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Podforum: A Song of Ice and Fire

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Old 18.08.2013., 23:09   #21
je baš je objasnio Nedov povratak nakon bitke kod Towera

sjebo je jadnog čovika do kraja
odveć rano zamoren životom samo čemer osjećam
- još vlastitija
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Old 18.08.2013., 23:57   #22
And what happens when a winter comes - five, six years long?

Famine happens. The north is cruel.

Surely, the import of grain from the South alone can't cover the North's needs. And, by the way, does it snow in the South during the winter?

Yes, some times, in some places. The Mountains of the Moon get quite a lot of snow, the Vale and the riverlands and the west rather less, but some. King's Landing gets snow infrequently, the Storm Lands and the Reach rarely, Oldtown and Dorne almost never.
ja sam mislio kada zima dodje da snjeg prekriva sve, ali ispada da ne.
. .
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Old 19.08.2013., 00:33   #23
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
ja sam mislio kada zima dodje da snjeg prekriva sve, ali ispada da ne.
Možda je na jugu samo jako hladno, tipa ono -15°C + kiše i oluje, ali bez snijega.
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Old 19.08.2013., 22:03   #24
3) Speaking about women there's is a hidden figure: Ned's mother, you only say "she was Lady Stark and she died". Nothing more? Nothing important or something too important? (please at least choose one hypothesis).

If there is anything important, I will reveal it in due time.

Ipak on neš muti sa Nedovom starom ...
. .
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Old 20.08.2013., 13:05   #25
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
Ipak on neš muti sa Nedovom starom ...
da, ovo jest jako čudno, jer su svi skoro spomenuti
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Old 20.08.2013., 14:24   #26
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
Ipak on neš muti sa Nedovom starom ...
Mislim da će o tome biti rijeći u 4.-om Dunk i Eggu

Valjda zato toliko i oteže s tim
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Old 20.08.2013., 14:34   #27
VK Girl kaže: Pogledaj post
Mislim da će o tome biti rijeći u 4.-om Dunk i Eggu

Valjda zato toliko i oteže s tim
U emisiji kod Conana je ipak rekao da ga "brzina serije" tjera da brže piše, iako to može značiti i za 3 godine da će izaći 6.
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Old 20.08.2013., 14:48   #28
Michael Collins kaže: Pogledaj post
U emisiji kod Conana je ipak rekao da ga "brzina serije" tjera da brže piše, iako to može značiti i za 3 godine da će izaći 6.
Da, ali ako tako bude, onda će sedmu knjigu morati napisati i izdati za godinu dana, što je po onome kako se do sad pokazao, nemoguće.
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Old 21.08.2013., 09:35   #29
đezminka kaže: Pogledaj post
Da, ali ako tako bude, onda će sedmu knjigu morati napisati i izdati za godinu dana, što je po onome kako se do sad pokazao, nemoguće.
Osim ako ju nema već gotovu, pa samo uživa mučeći nas
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Old 21.08.2013., 09:54   #30
Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Osim ako ju nema već gotovu, pa samo uživa mučeći nas
I to je moguće.
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Old 21.08.2013., 10:06   #31
đezminka kaže: Pogledaj post
I to je moguće.
Čak vjerojatno, rekao bih
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Old 21.08.2013., 13:27   #32
Wikiceha kaže: Pogledaj post
Targovi svi i svuda ?
Sva sreća da je Martin obećao da nema novih likova.
Ne ima Ajvz pravo, ima tu dosta podudarnosti u priči ali malo vjerovatno da postoje 3 targa jer je martin reko da 3 glava zmaja ne mora bit Targ. Sad jel to znači da može bit Blackfyre ili Lannister to bumo vidjeli.

Ako ste čitali moj link na Citadel, Martinova cura/žena ili kaj god je izjavila da "misle li ljudi da je Martin tako jednostavan u pisanju da R + L = J"

Onda je on izjavio da "Ashara Dayne nije provela cijeli rat usurpera lancima prikovana za pod Starfalla" valjda misli reć da je putovala ... možda je ona rekla Nedu gdje će nać Lyannu ...?

Iz izjava Martina se da naslutit da će Jonovo porijeklo i događaji u Dornu bit objašnjeni preko Howlanda Reeda, a ne preko Branovih vizija.

Svakako pročitajte sve:
. .
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Old 21.08.2013., 13:40   #33
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
Ako ste čitali moj link na Citadel, Martinova cura/žena ili kaj god je izjavila da "misle li ljudi da je Martin tako jednostavan u pisanju da R + L = J"
Ne da mi se sad tražiti, gdje je Parris to izjavila? To je valjda jedan od čvršćih dokaza da R+L=J ipak ne treba uzimati zdravo za gotovo. Osim ako nas ne cima i ona.
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Old 21.08.2013., 14:51   #34
Ajvz kaže: Pogledaj post
Ne da mi se sad tražiti, gdje je Parris to izjavila? To je valjda jedan od čvršćih dokaza da R+L=J ipak ne treba uzimati zdravo za gotovo. Osim ako nas ne cima i ona.
Kak ti se ne da čitat, pa mjesto je enciklopedija predviđanja i natuknica

SOHP QUESTION: will we learn more about the Sword of Morning? And, can you tell me anything of Ashara Dayne to sock it to the R&L group?
ANSWER: Yes (regarding Sword of Morning); no comment about Ashara; and "Have some more cheetos." *GRRM grin*

TREBLA COMMENT OF R&L THEORY TO PARRIS: Trebla proceeded to talk about the R&L theory and how he believes it, hoping for a tidbit.
HER REPLY (paraphrasing): Do you really think George would do something so basic as Jon being the son of R&L? *Trebla's jaw dropping open*

Some people will never be POVs: Littlefinger, Varys, Howland Reed, and others who know too much.

