and pressed against
The limits of the sea:
I saw there were no oceans left
For scavengers like me.
We made it to the forward deck
I blessed our remnant fleet -
And then consented to be wrecked
A thousand kisses deep.

4. I know you had to lie to me,
I know you had to cheat.
But the Means no longer guarantee
The Virtue in Deceit.
That truth is bent, that beauty spent,
That style is obsolete -
Ever since the Holy Spirit went
A thousand kisses deep.

5. (So what about this Inner Light
That´s boundless and unique?
I´m slouching through another night
A thousand kisses deep.)

6. I´m turning tricks; I´m getting fixed,
I´m back on Boogie Street.
I tried to quit the business -
Hey, I´m lazy and I´m weak.
But sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go
A thousand kisses deep.

7. (And fragrant is the thought of you,
The file on you complete -
Except what we forgot to do
A thousand kisses deep.)

8. The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then it´s done -
Your little winning streak.
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat,
You live your life as if it´s real
A thousand kisses deep.

9. (I jammed with Diz and Dante -
I did not have their sweep -
But once or twice, they let me play
A thousand kisses deep.)

10. And I´m still working with the wine,
Still dancing cheek to cheek.
The band is playing "Auld Lang Syne" -
The heart will not retreat.
And maybe I had miles to drive,
And promises to keep -
You ditch it all to stay alive
A thousand kisses deep.

11. And now you are the Angel Death
And now the Paraclete;
And now you are the Savior's Breath
And now the Belsen heap.
No turning from the threat of love,
No transcendental leap -
As witnessed here in time and blood
A thousand kisses deep.

September 21, 1998
There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 27.09.2010., 23:21   #32
13 shells kaže: Pogledaj post
You could hear that he wasn’t a singer. He was a poet, allowing some of his poems to become songs."
„Kada je poezija daleko od glazbe, atrofira. Kada je glazba daleko od plesa, atrofira.“
Ezra Pound

"Definitivno je ustanovljeno da ne znam pjevati, ali poput bumbara koji prkosi zakonitostima aerodinamike, ja ustrajem i lebdim visoko."
L. Cohen

Škotski je svećenik 1994. izjavio da je preživio lavinu jer je cijelu noć pjevao pjesme Leonarda Cohena.

There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 01.10.2010., 23:53   #33
avant-garde kaže: Pogledaj post

Škotski je svećenik 1994. izjavio da je preživio lavinu jer je cijelu noć pjevao pjesme Leonarda Cohena.

I mi smo preživjeli svašta uz njega.

I'm a fool, but I think I can heal it
with this song.

I kad se treba prisjetiti koliko smo prolazni:

I was with Franklin Roosevelt's side on the night before he died.
He said, "One world must come out of World War Two" (ah, the fool)
"Yankee, Russian, white or tan," he said, "A man is still a man.
We're all on one road, and we're only passing through."

I kada treba održati lekciju posrnuloj priji:

Do you need to hold a leash to be a lady?
I know you're going to make, make it on your own.

ili ponuditi praktičan savjet nekom mulcu...

Ah but don't go home with your hard-on ...
It will only drive you insane
You can't shake it (or break it) with your Motown
You can't melt it down in the rain...

Tu je i kada se zaljubljujemo:

Yes, and here, right here
between the moonlight and the lane,
between the tunnel and the train,
between the victim and his stain,
once again, once again,
love calls you by your name.

...kada iščekujemo tu prvu fizičku izmjenu duša...

O baby I waited
so long for your kiss
for something to happen,
oh something like this.

...ali i kada izgaramo od požude:

Just dance me to the dark side of the gym
Chances are I'll let you do most anything
I know you're hungry, I can hear it in your voice
And there are many parts of me to touch, you have your choice...

...tu je i kada smo ostavljeni...

So you see I'm not naive.
I just would like to believe
Ah what you tell me.
So don't give me the world today
And tomorrow take it away.

...i kada ostavljamo...

Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.

I showed my heart to the doctor: he said I just have to quit.

i uz nekoliko životnih lekcija...

You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum

Do not choose a coward's explanation
that hides behind the cause and the effect.

