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Kompjutorske igre Kultura igranja i ponoćnog ratovanja konzolom i tastaturom. Podforum: Konzole

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Old 17.02.2008., 22:41   #1
Mass Effect [*]

Svim rpg-ašima ovo bi trebala biti najvažnija vijest ove godine (osim eventualnog izlaska Fallouta 3 - za kojeg se nadam da će biti bar 50% od onoga šta je bia) - upravo sam vidia na službenoj stranici Bioware-a - Mass Effect je najavljen za PC, i to dolazi već u 3 mjesec!!!
Nevjerovatno! - ovo će mi definitivno biti prvi oriđiđi u ovoj godini! Izdavač je naravno EA. Za detaljnije informacije posjetite link
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 17.02.2008., 23:05   #2
J-man kaže: Pogledaj post
Svim rpg-ašima ovo bi trebala biti najvažnija vijest ove godine (osim eventualnog izlaska Fallouta 3 - za kojeg se nadam da će biti bar 50% od onoga šta je bia) - upravo sam vidia na službenoj stranici Bioware-a - Mass Effect je najavljen za PC, i to dolazi već u 3 mjesec!!!
Nevjerovatno! - ovo će mi definitivno biti prvi oriđiđi u ovoj godini! Izdavač je naravno EA. Za detaljnije informacije posjetite link
ah, bumo vidli kaj izvode, najavljuju, najavljuju i na kraju ga budu odgodili...
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Old 18.02.2008., 09:16   #3 zanimljivo... čekam... čekam....
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Old 18.02.2008., 13:24   #4
Evo nešto wallpapera i slika iz igre, amo redom:

wall 1

wall 2

wall 3

wall 4

wall 5

wall 6

wall 7


game 1

game 2

game 3

game 4

game 5

game 6

game 7 - glavni negativac (nisam siguran)

game 8 - koji lijepi facijalni detalji

I službena stranica za one koji su još gladni informacija - a nisu još čuli za ovu igru (ako postoje takvi):

Mass Effect
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 18.02.2008., 17:29   #5
odlicna vijest
i mislio sam si, ali u meduvremenu otkako je izasao do - evo sada - sam lagano pizdio kada sam vidio kako se sretno vrti na xboxu a ne na mom pcu ili ps3ci...
Today is even worse than yesterday. Booze I found yesterday is gone, and I got nothing left to drink... Some heads are about to roll...
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Old 18.02.2008., 20:14   #6
Samo mala ispravka... igra izlazi u 5 mjesec a ne u 3....

Šta ćete kad su oči vidile ono šta je mozak tia...
Ali nema veze - glavno da dolazi...
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 19.02.2008., 10:33   #7
Evo copy/paste sam tekst o rasama Mass Effecta sa službene stranice. Za one koje igra interesira ovo bi predstavlja dobar uvodni materijal u igru:

Mass Effect – Races:

Krogan Series Part 1 - Krogan Biology

The krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds native to the planet Tuchanka, a world known for its harsh environments, scarce resources, and overabundance of vicious predators. The krogan managed to not only survive on their unforgiving homeworld, but actually thrived in the extreme conditions. Unfortunately, as krogan society became more technologically advanced so did their weaponry.
Four thousand years ago, at the dawn of the krogan nuclear age, battles to claim the small pockets of territory capable of sustaining life escalated into full scale global war. Weapons of mass destruction were unleashed, transforming Tuchanka into a radioactive wasteland.

The krogan were reduced to primitive warring clans struggling to survive a nuclear winter of their own creation...a state that continued until they were discovered by the salarians two thousand years later.

Due to the brutality of their surroundings, natural selection has played a significant role in the evolution of the species. Krogan reproduce and mature at an astonishing rate. Their large shoulder humps store fluids and nutrients, enabling them to survive extended periods without food or water. Their thick hides are virtually impervious to cuts, scrapes or contusions, and they are highly resistant to toxins, radiation, and extreme heat and cold.
Biotic individuals are rare, though those who do possess the talent typically have strong abilities. Their most amazing physiological features are the multiple instances of major organs; these secondary systems are capable of serving as back-ups in the event of damage to the primary biological structures. This redundancy makes them difficult to kill or incapacitate in normal combat scenarios.

