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Old 25.04.2021., 12:38   #7001
Drugi dio osvrta Barisee Bazili na 49. epizodu "Ambasadorove kćeri" pod naslovom "ABRACADABRA" ("Abrakadabra"):

Barisea Bazili: ABRACADABRA, 2. dio

SK, episode 49

The actors. I think, Hivda was very lucky to play Elvan because Elvan was the other character of the series who was improved, and the actress had the opportunity to show different aspects of her talent. I am not acquainted with Hivda’s filmography but as far as I know, she is a comedian actress, SK gave her a chance (just as it gave Uraz) to show something more. In this episode she impressed me very much in the scenes when Elvan examined Yahya and Buğra, judging their reactions toward the baby, and toward herself. Her look was very intelligent and exploring, and missed nothing.
Although the idea of Halise’s repentance was very artificial by itself, it was greatly performed by Gonca. In her joined scenes with Tuba the difference in emotional expressiveness was obvious. But as Mavi is a mysterious introvert, the difference was not irritating.

I feel obligated to say something about Tuba, as she is the leading actress, but I don’t know what to say. Everything I wanted to say about her, I said it already, and in this episode I didn’t see anything new to point. I just would like to remind the stylists not to dress her in mini-skirts.

As far as Engin is concerned, I know what to say, oh, I do! The dancing scene was very sweet, and I couldn’t help remembering one of his characters who could not dance either, and his partner taught him how to do it. Tek. In both cases Engin had to perform a clumsy partner. And he did it but do you see ANYTHING in common in both characters? This is the ten-thousand-and-three-hundred-and-fifteenth evidence how big is Engin. When he is Sancar, he is Sancar! He talks like Sancar, he laughs like Sancar, he walks like Sancar, he fights like Sancar, he dances like Sancar, he kisses like Sancar. No shadows, not remains of former characters in him.

This episode was something like a vacation for him, I suppose, as he had not a single emotionally exhausting scene. But Engin is always Engin – even the most insignificant scenes, the tiniest gestures, every look or movement of his hands is always perfectly performed. Because he himself is perfect, perhaps. Or?

P.S. (1) I miss aunt Feride to make an expert comment on Mavi’s ankles. (2) Why, on earth, they mute the names of the herbs in the characters’ lines?

Barisea Bazili

Hrv. jezični portal:

abrakadàbra ž 〈G mn -ā/-ī〉:
Definicija: razg. čarobnjačka riječ koja je služila kao zapis protiv bolesti; čarobna formula
Etimologija: srlat. abracadabra ≃ aram. abhadda kedhabra: nestani na ovu riječ; grč. ábrakhos: oznaka božanstva + hebr. dābhār: riječ, stvar, nešto; od ranoga srednjeg vijeka pisala se u obliku trokuta i takav se zapis nosio oko vrata kao amulet
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Old 25.04.2021., 13:33   #7002
kedi18 kaže: Pogledaj post
Moja napomena: Lik se zove Bora, a ne Buğra.
Ako se uzme u obzir da se to ğ ne izgovara,onda ono u u turskom izgovoru može zvučati između o i u ..otud mi čujemo BORA...mslm
Tanka je granica između netko i nitko..
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Old 25.04.2021., 18:11   #7003
11tena kaže: Pogledaj post
Ako se uzme u obzir da se to ğ ne izgovara,onda ono u u turskom izgovoru može zvučati između o i u ..otud mi čujemo BORA...mslm
Bora je Bora, a Buğra (bu:ra) je Buğra.

Trebala je samo pogledati popis glumaca, npr. i ispod najnovije 49. epizode na You Tubeu (

A lik je tako i najavljen, kao Bora.