Pokušavaš biti slobodan...prihvaćajući sve posljedice koje sloboda nosi...

Oh like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.

Da, Mr. Cohen: I taught him how to dress. He taught me how to live forever.

Jedni pitaju Lastana, drugi Milu, treći traže odgovor s nebesa....a moj privatni đepni psihijatar progovara pritiskom na tipku play....
sapiosexuality - a behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use
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Old 03.10.2010., 22:58   #34
Lijepo, Lilly. Prava šarena lepeza

Vrijeme je za predstavljanje najvećeg Cohenovog uzora, a to je neponovljivi leptir

Federico García Lorca


Little Viennese Waltz

In Vienna there are ten little girls,
a shoulder for death to cry on,
and a forest of dried pigeons.
There is a fragment of tomorrow
in the museum of winter frost.
There is a thousand-windowed dance hall.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this close-mouthed waltz.

Little waltz, little waltz, little waltz,
of itself of death, and of brandy
that dips its tail in the sea.

I love you, I love you, I love you,
with the armchair and the book of death,
down the melancholy hallway,
in the iris's darkened garret,
in our bed that was once the moon’s bed,
and in that dance the turtle dreamed of.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this broken-waisted waltz.

In Vienna there are four mirrors
in which your mouth and the ehcoes play.
There is a death for piano
that paints little boys blue.
There are beggars on the roof.
There are fresh garlands of tears.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this waltz that dies in my arms.

Because I love you, I love you, my love,
in the attic where the children play,
dreaming ancient lights of Hungary
through the noise, the balmy afternoon,
seeing sheep and irises of snow
through the dark silence of your forehead.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this " I will always love you" waltz.

In Vienna I will dance with you
in a costume with a river's head.
See how the hyacinths line my banks!
I will leave my mouth between your legs,
my soul in a photographs and lilies,
and in the dark wake of your footsteps,
my love, my love, I will have to leave
violin and grave, the waltzing ribbons.
There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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Old 04.10.2010., 01:30   #35
"Journalist: One of the poets you've often mentioned is Garcia Lorca.

Cohen: Yes, he was the first poet who really touched me. I remember coming upon a book of his when I was fifteen or sixteen, and the universe he revealed and the lands he inhabited seemed very familiar.

I think that's what you look for when you read poetry; you look for someone to illuminate a landscape that you thought you alone walked on. Lorca did that for me. Of course I don't read him in Spanish, but still, the language, the precision, the daring, the boldness of his imagery, and the open-hearted approach to his own predicament couldn't help but touch me at that time"


Pequeno Vals Vienes

(translated by Leonard Cohen as "Take This Waltz")

it's part of a collection named "Poeta en Nueva-York",
written before the second world war by Federico Garcia

[B]En Viena hay diez muchachas,
un hombro donde solloza la muerte
y un bosque de palomas disecadas.
Hay un fragmento de la manana
en el mueso de la escarcha
Hay un salon con mil ventanas

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Toma este vals con la boca cerrada

Este vals, este vals, este vals,
de si, de muerte y de conac
que moja su cola en el mar

Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero,
con la butaca y el libro muerto,
por el melancolico pasillo
en el oscuro desvan del lirio,
en nuestra cama de la luna
y en la danza que suena la tortuga.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Toma este vals con la boca cerrada

En Viena hay cuatro espejos
donde juegan tu boca y los ecos,
Hay una muerte para piano,
que pinta de azul a los muchachos.
Hay mendigos por los tejados
Hay frescas guirnaldas de llanto

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Toma este vals con la boca cerrada

Porque te quiero, te quiero, amor mio,
en el desvan donde juegan los ninos,
sonando viejas luces de Hungria
por los rumores de la tarde tibia,
viendo ovejas y lirios de nieve
por el silencio oscuro de tu frente.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Toma este vals con la boca cerrada

En viena bailare contigo
con un disfraz que tenga
cabeza de rio.
Mira que orillas tengo de jacintos
Dejare mi boca entre tus piernas,
mi alma en fotografias y azucenas,
y en las ondas oscuras de tu andar
quiero, amor mio, amor mio, dejar,
violin y sepulcro, las cintas del vals.