Krogan Series Part 2 - Rise and Fall of the Krogan

Roughly 2000 years ago the krogan were a primitive tribal species trapped on a world suffering through a nuclear winter of their own making. They were liberated by the salarians, who "culturally uplifted" the krogan by giving them advanced technology and relocating them to a planet not cursed with lethal levels of radiation, toxins, or deadly predators.
But the salarian intervention was not without an ulterior motive. At the time, the Citadel was engaged in a prolonged galactic war with the rachni, a race of intelligent space-faring insects. The salarians hoped the krogan would join the Citadel forces as soldiers to stand against an otherwise unstoppable foe. The plan worked to perfection: within two generations the rapidly breeding krogan had the numbers to not only drive the advancing rachni back, but pursue them to their home worlds and eradicate the entire species.

Saviors of the Galaxy

For a brief period the krogan were hailed as the saviors of the galaxy. However, without the harsh conditions of Tuchanka to keep their numbers in check, their population exploded. Overcrowded and running out of resources on their new home planet, the krogan spread out to forcibly claim other worlds...worlds already inhabited by races loyal to the Citadel.
The so-called Krogan Rebellions continued for nearly three centuries. The krogan sustained massive casualties, but their incredible birth-rate kept their population steadily increasing. Victory seemed inevitable. In desperation, the Council turned to the recently discovered Turian Empire for aid. The turians unleashed the genophage on the krogan home worlds: a terrifying bio-weapon engineered by the salarians. The genophage caused near total infant mortality in the krogan species, with only 1 birth in every 1000 producing live offspring.

The Genophage

No longer able to replenish their numbers, the krogan were forced to accept the turian terms of surrender. For their role in quelling the Krogan Rebellions the turians were rewarded with a seat on the Citadel Council. The krogan, on the other hand, still suffer from the incurable effects of the genophage. Over the last millennium krogan numbers have steadily declined, leaving them a scattered and dying people. Faced with the certainty of their extinction as a species, most krogan have become individualistic and completely self-interested. They typically serve as mercenaries for hire to the highest bidder, though many still resent and despise the Citadel races who condemned them to their tragic fate.
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 19.02.2008., 18:37   #8
jedva čekam...
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Old 19.02.2008., 22:53   #9
Evo da se održi ova lipa tema, još dvi rase iz svemira Mass Effecta:

The Quarians - Galactic Nomads

A nomadic race of humanoid aliens, the quarians are generally shorter and of slighter build than humans. They dress in a scavenged assortment of materials, hiding their faces behind visors, goggles, or breathing masks. Some believe the quarians are cybernetic, a blend of machine and biology that can survive for a time in the cold vacuum of space. Others believe the quarians are simply so used to living on their substandard, makeshift ships that they never remove their survival suits.

Three hundred years ago the quarians created the geth, a species of rudimentary AIs, to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. But the geth rebelled against their quarian masters and drove them into exile. Now the quarians wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology. Other species tend to look down on the quarians, seeing them as scavengers and condemning them for unleashing a dangerous synthetic life form on the rest of the galaxy.

Citadel Council Race: Turians

The turians were the last of the Citadel races to join the Council. Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors. They have a reputation for skill and bravery in combat, but they are not known to be bloodthirsty. A rigid code of honor and strict discipline are the hallmarks of any turian officer. This includes humane treatment of prisoners and conquered enemies. A turian patrol unit will never willingly leave behind one of their own, no matter what the cost of saving them.