Oyuncu Kadrosu:

Sancar Efeoğlu: Engin Akyürek
Mavi: Tuba Büyüküstün
Bora: Ferit Aktuğ
Yahya: Doğukan Polat
Elvan: Hivda Zizan Alp
Refika: Özlem Çakar Yalçınkaya
Güven: Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Halise: Gonca Cilasun
Müge: Esra Kızıldoğan
Zehra: Cemre Öktem
Kavruk Ömer: Edip Tepeli
Melek: Beren Gençalp
Kahraman: Bülent Şakrak
Ceylan: Gözde Çığacı
Dudu: İlayda Ildır
Necdet: Sami Aksu
Gülsiye: Yağmur Başkurt
Pisala sam joj jednom u pp, ali zbog pogrešno napisanog imena lika u Enginovoj priči. Ispravila je.
Ovdje mi se nije dalo pisati.
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Old 26.04.2021., 10:02   #7004
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! )))))))))))))))))))))

Naišla sam na ovaj popis nagrada na noćašnjoj 93. dodjeli nagade Oscar:

2021 Oscar Winners: Complete List
The complete list of winners for the 93rd Academy Awards.

Čestitke svim dobitnicama i dobitnicima.

Za današnji dan: Engin u ulozi Tekina Buluta: Gledati njegovo lice:

Svima želim: Kolay gelsin.
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Old 26.04.2021., 22:13   #7005
Engin među kokicama i puranima!

Evo nove slike na njegovom Instagramu:

Mora da je popratni tekst: "I ovdje je lijepo."

Možda je fotografija ovdje bistrija ... a Mahta se raspisala o ljepotama!

Idem gledati Engina na Novoj.

Želim svima mirnu noć.
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Old 27.04.2021., 13:56   #7006
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! ))))))))))))))))))

Evo "dopune" slike od jučer.
Kiz kardešim mi je poslala originalnu sličicu i tekst na turskom uz Enginovu objavu:

kedi18 kaže: Pogledaj post
Danas je Engin postavio ovu sliku na svoj Instagram:

Mora da je popratni tekst: "I ovdje je lijepo."

Zanimao me je original. Evo ga: Buralar da güzelmiş (+ emoji za miganje)

Znači, dobar prijevod na hrvatski.


Jučer se pojavila i ova Enginova fotografija sa seta:

Gledati mu izraz na licu... vragolan jedan... nešto su mu rekli, možda je on nešto odgovorio... ili se suzdržao...

Uf, već su dva sata.

Raditi se mora, a danas je utorak, novi dan za novu epizodu "Sefirin KIZI".

Prije rada, dvije fotografije Sancara Efea

Kolay gelsin.

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Old 28.04.2021., 14:49   #7007
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! ))))))))))))))))

Ovo mora da je nova Enginova, ne da mi se napravit taj IG-račun...

Engin i mali obožavatelj :cherr:

Tko je opasniji "kartal"? Moje oči vide na dječakovoj majici orla...

Želim vam dobar nastavak dana...

Kolay gelsin.
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Old 28.04.2021., 21:38   #7008
Nova radost za fanove!

Obožavateljici iz Enginove španjoljske fan-grupe Kerimeras ostvario se san!

Na setu s Enginom, 28.4. 2021.

"Ono što se obeća, mora se održati."
Obećali smo da će # EnginAkyürek primiti priče 10 finalista i danas smo to obećanje održali!

#Kerimeras - ovo je ostvarenje sna!
Hvala Flor, što si ovo omogućila.

Engin od glave do pete

A sad pogledi prema knjizi i fanici (jasno je podrijetlo fanovskog nicka!):

I kolaž:

Kad se fanica makne sa slika...
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Old 28.04.2021., 23:52   #7009
39 yaşında bir bebek / 39. godišnje dijete

Hajde, hajde, samo nam se smij i dokazuj da si u pravu!

Aaaa, ovo je Engin s malim dječakom na setu... Ne znam je li ovu sliku postavio kao Insta-story, ali shvatila sam da jest.

Želim svima laku, mirnu noć.
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Old 29.04.2021., 15:42   #7010
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! )))))))))))))))))

Učestali su posjeti fanova na set "Ambasadrove kćeri"...
Svatko u posjeti svojem ljubimcu, ljubimici...

Objavljeno danas: Engin na setu s obožavateljicom:

A gdje je "Stay safe", Engine? A maskica na licu?
Uvijek ima izuzetaka (npr. Enginist Mahta).
Jer, vidimo ti cijelo lijepo, nasmiješeno lice.