Take This Waltz (1980-1993)

"With the Lorca poem, the translation took 150 hours, just to get it into English that resembled - I would never presume to say duplicated - the greatness of Lorca's poem. It was a long, drawn-out affair, and the only reason I would even attempt it is my love for Lorca. I loved him as a kid; I named my daughter Lorca ( "She's a lovely creature, and very inventive. She really deserves the name.") so you can see this is not a casual figure in my life."

L. Cohen, Interview "Your Flesh" Magazine, 1992

"Here of all places I don't have to explain how I fell in love with the poet Federico Garcia Lorca. I was 15 years old and I was wandering through the bookstores of Montreal and I fell upon one of his books,and I opened it,and my eyes saw those lines "I want to pass through the Arches of Elvira,to see her thighs and begin weeping". I thought "This is where I want to be"... I read alone "Green I want you green "I turned another page "The morning through fistfulls of ants in your face" I turned another page "Her thighs slipped away like school of silver minnows". I knew that I have had come home. So it is with a great sense of gratitude that I am able to repay my debt to Federico Garcia, at least a corner, a fragment, a crumb, a hair, an electron of my debt by dedicating this song, this translation of his great poem "Little Viennese Waltz", "Take This Waltz"."


"Nocas bih mogao napisati najtuznije stihove.
Napisati, na primjer:
“Noc je posuta zvijezdama,
Trepere modre zvijezde u daljini.
Nocni vjetar kruzi nebom i pjeva.”

Nocas bih mogao napisati najtuznije stihove.
Volio sam je,
a ponekad je ona i mene voljela.

U nocima kao ova bila je u mom narucju.
Ljubih je, koliko puta,
ispod beskrajnog neba.

Voljela me, a ponekad i ja sam je voljeo.
Kako da ne volim njene
Velike nepomicne oci.

Nocas bih mogao napisati najtuznije stihove.
Misliti da je nemam,
osjecati da sam je izgubio.

Slusati noc beskrajnu,
jos mnogo duzu bez nje.
I stih pada na dusu kao rosa na pasnjak.

Nije vazno sto je moja ljubav ne sacuva.
Noc je posuta zvijezdama i ona nije uza me.

To je sve. U daljini netko pjeva. U daljini.
Dusa je moja nesretna sto ju je izgubila

Kao da je zeli pribliziti moj pogled je trazi.
Srce je moje trazi, a ona nije uza me.

Ista noc u bijelo odijeva ista stabla.
Ni mi, od nekada, nismo vise isti.

Vise je ne volim, sigurno,
ali koliko sam voljeo!
Moj glas je trazio vjetar da takne njeno uho.

Drugome. Pripasce drugome.
Ko prije mojih poljubaca.
Njen glas i jasno tijelo. Njene beskrajne oci.

Vise je ne volim, zaista,
no mozda je ipak volim?
Ljubav je tako kratka, a zaborav tako dug!

I jer sam je u nocima poput ove
drzao u narucju,
dusa je moja nesretna sto ju je izgubila.

Iako je to posljednja bol koju mi zadaje
i posljednji stihovi koje za nju pisem.

Federico Garcia Lorca"


veliki, veliki pjesnik, jedan od najvećih svog doba, baš kao što je to i cohen u ovo naše vrijeme

kao da se tradicija poetike direktno nastavlja s jednog na drugog,

u neku ruku cohen i je lorcin sin po duhu i nasljeđu i brat po peru...

... a obojica su oduvijek znala gdje je njihov dom zapravo ...

thirty - ought six

Zadnje uređivanje 13 shells : 04.10.2010. at 01:38.
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Old 05.10.2010., 02:25   #36
ej, nemaš pojma kako mi je legla ova tema!

O Crown of Light, O Darkened One,
I never thought we’d meet.
You kiss my lips, and then you're gone:
I’m back on Boogie Street.

A sip of wine, a cigarette,
And then it’s time to go.
I tidied up the kitchenette;
I tuned the old banjo.
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam.
They’re saving me a seat.
I’m what I am, and what I am,
Is back on Boogie Street.