Turian society is highly regimented and very organized, and the species is known for its strict discipline and work ethic. Turians are willing to do what needs to be done, and they always follow through. They are not easily spurred to violence, but when conflict is inevitable, they only understand a concept of "total war." They do not believe in skirmishes or small scale battles; they use massive fleets and numbers to defeat an adversary so completely that they remove any threat of having to fight the same opponent more than once. They do not exterminate their enemy, but so completely devastate their military that the enemy has no choice but to become a colony of the turians

Other species see them as "men of action," and they are generally regarded as the most progressive of the Citadel races. Since their culture is based on the structure of a military hierarchy, changes and advances accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by the rest of society with minimal resistance.

p.s. Btw je li ko igra igru na Xboxu - da podijeli dojmove (bez ikakvih spoilera naravno...)
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 19.02.2008., 23:13   #10
A borbe su masovne?
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Old 20.02.2008., 12:20   #11
pumpkin pie kaže: Pogledaj post
A borbe su masovne?
borbe masovne?! - o čemu ti pričaš stari... Serious Sam-u...?

Uglavnom... - preostala je još jedna rasa Mass Effect svemira - a to su naravno najveća đubrad svemira - ljudi:

The Advent of Humanity on the Galactic Stage

In the year 2148, humanity discovered Prothean ruins on Mars. The remnants of Prothean technology scattered amongst these ruins allowed them to develop mass effect fields and faster-than-light travel. This led them to discover and reactivate the mass relay at the edges of Earth's solar system, giving them access to the mass relay network spanning the rest of the galaxy and bringing them into contact with the greater galactic community.
In the decades since their first encounter with the greater galactic community, humanity has risen quickly to prominence, establishing colonies throughout the stars. Humans are generally seen as intelligent, aggressive, and highly adaptable. Their brisk population growth and rapidly developing military strength have led to resentful speculation that the newcomers will soon be given an invitation to join the ranks of the Council itself.

2148 AD

Humanity discovers a small cache of highly advanced alien technology hidden deep beneath the surface of Mars. Building on the remnants of this long extinct race - known as the Protheans - humanity quickly masters the science of mass effect fields, leading to the development of faster than light travel.

2149 AD

Spreading out through their own solar system, humanity discovers that Charon, Pluto's moon, is actually a massive piece of dormant Prothean technology - a mass relay - encased in ice.
Once activated, humanity discovers that the mass relay allows instantaneous travel across thousands of light years to a synchronized mass relay in another part of the galaxy.
There they discover several more dormant relays. Over the next decade humanity expands rapidly, establishing colonies and activating dormant relays to open up more and more unexplored regions of space.

2155 AD

To defend its rapidly expanding empire, humanity assembles a massive fleet and constructs an enormous military space station at the nexus of several key mass relays...even though they have yet to encounter another intelligent space-faring species.

2157 AD

Humanity makes first contact with another space-faring culture: the turians. Unfortunately, the encounter is far from peaceful. Over the next several months a brief but tense conflict known on Earth as the First Contact war ensues.
This conflict draws the attention of the Citadel Council - a multi-species government body that maintains peace and stability throughout the known galaxy. The Council intervenes before hostilities escalate further, revealing the existence of the greater galactic community to humanity and brokering a peace between them and the turians.

2165 AD

Humanity continues to expand, founding more colonies and establishing trade alliances with many of the other species who recognize the authority of the Citadel Council. In 2165 the Council makes official recognition of humanity's growing power and influence in the galactic community. Humanity is granted an embassy on the Citadel, the political and economic heart of the galaxy.

2183 AD

Commander Shepard - a promising young officer in the Human Alliance military - is assigned to the crew of the Normandy, the most advanced prototype vessel ever designed.
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 20.02.2008., 15:42   #12
J-man, fakat prestani postati to
postaj krajem sljedeceg mjeseca ili tako nesto, fakat zvuci odlicno i fakat ocu igrat
jel se zna potrebna konfiguracija i ostalo?
Today is even worse than yesterday. Booze I found yesterday is gone, and I got nothing left to drink... Some heads are about to roll...
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Old 20.02.2008., 16:43   #13
Je je - stvarno sam pretjera... a šta ćeš - uživia sam se ka malo dite...
Onda krajem miseca...