Kao i ovdje, u SK-seriji:

Kolay gelsin.
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Old 29.04.2021., 23:53   #7011
Evo vijesti, nadam se da sam sve dobro shvatila:

Iz ovog tvita dade se iščitati da ćemo ovih dana dobiti intervju s Enginom. S fotografijama snimljenim u gradu Bitezu (provincija Mugla). Druga osoba koju bi Ayşe Arman (turska novinarka i kolumnistica, 51 godina) intervjuirala tom prilikom je nogometaš Yusuf Yazıcı.

Prvi dio teksta: Čitati intervju(e) ovih dana dok smo zatvoreni (u lockdownu). Intervjuirala sam dva važna čovjeka... za slučaj da su vam dragi.

Za laku noć...

Iz 50. epizode SK: Sancar Efe u zatvoru. Misli na svoju malu obitelj, jesu li na sigurnom, posebno na kćer Melek...

Neka vam snovi budu lijepi...spavajmo mirno i bezbrižno...
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Old 30.04.2021., 10:19   #7012
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! )))))))))))))))

Petak, 30.4.

Započnimo dan s ovim klipom:

Pleše Engin, pleše njegov lik Kadir

Neka na svjetlo dana iziđu i ove rijetko viđene Enginove fotografije:

Kratki kauč za duge noge...

Sad bi trebalo zapamtiti ovaj izraz:

Hadi nadir #EnginAkyürek fotograflarını gün ışığına çıkaralım.

Ili: Hadi nadir Engin Akyürek'in fotograflarını gün ışığına çıkaralım.
(Iznesimo rijetke fotografije Engina Akyüreka na svjetlo dana.)

Želim svima: Kolay gelsin.
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Old 30.04.2021., 13:19   #7013
Vidjela sam jučer ovu sliku iz BKEM, ali bila sam u drugim poslovima pa nisam obraćala pažnju.

Sad vidim zašto se donja sličica tako često pojavljivala na društvenim mrežama.

Engin se svakog četvrtka (#tbt) na svojem Instagramu podsjeti na neki događaj iz prošlosti.

Jučer, 29.4., to je bila scena za vrijeme snimanja filma "Bi Küçük Eylül Meselesi" ("Mala rujanska avantura") u kojem je glavnu žensku ulogu imala Farah Zeynep Abdullah:

O filmu, s Wikipedije, eng.

Što je #tbt (#TBT)?

TBT Meaning, and How to Use “Throwback Thursday” on Social Media.

#ThrowbackThursday—often shorted to #TBT—is a social media trend where users post old images accompanied by (you guessed it) the hashtag TBT.
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Old 01.05.2021., 11:28   #7014
Subota, 1. svibnja 2021.

Želim svima sretan 1. maj, međunarodni praznik rada!

Jesmo li postigli 3x8?

Slike uz 1. maj/1. svibanj... po izboru

Zamislit ćemo da nam i svi direturi i šefovi Otela Uvojak, na čelu s Enginom, čestitaju današnji praznik:


işçi ve emekçi bayramı = labor day (Tureng)
işçi = radnik; (Tureng)

emekçi = (Tureng)

Odmori nam se i ti, danas, Sancar Efe!

Ali, kedi mora raditi.
Ben çalışmalıyım.
Nema odmora dok traje obnova!
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Old 01.05.2021., 12:52   #7015
Jako se dobro vidi kako "radim".

Instagram mi je trenutno dostupan ("otvoren") pa sam na Enginovom računu izrezala dio s objavom za ovaj četvrtak - da vidim što je napisano:

Piše: enginakyurek #tbt

Broj pratitelja: 352.865

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Old 01.05.2021., 18:11   #7016
Osvrt Barisee Bazili na 50. epizodu "Ambasadorove kćeri": ovdje (bugarski izvornik, engleski prijevod), objavljen pod naslovom DON’T SHOW ME TRAILERS, FOR GOD’S SAKE! ("Tako vam svega, ne pokazujte mi najave!") na FB Engin Akyürek - an extraordinary actor and ordinary man danas, 1. svibnja 2021.