And O my love, I still recall
The pleasures that we knew;
The rivers and the waterfall,
Wherein I bathed with you.
Bewildered by your beauty there,
I’d kneel to dry your feet.
By such instructions you prepare
A man for Boogie Street.

O Crown of Light, O Darkened One…

So come, my friends, be not afraid.
We are so lightly here.
It is in love that we are made;
In love we disappear.
Tho’ all the maps of blood and flesh
Are posted on the door,
There’s no one who has told us yet
What Boogie Street is for.

O Crown of Light, O Darkened One,
I never thought we’d meet.
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
I’m back on Boogie Street.

A sip of wine, a cigarette,
And then it’s time to go . . .
zlo goveđe dovijeka june
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Old 05.10.2010., 10:40   #37
Lijepo vas molim, ako već morate pastati riječi tekstova, napišite uz njih i pokoji svoj komentar, mišljenje, stav, osvrt i slično.

Također, tema se ne bi trebala pretvoriti u asocijativno pastanje poezije. Takvi probljesci će se brisati ukoliko nisu obrazloženi ičim osim implicitnom samovažnošću trenutnog pathosa korisnika.
it's my Party, and I'll cry if I want to
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Old 08.10.2010., 01:25   #38
ovo je jedna lijepa pjesma. ona govori o smrti. ali na dopadljiv način. u pjesmi se spominje i ljubav, što me također veseli. doduše, pjesnik se ovdje oprašta od ljubavi, ali nema veze. pjesma je veselog ritma pa se uz nju može i zaplesati.

Here is your crown
And your seal and rings;
And here is your love
For all things.

Here is your cart,
And your cardboard and piss;
And here is your love
For all of this.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

Here is your wine,
And your drunken fall;
And here is your love.
Your love for it all.

Here is your sickness.
Your bed and your pan;
And here is your love
For the woman, the man.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

And here is the night,
The night has begun;
And here is your death
In the heart of your son.

And here is the dawn,
(Until death do us part);
And here is your death,
In your daughter's heart.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

And here you are hurried,
And here you are gone;
And here is the love,
That it's all built upon.

Here is your cross,
Your nails and your hill;
And here is your love,
That lists where it will

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

p.s. pjesma se zove here it is.
zlo goveđe dovijeka june

Zadnje uređivanje mimma7 : 08.10.2010. at 02:02.
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Old 08.10.2010., 23:01   #39
"here it is" je doista prekrasna pjesma, jedna od najljepših i najdubljih sa apsolutnog masterpiecea " ten new songs". govori o toliko mnogo toga u tako malo riječi, iznimno je višeznačna i doista njena interpretacija ovisi o svakom pojedincu ponaosob...
ja sam je osobno uvijek doživljavao kao posljednji oproštaj od osobe, jake i moćne osobe, nadmoćne, one koja je oduvijek živjela život gledajući svijet sa nekih viših instanci, koja je živjela pun život, uvijek gledajući prvenstveno sebe, a onda druge, pa makar je taj način i udaljio od svih koji su je ikad voljeli.. osobi koju si nekoć volio/voljela... i sada toj osobi dolaziš po posljednji put prije kraja, da joj kažeš "hello, my love...", da joj još jednom kažeš kakva je bila, i da se onda od nje rastaneš sa "and my love goodbye"...

ovo je čisto moja interpretacija, način na koji je ja doživljavam... može biti i da sam u potpunosti u krivu

opet s druge strane jednom sam čuo i nečiju interpretaciju da ova pjesma govori o tome koliko je sve beznačajno i koliko smo svi beznačajni u tom trenutku kad nam kucne smrtni čas, koliko je sve maleno i bezvrijedno tada, sve što si ikad uradio, sve velike životne odluke, sve kroz što si prošao, kako sve tada gubi na vrijednosti.....

teško je reći, možda su obje interpretacije pogrešne, možda i nisu... a teško je i gotovo nemoguće uopće i biti sto posto siguran o čemu točno, ispod svega, pjesma govori... u tome i je ljepota poezije, pogotovo cohenove, to što otvara prostor tisućama mogućih interpretacija, viđenja, osobnih doživljaja...