Someone asked (again) if he could tell us if Ned was Jons real father or not, and GRRM answered that he will not reveal it (of course) but that the whole mystery about Jons parentage will be made clear somewhere in his book, not in AFFC, but perhaps in the last book, or even the book before that.

He said that in his original plan (when he wanted to write a trilogy) the Red Wedding would take place in book one, and Dany's landing in Westeros in book two. Now he says that Dany's arrival in Westeros will take place in book 5, A Dance with Dragons.

3) Speaking about women there's is a hidden figure: Ned's mother, you only say "she was Lady Stark and she died". Nothing more? Nothing important or something too important? (please at least choose one hypothesis).

If there is anything important, I will reveal it in due time.

(Did Tolkien ever get letters asking about Aragorn's mother, I wonder?)

6) How old is Howland Reed?

He'd be in his thirties.

7) And how would have been Ashara Dayne?


In ACoK it was mentioned that the Darrys line had been ended except for a unnamed bastard. Since in ASoS we learned that the Darrys had stayed loyal to the Targaryen and lost most of their power for it, and since a Darry saved Dany, I was wondering if Dany was going to meet the bastard and legitimize him?

Anything is possible. Some Freys have Darry blood as well, though.

I have a question which I'm sure you can (and will?) answer. It's about the Tower of Joy. The image we get from Ned's description is pretty powerful. But it doesn't make sense. The top three kingsguards, including the lord commander amd the best knight in ages, Ser Arthur Dayne are present there. Lyanna is in the tower, she asked Ned to promise him something. This, so says the general consensus us little Jon Snow, who is Lyanna's and Rhaegar's. No sense denying this

However, what are the Kingsguards doing fighting Eddard? Eddard would never hurt Lyanna, nor her child. The little one would be safe with Eddard as well, him being a close relative. So I ask you, was there someone else with Lyanna and Jon?

You'll need to wait for future books to find out more about the Tower of Joy and what happened there, I fear.

I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream... and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.

Also, did the Kingsguards know what was in the Tower?


What happened to Ser Arthur Dayne's sword Dawn after Ned brought it back to Ashara?

Dawn remains at Starfall, until another Sword of the Morning shall arise.

2. At the beginning of the final chapter of A Clash of Kings, Summer appears to see something strange above a burning Winterfell - the description makes it sound an awful lot like a dragon. Is it meant to be a dragon, a vision of a dragon, or something else entirely, say Summer's misinterpretation of the comet in the sky? But if the latter, why would Summer bare his teeth at it when he's seen the comet for quite a while at that point? Moreover, why would it vanish when Summer looks again?

No comment. I like it to my readers to make sense of signs and portents.

Where did the idea of the Red Wedding come from?

A: It is loosely based on the "Black Dinner" from Scottish history. The king invited the sons of his dead rival to a dinner. He feasted them and then had a final dish served to them, with a single drum playing in the background. The dish was a black bulls head, which was the symbol of death. The sons were then executed.

Question 3: It had been stated that Howland Reed would come out in The Winds of Winter, which is the 5th book. Will he still come in the 5th book (A Dance with Dragon)?

Answer: He will appear eventually.
. .
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Old 21.08.2013., 15:43   #35
ma je, kod njega će se sve objasnit eventualno, pojavit će se eventualno, razrješit će se eventualno.....činjenica je da je lik napisao pet knjižurina u kojima ništa nije rješeno. Mislila sam da će se bar u Plesu neke stvari počet rješavat kad ono samo još više sranja.

U biti, mislim da on otprilike zna kako će koji lik (bar od ovih glavnih) završit samo nema pojma kako da to izvede i kako da pojasni magiju, religiju i sva sranja s kojima se spetljao.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
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Old 21.08.2013., 16:10   #36
Malo više vjere u dragog nam Martina.
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Old 21.08.2013., 20:33   #37
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
Kak ti se ne da čitat, pa mjesto je enciklopedija predviđanja i natuknica
Nisam rekla da mi se ne da čitati nego da mi se ne da tražiti. Pročitala sam dio tih skupljenih intervjua i mailova i ekipa se stvarno potrudila.
Dakle, ne znam više što da vjerujem, bila sam tako sigurna da je R+L=J. Nadam se da nam samo bacaju prašinu u oči.
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Old 22.08.2013., 00:22   #38
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post

Teorija o stark majci :klap: bilo bi fora da je tocna, ali sumnjam

Kad citam ove teorije o sjevernjacima, dance mi se cini bolji nego sto sam mislila
This time next year, we'll be Millionaires

Zadnje uređivanje ellaria : 22.08.2013. at 00:56.
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Old 22.08.2013., 01:30   #39
[Why didn't Arya recognize the reference to Lord Snow in A Feast for Crows?]

I´ll leave my readers to think about that one.

[Why did Benjen join the Night's Watch?]

Good question. One day you will get an answer. But it will not be today.
zanimljivo i ja sam se pito ovo za Aryu .... i ovo za Benjena me zanima
. .
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Old 22.08.2013., 01:43   #40
Leecher kaže: Pogledaj post
zanimljivo i ja sam se pito ovo za Aryu .... i ovo za Benjena me zanima
Jel se to misli na ono kad sretne Sama u Braavosu?
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