Barisea Bazili: DON’T SHOW ME TRAILERS, FOR GOD’S SAKE!, 1. dio

SK, episode 50

A very lazy episode. I mean, one third of it was a repetition of previous episodes, one third was sad songs, and only one third was something new.

The plot.

F-- for the director of the trailer! If they hadn’t given us a hint that Sancar and Mavi play together, we could have been tensed at least for a half of episode, and would have wondered what was going on. But now intrigue was completely gone, and I was bored during the most of the time.
They surpassed themselves in using flash-backs! Enough was enough! In addition, there were so many absurdities in this episode, that it seriously threatened the cow-skin-episode to deprive it of its gold medal. Do I need to list?

First, Sancar told Mavi that he would take her and Melek to a “safe” house, and it was at the beach, with a bunch of fancy hotels hanging over it on the hill nearby. Very hidden place, no doubt! And who did the shopping for the girls for five months, who did Mavi’s manicure, did they have Internet at home, did Melek go to school?

Second, they jumped five months ahead in time, and if count it, that means, the end of September. In September in Bodrum is pretty hot, and I doubt, you can see people in jackets or coats in the streets, they would look funny. And not even mention that at the end of September there is not even a single green blade of grass there. I have seen it with my own eyes. Generally speaking, the time-jump of five months was a mystery to me. They wanted the belly of Mavi to grow bigger, perhaps? But a month in jail was more than enough for efe, and they could have made the time-jump in the last episode, with nine months all at once. Neyse.

Third, why Sancar needed to run from sefir bey’s men, after he went out of jail? He just visited the blue house after that, to watch all the flash-backs. If they had seen him there, so what? He did it for to be sure that he had not lost the habit, or?

Fourth, who was the author of the genius idea to create marriage problems for Zehra and Kavruk? Couldn’t they fill up the time with a shower of efe, for example? By tradition, all Engin’s characters take a shower after getting out of jail, and make the female audience happy. Why they didn’t observe the tradition? Sancar was in jail for the third time in this series, and he didn’t take a shower even once. Shame on him! Instead of that, they preferred to show us the philistine mind of Zehra who five months after she’s got married, suddenly realized that she’s got married the farm-hand whom her mother disapproved as a son-in-law from the very beginning. Bull*hit! Zehra is a bit insane character, overall, but I will say something about her later.

Fifth, the time schedule after the shooting was a full mess. We saw Sancar and Mavi running from the crime scene, and then Sancar stopping, and saying that he wouldn’t run away this time. Where were Zehra and Kavruk? They didn’t see Sancar and Mavi running? Then we saw Sancar handing Melek to Mavi; when did happen this? How many days after? And where was wounded Sedat during this period? And who called the ambulance? What time passed while Sancar “arranged” a safe house for the girls, where were hidden all people, what did Kavruk and Zehra, and so on?

Sixth, how come Sedat was hunted by the police, and he had no problem to drive his white BMW, and to enjoy his sandwich near the busy highway?
There is and seventh, and eighth but I have no intention to write the whole night.

The characters.

Dudu! I feel dizzy of all pirouettes of this character. At first she was a minx who flirted with her boss, hunting for a good position at work. Then she became a greedy gold-digger who had the ambition to be the mistress of the mansion. Then she was a bored fancy lady who entertained herself with her ex. Then she was a despaired pregnant woman who tried to provide her child the best future. Then she was love-lorn with the man who expelled her. Then she was a spurned wronged girl whom nobody gave a job. Then she was a minx flirting with her boss, again. Then she became loyal to her ex’s family… If she would become a nun at the end, I wouldn’t be surprised. No, I don’t mind the characters to develop and change, not at all, but I love logic, and I love to be explained why it happens, damn it!