Šta se tiče konfg - još se ne zna - kad saznam javim...
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 20.02.2008., 19:11   #14
Besplatne Igrice
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Old 20.02.2008., 19:29   #15
J-man kaže: Pogledaj post
Je je - stvarno sam pretjera... a šta ćeš - uživia sam se ka malo dite...
s razlogom, em odavno nije izasao kvalitetan rpg, em ovo zvuci fenomenalno, a s obzirom na iskustva sa KOTORom i Jade Empire, Bioware mi je na vrhu ljestvice likova cije igre zelim zavrtiti...
samo se nadam da nece traziti bas previse, no ako mi se crysis vrti, trebalo bi i ovo, iako nekada malo znaju prcati sa optimiziranjem drivera, sto se iskreno nadam da nece biti slucaj ovdje...
Today is even worse than yesterday. Booze I found yesterday is gone, and I got nothing left to drink... Some heads are about to roll...
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Old 21.02.2008., 10:33   #16
Lijepo je naići na druga fanatika koji te razumije...

Ma ne virujem da će biti kao ono neoptimizirano govno Crysis - iako imam ludilo konfiguraciju koja i to đubre tira na high detaljima - pa se ne brinem. Ali opet - jedan Rpg ne bi treba postat sinonim za zahtjevnost...
Bioware mi je najjača firma - i ne virujem da će ovo zahebat - a osim toga, to je ipak Unreal 3 engine - koji je prilično dobro optimiziran. Još će ga oni dodatno podesit i to bi trebalo izgledat odlično...

Naveli sa na službenoj stranici šta će sve optimizirati - evo detalja:

Optimized for the PC, Mass Effect for the PC incorporates the following features:

* Optimized controls designed specifically for the PC.
* High resolution visuals – Mass Effect for the PC features highly detailed textures, characters and environments.
* Fully customizable controls – PC gamers can re-map the control scheme any way they like.
* Run & Gun Control – Players can assign biotic powers or skills to 'hot keys' allowing them to play Mass Effect with a heavier focus on action.
* New decryption mini-game.
* New inventory screen GUI and functionality – The enhanced inventory system makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 21.02.2008., 10:35   #17
Lijepo je naići na druga fanatika koji te razumije...

Ma ne virujem da će biti kao ono neoptimizirano govno Crysis - iako imam ludilo konfiguraciju koja i to đubre tira na high detaljima - pa se ne brinem. Ali opet - jedan Rpg ne bi treba postat sinonim za zahtjevnost...
Bioware mi je najjača firma - i ne virujem da će ovo zahebat - a osim toga, to je ipak Unreal 3 engine - koji je prilično dobro optimiziran. Još će ga oni dodatno podesit i to bi trebalo izgledat odlično...

Naveli sa na službenoj stranici šta će sve optimizirati - evo detalja:

Optimized for the PC, Mass Effect for the PC incorporates the following features:

* Optimized controls designed specifically for the PC.
* High resolution visuals – Mass Effect for the PC features highly detailed textures, characters and environments.
* Fully customizable controls – PC gamers can re-map the control scheme any way they like.
* Run & Gun Control – Players can assign biotic powers or skills to 'hot keys' allowing them to play Mass Effect with a heavier focus on action.
* New decryption mini-game.
* New inventory screen GUI and functionality – The enhanced inventory system makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 17.04.2008., 10:13   #18
Odnedavno se na crovortexu možete predbiježiti za Mass Effect.

Preporučena konfiguracija još nije poznata.
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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Old 17.04.2008., 18:54   #19
pa i nije toliko zahtjevna s obzirom kakvih ima igara sada....Kad točno izlazi?
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Old 17.04.2008., 19:43   #20
U 6 mjesec
Kakva bi tišina nastala, kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju.

Karel Čapek
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