@ mimma

svaka čast na izboru pjesme, ali nikako mi nije jasno ovo - "Pjesma je veselog ritma". to mi je zazvučalo kao neka šala.... ne možeš misliti ozbiljno
ako je to veseo ritam...
pjesma ima predivan ritam, ali on nije nimalo veseo, već dapače posve suprotno - tužan je, sentimentalan i više nego potresan, pogotovo u kombinaciji sa samim stihovima...

ispravak netočnog navoda iz mog prethodnog posta - pjesma koju sam naveo naravno da nije lorcina, već nerudina. dogodila se pogreška u copy pejstanju ...
trebala je tu ići jedna druga, lorcina pjesma, ali to ću ispraviti drugom prilikom...
thirty - ought six
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Old 09.10.2010., 00:53   #40
Mimma, ni sam Cohen nije bio puno rječitiji kad je riječ o ovoj pjesmi - u intervjuu o poetici albuma “Ten new songs” za pjesmu “Here it is” izjavio je:

“Here it is above death”

It’s nice to write a catchy tune about death.
People like it. It’s poppy, that’s it.
Upravo kao što kaže Nietzsche: “Govoriti se smije samo ovako: cinično i bezazleno. Okorjelo i rafinirano, gotovo opako pametno; a istodobno čista srca, vedro i jednostavno kao pjev ptice. “

Here it is.
Evo pjeva, evo pjesme odozgo, iznad smrti.
Evo derviševih zlatnih ptica, slijeću s vrha čežnje na tvoja ramena, traže da otvoriš oči. Ovdje su glasnici s dalekog neba, glasovi tišine, daruju ti poeziju koja bolno diše, tek je rođena.
Uroni u hipnotičku pjesmu tamnih sirena i ostani bez daha. Spavaj.
Itaka je daleko.

Here is your crown
And your seal and rings;
And here is your love
For all things.

Dajem ti kraljevstvo života, podigni sunčanu krunu i usudi se voljeti u ovom trnju.

Here is your wine,
And your drunken fall;
And here is your love.
Your love for it all.

Dajem ti tekuću ljubav, ali ti od nje posrćeš, bliži se tamna noć i tvoj pad nema dna. Nisi ispružio ruku u mraku, zato silaziš u sebe. Utopljen u zanosu, ponovno dijete.

Here is your sickness.
Your bed and your pan;
And here is your love
For the woman, the man.

Evo bunila, mučnine putovanja: od tijela do tijela tražiš jeku Drugog. Evo ti tvoja strast, sudaraj se slijepo s obalom drugog kraja čežnje.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

“Izmedju Jina i Janga, koliko eona?”

Ti si jedan treptaj mojeg oka, ali čuvam te u pogledu.
Uhvati me između Da i Ne, ja stražarim na izblijedjeloj granici pjesme, kao ptica na žici.

And here is the night,
The night has begun;
And here is your death
In the heart of your son.

And here is the dawn,
(Until death do us part);
And here is your death,
In your daughter's heart.

Počinje tamna noć, plavi kotač se okreće, ispadaš iz igre.
Odmori se, naslijeđen si i naslijeđuješ. Zora će zamijeniti noć koja će zamijeniti zoru.
Odsanjaj u tom tihom valu budnosti.

And here you are hurried,
And here you are gone;
And here is the love,
That it's all built upon.

Požuri, tragovi se gube, požuri stazom ljubavi, ludo, ogrni se zorom jer mi smo "zakopani duboko, duboko, zaboravljeni u bezgraničnoj svjetlosti."
Preleti snove, ludo, “nebo te nečujno voli”.

Here is your cross,
Your nails and your hill;
And here is your love,
That lists where it will

Evo uspona, podigni pogled: upregni želje, podigni krila, ali izgrebi svoju nemoć - jer ljubav se naginje gdje sama želi.
Gdje sama želi.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

“Izmedju Jina i Janga, koliko eona?”

Možeš li sagraditi gnijezdo u letu?

Pogledaj, ludo, koliko svetih Itaka izranja iz jedne plovidbe.

Here it is.
There is a crack, a crack in everything
that's how the Light gets in.
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