Halise really troubles me, she must have some mental problems. Oedipus complex? Is this woman in love with her son? Why she repeated so many times that Sancar was her “only” boy? How come “only”? Yahya could have a hunched nose and a small brain, but she was who had delivered him into this world, and he is her boy, too. And she has a girl, too. Moreover, Halise became too kind, suspiciously kind. She even calls Kavruk, “my boy”. Hmm…

I have already said that Zehra is an insane character. At first she was a young lady in her mid-twenties who was absolutely ignorant about heart affairs. Then it turned out that she was an experienced financier who ran a million dollar business. It was hard for me to combine these two features within a single person but I said, it was for the needs of the plot, and I accepted it. And now they implied that she was narrow-minded, on the top of all! She suddenly realized that she now has a family name of a man who was a driver and a factotum of her brother! And now Kavruk has a new styling, no moustache, and no hand-knitted cardigans of his grandfather anymore. He looks like a pretty nice businessman. What she wants from the poor boy, I wonder. A stupid sheep!

Elvan and Yahya made a strange precedent. It is clear now that the story with Buğra was needed for Elvan to mature. He was her independence pill and now she is able to start a relationship with a man on a completely different basis – not to take shelter next to him, not to be taken care of, and she to accept him without loving him, but because she loves him, and she wants it. Yahya is almost unrecognizable – almost intelligent. He even makes causal connections, can you imagine that? He remembered how he treated Elvan, and he made the conclusion that people most often harm the ones they love most. Wow! They will gather Elvan and Yahya again at the end, I suppose, and make them take care of baby Gediz but far away from Halise the Dragon this time, and in a completely different relationship. Ok, why not? This is a moral, too.

Sancar drove me crazy with two things in this episode – first, the way all snuggled up to him one after another. They started in the court (his brother and Kavruk), and then all mansion inhabitants, even Gülsiye, and Mavi and Melek at the end. I want, too! So much hugs, one starts being jealous!

Besides, Sancar turned out to be a greater actor even than Engin! Maşallah! He has been The Iron Man in jail for five months, and nobody doubted him. Then he managed to fool all mansion inhabitants, then sefir bey, then Kavruk. All were pitying him how “the light had disappeared” from his eyes. Sancar bey, are you sure, you are not an actor? I thought, you were a farmer’s son, and an olive oil maker.

And second – I am going mad for real. About ten episodes ago I was dreaming of a time distortion, for I could be his daughter, and he would read fairy-tales for me. Now I dream of a time distortion again but now I want to be his mother, and he looks at me how he looked at Halise. Thank God, this series will be over soon, I’m telling you! Sancar is a threat for my common sense. My reputation of a sceptic will be ruined.

Guven: "Sancare, pravi si šakal u svojem poslu."

Slijedi drugi dio...
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Old 01.05.2021., 18:47   #7017
Drugi dio osvrta Barisee Bazili na 50. epizodu "Ambasadorove kćeri" pod naslovom DON’T SHOW ME TRAILERS, FOR GOD’S SAKE! ("Tako vam svega, ne pokazujte mi najave!") na FB Engin Akyürek - an extraordinary actor and ordinary man:

Barisea Bazili: DON’T SHOW ME TRAILERS, FOR GOD’S SAKE!, 2. dio

SK, episode 50

The actors.

Ilayda (Dudu). I have already expressed my admiration for her before, and now I confirm it. This girl deserves a leading role! I wish her luck in finding a good script and a normal television that will not cut off her series after the tenth episode. She acts! She acts her head off. She has very expressive look, face and gestures, a very good body language, and she is a pretty in addition (at least, some of us think so). Her dialogue with Sancar in the car was a real pleasure to me. She partnered Engin so good, they radiated such a common emotion, as if they were an old, well trained couple. Unintentionally I compared this scene to Engin’s scenes with Cemre (Zehra) a few episodes ago. Well, no need of words, as they say. I can’t say who is more beautiful but I doubt someone would argue about who is more talented.

Doğukan (Yahya) made me laugh when he tried to imitate Sancar. He did it as if for serious, and it was funny in the same time. He first rolled his sleeves up, and then he walked as if his arms would unhang any second.

If Tuba had taken a full fee for this episode, it is not fair. She was a very sweet pregnant girl, indeed, but while the others worked as slaves to act and shoot, she definitely was on a vacation.

Engin liquefied me, and I even overflew on the floor. Two scenes – first, sefir bey’s visit in jail. Within a two-minute scene Engin changed six emotions on his face – first anger (when Sancar saw Güven, and called the guardian), then spite (when Sancar saw the custody paper), then bile (when Sancar asked Güven why he was selling his own man), then relief (when he played virtuoso that he didn’t know where was Melek), then irony, and then anger again when he kicked the chair at the end.

The second, and most liquefying scene for me was his dialogue with Halise at the attic. Oh, those crying eyes full of longing and pain… Allah, Allah… The final scene with Mavi and Melek was also sweet, of course, but it was an easy one for Engin. And I saw it.

I have no idea if he is happy that the series is near its end, or not (they are filming the last episode, I suppose); if he feels sorry for taking part in such an insane project or on the contrary, he was happy with the challenge; if he is upset because of the idiotic ratings or he even doesn’t notice them. But I can see with my own eyes that he feels good. He looks happy.

If you allow me, I will paraphrase Dudu at the end, “if someone in this deviant series deserves acknowledgement, this is Engin”. Yes, little Beren, who carried the burden along with the big people, too, of course; and Neslihan who couldn’t endure to the end, too; and Tuba who jeopardized her reputation for a compromised project, too; and Serdar bey who filmed in such a beautiful way, too… yes, everybody, with only one exception – the first two insane stupid writers (I don’t apologize!). But above all of them is Engin. If the producers must kiss someone’s hand that they would fill up their pockets with money from selling abroad, this is Engin’s hand. If he had refused to go on after Neslihan’s leaving, the international distributors would have been very reluctant to buy a series with a stupid unhappy ending. So, Engin deserves every Turkish lira he takes, and every “bravo” he hears. If someone someday would remember anything from “The Daughter of the Ambassador”, that would be his Sancar. Everything else would be just a background.
Barisea Bazili

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Old 01.05.2021., 19:34   #7018
Moram i u Otel Uvojak postaviti ove lijepe slike iz 50. epizode:

Sancar Efe uz Mavi...

Sancar Efe oprašta se od kćeri Melek...


Pjesma za 1. maj na FB Kafasına Göre

Günlerin bugün getirdiği baskı zulüm ve kandır...
Beste ve Söz: Sarper Özsan
#1mayıs #1mayısişçibayramı #işçi #emekçi #kafasinagoredergi
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Old 01.05.2021., 21:48   #7019
Obavljene su nagrade US-američkog kanala D Drama (španjolski jezik):

Ove nagrade važne su nam jer je:

1. Engin Akyürek pobijedio u kategoriji "Najbolji glumac - dramska serija": Mustafa Bulut u seriji "Bir Bulut Olsam" ("Da sam oblak")

2. Beren Saat i Engin Akyürek u kategoriji "Najbolji par na ekranu" za uloge u "Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?" ("Izgubljena čast")

3. U kategoriji "Najbolja glazba/soundtrack u TV seriji": "Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?" ("Izgubljena čast")

Čestitke od srca i Enginu i Beren i Toygaru Işıklıju i ekipama TV serija BBO i FSN!
Prave vrijednosti su od zlata... traju...

Nagrada Enginu za Mustafu Buluta - kao da sam i ja dobila neku vrijednu nagradu... mislim da se ne bih toliko radovala kao ovoj Enginovoj!

Vijest i na turskom jeziku

EA-fan grupa Kerimeras objavljuje vijest na španjolskom

FSN na teve 2 svakim danom u 16 sati

Želim svima laku noć... ako ona bude i oko ponoći, oko jedan sat ili i kasnije...
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Old 02.05.2021., 10:34   #7020
Dobar vam dan, sevgilice! )))))))))))))))9

Sretan Uskrs svima koji ga slave danas!

"Hristos vaskrse"!
"Vaistinu vaskrse!"

Svima želim mir u duši i dobro zdravlje!
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